* Thomas Wasow

Professor of Linguistics, emeritus
Clarence Irving Lewis Professor of Philosophy, emeritus
Bass University Fellow in Undergraduate Education, Stanford University
Fellow, Linguistic Society of America and American Association for the Advancement of Science

* Tom Wasow
Department of Linguistics
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-2150

* E-mail: wasow@stanford.edu

* (650) 387-0761


Language processing, syntactic theory, linguistic methodology

Some recent publications:

Wasow, Thomas "Factors Influencing Word Order". In Asadpour, H., and T. Jügel, (eds). Word Order Variation: Semitic, Turkic and Indo-European Languages in ContactG. Vol. 31. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG 2022.

Wasow, Thomas "Processing". In Müller, S., A. Abeillé, R. Borsley, and J-P Koenig (eds) HPSG: The Handbook, Language Science Press. 2021.

Flickinger, Daniel, Carl Pollard, and Thomas Wasow "The Evolution of HPSG". In Müller, S., A. Abielle, R. Borsley, and J-P Koenig (eds) HPSG: The Handbook, Language Science Press. 2021.

Melnick, Robin and Thomas Wasow "Priming and Inhibition of Optional Infinitival to". Proceedings of the Ninth Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics. 2019.

Sag, Ivan A., Rui P. Chaves, Anne Abeillé, Bruno Estigarribia, Dan Flickinger, Paul Kay, Laura Michaelis, Stefan Müller, Geoffrey K. Pullum, Frank Van Eynde, and Thomas Wasow. "Lessons from the (English) Auxiliary System" Journal of Linguistics 2018. 1-69.

Melnick, Robin and Thomas Wasow "Topic-restricting as far as Revisted". In I. Buchstaller and R. Blake (eds) The Routledge Companion to John Rickford, Routledge. In press.

Wasow, Thomas, Roger Levy, Robin Melnick, Hanzhi Zhu, and Tom Juzek "Processing, Prosody, and Optional to". In Lyn Frazier and Edward Gibson (eds) Explicit and Implicit Prosody in Sentence Processing, 133-158. Springer. 2015.

Collins, James, Daria Popova, Ivan A. Sag, and Thomas Wasow "Sluicing and the Inquisitive Potential of Appositives". In Marlies Kluck, Dennis Ott & Mark de Vries (eds) Parenthesis and Ellipsis: Cross-Linguistic and Theoretical Perspectives, 47-74. Walter de Gruyter. 2015.

Wasow, Thomas "Ambiguity Avoidance is Overrated". In Susanne Winkler (ed) Ambiguity: Language and Communication, 29-47. DeGruyter. 2015.

Sag, Ivan A. and Thomas Wasow "Flexible Processing and the Design of Grammar", Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. 44: 47-63. 2015.

Wasow, Thomas"Review of Word Order by Jae Jung Song" Language 89.3: 661-664. 2013.

Flickinger, Dan and Thomas Wasow "A Corpus-driven Analysis of the Do-Be Construction ". In Philip Hofmeister and Elisabeth Norcliffe (eds) The Core and the Periphery: Data-Driven Perspectives on Syntax Inspired by Ivan A. Sag, 35-63. CSLI Publications. 2013.

Wasow, Thomas "The Appeal of the PDC Program" Frontiers in Language Sciences. 2013.

Sag, Ivan A. and Thomas Wasow "Performance-Compatible Competence Grammar". In Robert D. Borsley and Kersti Börjars (eds) Non-Transformational Syntax: Formal and Explicit Models of Grammar, 359-377. Wiley-Blackwell. 2011.

Wasow, Thomas, T. Florian Jaeger, and David Orr "Lexical Variation in Relativizer Frequency". In H. Simon and H. Wiese (eds) Expecting the Unexpected: Exceptions in Grammar. De Gruyter. 175-195. 2011.

Buchstaller, Isabelle, John R. Rickford, Elizabeth Traugott, Thomas Wasow, Arnold Zwicky "The Sociolinguistics of a short-lived Innovation: Tracing the development of quotative all across spoken and internet newsgroup data". Language Variation and Change 22.2: 191-219. 2010.

Wasow, Thomas "Gradient Data and Gradient Grammars". Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistics Society, 255-271. 2009.

Jaeger, T. Florian and Thomas Wasow "Processing as a Source of Accessibility Effects on Variation". Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. 169-180. 2008.

Rickford, John R., Isabelle Buchstaller, ThomasWasow, and Arnold Zwicky "Intensive and Quotative ALL: Something Old, Something New". American Speech 82.1: 3-31. 2007

Wasow, Thomas "Review of Fillmore, Form and Meaning in Language, volume I: Papers on semantic roles". Language 82.1: 169-171. 2006

Wasow, Thomas and Jennifer Arnold "Intuitions in Linguistic Argumentation". Lingua 115.11: 1481-1496. 2005

Wasow, Thomas, Amy Perfors, and David Beaver "The Puzzle of Ambiguity". In O. Orgun and P. Sells (eds) Morphology and The Web of Grammar: Essays in Memory of Steven G. Lapointe. CSLI Publications. 2005.

Lohse, Barbara , John Hawkins, and Thomas Wasow "Domain Minimization in English Verb-Particle Constructions". Language 80.2: 238-261. 2004

Arnold, Jennifer, Thomas Wasow, Ash Asudeh, and Peter Alrenga "Avoiding Attachment Ambiguities: the role of Constituent Ordering". Journal of Memory and Language 51.1: 55-70. 2004.

Sag, Ivan A. Thomas Wasow, and Emily Bender Syntactic Theory: A Formal Introduction (Second Edition). Stanford: CSLI Publications. 2003.

Wasow, Thomas and Jennifer Arnold "Post-verbal Constituent Ordering in English". In G. Rohdenburg and B. Mondorf (eds) Determinants of Grammatical Variation in English, 119-154. Mouton. 2003.

Wasow, Thomas Postverbal Behavior. CSLI Publications. 2002.

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