Midterm Practice Materials

Written by Nick Troccoli, based on documents by Julie Zelenski, Marty Stepp and others

Note: these materials are for optional additional studying, review or self-assessment. There is no midterm exam being administered this quarter.

Past Midterm Logistics Information

The following is abridged information that was provided in past quarters as guidelines for the midterm exam.


The exams are designed to assess your mastery of the course learning objectives, with a particular emphasis on material that was prominent in the lectures, assignments and labs.

The exam is closed-book. You may bring a double-sided US-Letter-sized (8.5"x11") page of your own prepared notes. The exam will include a reference sheet of essential details such as prototypes for standard library functions (e.g., strcpy, strlen, malloc).

You will take your exam electronically, using our custom BlueBook exam software, which you can run on your computer if you have one. If you do not have access to a laptop for the exam that can run BlueBook, please contact the course staff. You cannot access notes, run other applications, use the Internet, nor use any other electronic devices during the exam.

Material Covered

The midterm is intended to assess your understanding of the content covered in the first half of the course. The coverage is through lab4 and assign4 but not beyond (i.e., midterm will cover neither floating point nor assembly). The priority is on material that figured prominently in the assignments, labs, lecture, and reading (this list is in order of decreasing emphasis).

We highly recommend revisiting the labs and assignments. Each of them contain post-task self-check questions at the end that you can use to review. The K&R and B&O textbooks also contain many exercises if you want additional problems to work.



Exam Reference Sheet:

Webpage | PDF

Practice Materials:

Practice Midterm 1: PDF | Solutions
This was the midterm from CS107 Winter 2018. It was written as a 120 minute BlueBook (digital) exam.

Practice Midterm 2: PDF | Solutions
This was the midterm from CS107 Fall 2018. It was written as a 110 minute paper exam.

Practice Midterm 3: PDF | Solutions
This was the midterm from CS107 Fall 2017. It was written as an 80 minute paper exam.

Extra Midterm Practice Problems: PDF | Solutions
This is a compilation of additional practice problems from CS107 Fall 2017 for the various topics covered on the midterm exam.