Problem Set 0

Due Friday, September 27 at 1:00 pm Pacific

Welcome to CS103! This assignment is designed to help you get your development environment set up so that you can compile, run, and debug C++ programs. There isn't any actual programming or involved. It’s mostly a way for us to ensure everyone has a working development environment before the first major problem set goes out on Friday and that everyone knows how to submit on GradeScope.

This assignment must be completed individually. Working in pairs is not permitted.

Step One: Sign Up for GradeScope and EdStem

All assignment submissions in this course will be done through GradeScope. Check out the syllabus for details about how to submit work online. Please register on GradeScope using your email address.

EdStem is our Q&A forum for the quarter. Visit to ask questions.

Step Two: Read About the Honor Code

You are required to read our document on the Stanford Honor Code before submitting assignments in this class. Take a minute to read over it before proceeding to the next steps.

Step Three: Download and Install Qt Creator

Your first task is to download and install Qt Creator, the development environment that we'll be using in CS103 this quarter. To do so, visit Stanford's Qt Creator installation guide and follow the instructions there. If you run into trouble installing Qt Creator, don't panic! There’s a large troubleshooting guide available through that link, and if that fails, feel free to ask for help on EdStem or in office hours.

The instructions for installing Qt Creator are the same here as they are for CS106B in Fall 2024. We are using a more up-to-date version of Qt Creator than the version we used last year. As a result, if you took CS106B in the past, you will need to uninstall Qt Creator from your system and then use the instructions above to install the newest version.

Step Four: Download the Starter Files

Now that you've got Qt Creator set up and ready to go, you can start compiling and running C++ programs! To help you get some practice importing and building projects, download the starter files for this assignment using the link below:

📦 PS0 Starter Files

Then, open them in Qt Creator.

Step Five: Answer Some Questions

The program that you’ve just downloaded contains a quiz on the Stanford Honor Code as it applies in CS103, plus some other questions to help get set up logistically. Compile and run the program to launch the quiz. Answer all the quiz questions, enter your email address, and the program will automatically generate a completion code in the file res/code.txt.

Step Six: Submit Everything!

Once you've finished everything else, submit the file res/code.txt on GradeScope for Problem Set Zero. If you’ve done everything correctly, you should earn a score of 5/5 and you should receive an email from GradeScope with your score. If not, it means something didn't work correctly with the submission, and you should email the course staff so we can help get things sorted out.

And that’s it! You’re done!