Lecture: May 03, 2016


IoT in the Age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Roman Shaposhnik, Pivotal


Roman Shaposhnik is a Director of Open Source Strategy @Pivotal. He is a member of Apache Software Foundation, committer on Apache Hadoop and Giraph, founder of Apache Bigtop and, as of late, a man behind Open Data Platform Initiative curtain. Roman has been involved in Open Source software for more than a decade and has hacked projects ranging from Linux kernel to the flagship multimedia library FFmpeg. He grew up in Sun microsystems where he had an opportunity to learn from the best software engineers in the industry. He has recently co-authored a book on Graph Analytics "Practical Graph Analytics with Apache Giraph" and is a frequent guest lecturer and presenter at big data and open source events. He holds a Master Degree in Mathematics from St.Petersburg State University.


In the year 2016 most of the industries find themselves standing on the brink of a technological revolution that is poised to fundamentally transform the way they do business. Perhaps nobody captured this trend better than Jeff Immelt (the CEO of General Electric) when he said ``If you went to bed last night as an industrial company, you're going to wake up in the morning as a software and analytics company''. With its focus on Agile software delivery, next generation PaaS platform and Big Data software offerings, Pivotal is uniquely positioned to help its clients accelerate their transition to a software-driven enterprise powered by data-driven applications. This talk will start with an overview of the modern IoT landscape and give a few examples of IoT related projects that Pivotal has done for its clients. It will then focus on software platforms and data models that Pivotal had to put in place to give customer ability of detecting and addressing hidden issues such as machine degradation, component wear, etc.

Lecture Notes

Pivotal presentation on IoT platform by Roman Shaposhnik, (pdf)