Practice Diagnostic Solutions

For most problems there are several correct answers. Important: We stronly encourage you to attempt all of the problems before looking at the solutions. It is much easier to recognize a correct answer than to come up with one.

1. Debugging & Tracing (8 points)

Part A:

The divide_and_round function correctly divides n by 2 and rounds up to the nearest whole number, but does not return or print n. Therefore, the value of n in main’s print statement is still 42, and so 42 gets printed.

Part B:

Part B: Here is the fixed program
def divide_and_round(n):
   Divides an integer n by 2 and rounds
   up to the nearest whole number
   if n % 2 == 0:
       n = n / 2
       n = (n + 1) / 2
   return n
def main():
   n = 42
   n = divide_and_round(n)

2. Short Programs (12 points)

Odd numbers

There are several ways of solving this problem. Here are a few

def main():
 # this approach loops 100 times
 for i in range(100):
   print(2 * i + 1)   # each time i goes up by 1, this term goes up by 2
def main():
 # this approach loops 200 times and looks for odd numbers
 for i in range(200):
   if i % 2 == 1:     # is i odd? If you divide by 2 is 1 left over? 
     print(i)         # if i is odd, print it!
def main():
 # this approach uses a while loop
 value = 1           # this number keeps track of the current oddnum
 while value < 200:  # keep going while its less than 200
   print(value)      # dont forget to actually print it
   value += 2        # change the value to increase by 2

Can I Ride Rollercoaster

Write your answer for odd numbers below here:
def main():
 height = float(input("Enter height in meters: "))
 if height < 1 or height > 2:
   print("You can't ride the roller coaster")
   print("You can ride the roller coaster ")

3. Karel Problem (14 points)

Errata: in Karel problems we generally allow and, or and not. We should have stated this clearly in the practice midterm! We updated the wording on Oct 4th.
def main():
  while left_is_clear():

def farm_row():
  Pick up all the beepers in one row 
  Pre: Karel is facing East at the start of a row
  Post: Karel is facing East at the end of a farmed row
  while beepers_present():

def change_row():
  """ Reposition for the next row """

def move_to_next_beeper_on_row():
  Pre: Karel is facing east on first column
  Post: Karel is either on the next beeper, or
     at the end of the row
  while no_beepers_present() and front_is_clear():

def farm_beeper():
  Pre: Karel is standing on a beeper to be harvested
  Post: Karel and the beeper are at the start of the row.
     Karel is facing East

# Some common utility functions

def safe_move():
  if front_is_clear():

def move_to_wall():
  while front_is_clear():

def turn_around():

4. Python Problem (14 points)

def main():
  curr_num = get_num_from_user()
  while curr_num != 0:
    if is_perfect(curr_num):
      print(str(curr_num) + " is perfect!")
      print(str(curr_num) + " is not perfect!")
    curr_num = get_num_from_user()

def get_num_from_user():
  return int(input("Your number: "))

def is_perfect(n):
  # this range gives the values 1, 2, ... , n-1
  sum_factors = 0
  for i in range(1, n):
    # i is a factor if it it leaves no remainder
    if n % i == 0:
      sum_factors += i
  return sum_factors == n

5. Lists Problem (12 points)

def make_ascending(old_list):
  new_list = []
  for next_value in old_list:
    if is_ascending(new_list, next_value):
  return new_list

def is_ascending(new_list, next_value):
  """ Returns true if next_value should be added to the new_list """
  if len(new_list) == 0: 
    return True
  return next_value >= new_list[-1]