Due Date:

The checkpoint problems of this pset are due Monday, July 1st at 3:00pm.

This pset is due Friday, July 5th at 3:00pm.

This is a pair assignment. See this document for information on problem set policies, including important restrictions on partner work.

Assignment Parts:

You will need the following files to complete this assignment:
  1. Pset1 (PDF)
  2. LaTeX Template File (tex)
    • Note: the above files include both the checkpoint problems and the rest of the pset.
    • For guidance on how to get started with LaTeX, see our LaTeX Guide.
  3. QT Creator Starter Code (zip)


  1. Pset1 Checkpoint Solutions (requires log in)
  2. Pset1 Solutions (requires log in)

Turning In:

When you are finished, submit your assignment using Gradescope. General rules: