Oh my god! What is this new website?!?! Take me back to the Old website!

Staff Info and Office Hours

Please email all homework questions to cs108staff@gmail.com

Extra office hours will be held around the due date of each assignment :)

Osvaldo oj@cs.stanford.edu T/Th 2:30-4:30+ Gates 195
Abel aallison@stanford.edu Mon 1-3pm Meyer, 2nd Floor
Big noraseth@stanford.edu Wed 4-6pm Meyer, 2nd Floor
Tony tonyw85@stanford.edu Wed 1-3pm Meyer, 2nd Floor

Handouts Email
Email CS108
Staff Contact Info

Useful Links
Java5 JavaDoc
Compiling on Leland
Eclipse on Leland
Eclipse Tutorial
Eclipse Keyboard Shortcuts

Submission Instructions Assignment 1 FAQ
Assignment 2 FAQ
Assignment 3 FAQ
Assignment 4 FAQ
Assignment 5 FAQ
BunnyWorld FAQ