CS106L is designed to be a relaxed course that's mainly for your learning! We've packed our lectures with content, and provide short assignments that expose you to a myriad of technologies and allow you to test your own understanding of standard C++. Please reach out to us if you have any questions about these policies. You can reach us at the course staff email (see the main page) or through a private EdStem post.
Attending lecture is part of your attendance grade. We will give out quick attendance forms at the beginning of each lecture in which you will enter the secret word of the day. It is against the Stanford Honor Code to share the attendance code with students who missed a lecture. We don't take attendance in week 1 to accomodate late adds and the shopping period. You are allowed to miss 2 of the 13 required lectures without penalty. If you are not able to attend lecture for some reason (e.g. illness, religious holiday, academic or University conflict, family emergency etc), email us to let us know. Lectures are not recorded but the slides are posted on the class website and we are happy to chat over the missed material in office hours.
Once the quarter has begun, you'll be able to view your attendance (as well as assignment) grades here!
There are 8 assignments, assigned weekly starting week 1. To pass the class, you must successfully complete 6 out of 8 assignments. Criteria for "successfully completing" each assignment will be included in the assignment specs. Above all, you'll get out of these assignments what you put in!
You start the quarter off with 3 late days that you can use on any assignment. Additionally, please feel free to reach out to us if you need an extension (for any reason at all). The last day we can accept any assignment is March 16, 2025 at 11:59pm.
CS106L follows the Stanford Honor Code, which we interpret similarly to CS106B: