HW1 Code Camp

Q: For the blowUp method, could you clarify what the problem means when it says "a digit not followed by a chararacter is replaced by nothing?"
A: The digit is replaced by the empty string, e.g. if you pass in "8" to blowUp(), you should get an empty string in return. Another example: "aaa8" should yield "aaa".

Q: Eclipse does not accept the parts of the source that use Java 5 features?
A: You need to set Eclipse to be in "Java 5" mode. Select your project on the left, and then select the Project/Properties window. In there, click on Java Compiler to select Java 5 compiling. In that same window, the "Configure Installed JRE" link brings up a screen to select which JRE to use.

Q: Why am I getting an UnsupportedOperationException when I call it.remove()?
A: You're probably calling remove() on a collection made with Arrays.asList(). These collections cannot be changed, as they are just shallow objects over the array itself, which cannot change size.

Q: Why am I getting a java.net.ConnectException from Eclipse when I try to run?
A: This is a quirk with Eclipse trying to use a port on your machine that is in use. Just quit Eclipse and restart and it should choose a different port.

Q: Should the countPlus method count pluses made out of spaces?
A: Yes, any char counts.

Q: How do I turn in the homework?
A: Submission Instructions here