CS 161: Design and Analysis of Algorithms – Spring 2016

Tentative Syllabus

Textbook: Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein (CLRS)
Older editions should be fine as well, but readings below are listed from the 3rd Edition.
Alternate Text: Algorithm Design by Kleinberg and Tardos

Lecture Schedule:
Tue Thu Fri
(3/29) Introduction, Why are you here?
Read: Ch. 1
(3/31) MergeSort, Recurrences, Asymptotics
Read: Ch. 2.3, 3.1
(4/1) Homework 0 Released
(4/5) Integer Multiplication, Solving Recurrences
Read: Ch. 4.3-4.5
(4/7) Median and Selection
Read: Ch. 9
(4/8) Homework 0 Due
Homework 1 Released
(4/12) Quicksort, Probability and Randomized Algorithms
Read: Ch. 7, 5
(4/14) Sorting Lower Bounds, Counting Sort
Read: Ch. 8.1-2
(4/15) Homework 1 Due
Homework 2 Released
(4/19) Binary Search Trees
Read: Ch. 12
(4/21) Hashing
Read: Ch. 11
(4/22) Homework 2 Due
Homework 3 Released
(4/26) Open Addressing, Graphs, DFS
Read: Ch. 22
(4/28) DFS, Topological Sort
Read: Ch. 24, 6
(4/29) Homework 3 Due
Study for Midterm
(5/3) Midterm in class (5/5) BFS, Shortest Paths, Dijkstra's Algorithm
Read: Ch. 24.3
(5/6) Homework 4 Released
(5/10) Dijkstra's Runtime, Amortized Analysis for Binary Counter, Dynamic Programming: Bellman-Ford
Read: 24.1, 24.3
(5/12) Dynamic Programming: Floyd-Warshall, Longest Common Subsequence,
Read: Ch. 25.2, 15.4
(5/13) Homework 4 Due
Homework 5 Released
(5/17) Greedy Algorithms: Activity Selection
Min Spanning Tree (MST): Prim's and Kruskal's Algorithms
Read: Ch. 16, 23
(5/19) Finish MSTs, Minimum Cut: Karger's algorithm
Read: Kleinberg-Tardos Ch. 13.2: [pdf]
(5/20) Homework 5 Due
Homework 6 Released
(5/24) Maximum Flow
Read: Ch. 26.1-3
(5/26) More Maximum Flow, Graph Matchings
Read: Ch. 26.2-3
(5/27) Homework 6 Due
(5/31) The Wider World of Algorithms (6/1) Optional Review Session (tentative, and it will be on June 1st, not June 2nd.)
(6/4) Final Exam *SATURDAY* at 7pm