CS109: Probability for Computer Scientists
Summer 2024
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 3:00pm - 4:15pm in-person in NVIDIA Auditorium

Week 8 To-Dos

Finish PSet 5
Study for Final
Go To Section #7

Teaching Team

Kelly Cochran
Joel Ramirez

Awesome TAs:
Isabel Michel

cs109 @ cs.stanford.edu

Last Week of Class!
2024081215 by the Teaching Team

It's the last week of CS109! Our final exam is this Saturday, from 3:30 to 6:30 pm, in 300-300. See the Final Exam page for more details and practice exams.

This week, we still have section, and PSet 5 and the extra credit challenge are due Wednesday. It's the final stretch -- you got this!

PSet 5 Released
2024080223 by the Teaching Team

PSet 5 is out! Practice using the Central Limit Theorem, bootstrapping, expectation & algorithmic analysis, and MLE.

Note that during the academic year, CS109 has 6 problem sets, and our PSet 5 is a merge of the last two. This means that we won't cover all of the content needed to complete problems 6 through 8 and 11 until Wednesday, August 7. But you can already do a majority of the PSet now, so don't let that stop you from getting started!

The CS109 Extra Credit Challenge
2024072917 by the Teaching Team

One of the joys of combining probability with programming is the joy to making something that's cool totally of your own creation. In the CS109 Challenge, you can attempt to solve any problem, or create anything you like, using the concepts and tools we learn in class. See the Challenge page for more details.

PSet 4 is Out
2024072514 by the Teaching Team

PSet 4 is now out! The first portion of the problem set features problems that are designed to help you review some of the latest concepts that were tested on the midterm, and the second part of the problem set is all about probabilistic models. Design your own WebMD-like algorithm, predict outcomes of chess games, and more. Since the pset was released a day late, we've also moved the deadline a day later.

Pset 3: Random Variables - Due Sunday
2024071812 by the Teaching Team

Problem Set #3 is due this Sunday, July 21st, at 2 pm Pacific. In PSet 3, you'll practice solving a range of problems using random variables, and even get to make algorithmic art! Note that the extension window for PSet 3 is shorter than for other psets, so that solutions can be released before the midterm.

Pset 2: Core Probability - Due Friday
2024070612 by the Teaching Team

Problem Set #2 is due at the end of this week: Friday, July 12th, at 2 pm Pacific. Strengthen your skills by practicing solving problems using the core probability toolkit.

Sections start this week!
2024070123 by the Teaching Team

Today is the first day of sections! If you signed up for section, you should have received an email with your section time and location from the TA who will be leading section.

You can find section materials in the "Section" tab. Here is the link for Section 1. We will post solutions at the end of the week. Section is an key component of your learning, a place where many former CS students say they really solidified their mastery of course concepts, and also just a good time. Enjoy!

Pset 1: Counting - Due This Friday
2024070123 by the Teaching Team

Problem Set #1 is due at the end of this week: Friday, July 5th, at 2 pm Pacific! Stop by office hours or reach out on Ed if you get stuck on any questions -- the TAs are here to help.

First Day of Class!
2024062400 by the Teaching Team

The very first lecture is at 3pm today, Monday June 24th, in NVIDIA auditorium (in the basement of Huang Engineering Center). See you there!

Welcome to CS109!
2024052500 by the Teaching Team

  • Check out the Syllabus page for details on course logistics.
  • The Honor Code page describes how the Honor Code applies in the context of CS109.
  • For a list of all topics that we will cover in CS109, plus links to lecture materials, see the Schedule.
  • The Office Hours page shows the calendar for all office hour times.
  • Section enrollment details will be released on the first day of class.


Course Reader
Office Hours
Lecture Videos

Key Dates

Midterm: Jul 23rd, 7 - 9 PM
Final Exam: Aug 17th, 3:30 - 6:30 PM
Last lecture: Aug 14th

Course Values

Everyone is welcome. Intellectual joy. Be kind. Be humane. Social connection. Learn by doing. Thrill of building. Adapt to new contexts.
CS109: Probability for Comp. Science
Fall 2022, MWF 3:00pm - 4:15pm, Nvidia Aud.

Week 8 To-Dos

Finish PSet 5
Study for Final
Go To Section #7

Teaching Team

Professor: Chris Piech


Key Dates

Midterm: Jul 23rd, 7 - 9 PM
Final Exam: Aug 17th, 3:30 - 6:30 PM
Last lecture: Aug 14th


Last Week of Class!
2024081215 by the Teaching Team

It's the last week of CS109! Our final exam is this Saturday, from 3:30 to 6:30 pm, in 300-300. See the Final Exam page for more details and practice exams.

This week, we still have section, and PSet 5 and the extra credit challenge are due Wednesday. It's the final stretch -- you got this!

PSet 5 Released
2024080223 by the Teaching Team

PSet 5 is out! Practice using the Central Limit Theorem, bootstrapping, expectation & algorithmic analysis, and MLE.

Note that during the academic year, CS109 has 6 problem sets, and our PSet 5 is a merge of the last two. This means that we won't cover all of the content needed to complete problems 6 through 8 and 11 until Wednesday, August 7. But you can already do a majority of the PSet now, so don't let that stop you from getting started!

The CS109 Extra Credit Challenge
2024072917 by the Teaching Team

One of the joys of combining probability with programming is the joy to making something that's cool totally of your own creation. In the CS109 Challenge, you can attempt to solve any problem, or create anything you like, using the concepts and tools we learn in class. See the Challenge page for more details.

PSet 4 is Out
2024072514 by the Teaching Team

PSet 4 is now out! The first portion of the problem set features problems that are designed to help you review some of the latest concepts that were tested on the midterm, and the second part of the problem set is all about probabilistic models. Design your own WebMD-like algorithm, predict outcomes of chess games, and more. Since the pset was released a day late, we've also moved the deadline a day later.

Pset 3: Random Variables - Due Sunday
2024071812 by the Teaching Team

Problem Set #3 is due this Sunday, July 21st, at 2 pm Pacific. In PSet 3, you'll practice solving a range of problems using random variables, and even get to make algorithmic art! Note that the extension window for PSet 3 is shorter than for other psets, so that solutions can be released before the midterm.

Pset 2: Core Probability - Due Friday
2024070612 by the Teaching Team

Problem Set #2 is due at the end of this week: Friday, July 12th, at 2 pm Pacific. Strengthen your skills by practicing solving problems using the core probability toolkit.

Sections start this week!
2024070123 by the Teaching Team

Today is the first day of sections! If you signed up for section, you should have received an email with your section time and location from the TA who will be leading section.

You can find section materials in the "Section" tab. Here is the link for Section 1. We will post solutions at the end of the week. Section is an key component of your learning, a place where many former CS students say they really solidified their mastery of course concepts, and also just a good time. Enjoy!

Pset 1: Counting - Due This Friday
2024070123 by the Teaching Team

Problem Set #1 is due at the end of this week: Friday, July 5th, at 2 pm Pacific! Stop by office hours or reach out on Ed if you get stuck on any questions -- the TAs are here to help.

First Day of Class!
2024062400 by the Teaching Team

The very first lecture is at 3pm today, Monday June 24th, in NVIDIA auditorium (in the basement of Huang Engineering Center). See you there!

Welcome to CS109!
2024052500 by the Teaching Team

  • Check out the Syllabus page for details on course logistics.
  • The Honor Code page describes how the Honor Code applies in the context of CS109.
  • For a list of all topics that we will cover in CS109, plus links to lecture materials, see the Schedule.
  • The Office Hours page shows the calendar for all office hour times.
  • Section enrollment details will be released on the first day of class.

Course Values

Everyone is welcome. Intellectual joy. Be kind. Be humane. Social connection. Learn by doing. Thrill of building. Adapt to new contexts.