
Coding for Social Good

🎃 Autumn 2024 🏫 Lathrop 190 🕰️ Thursday 4:30-6:20pm

CS 106S is a survey course on the applications of fundamental computer science concepts from CS 106B to problems in the social good space (such as health, environment, cybersecurity, trust & safety). Some of the topics we will cover include satellite imagery, tumor classification with basic machine learning, sentiment analysis of tweets on refugees, and the ethical obligation of good security. We introduce JavaScript and the groundwork of web development, with no expectation of prior experience in these areas. Recommended prerequisite/corequisite: CS 106B.



Welcome to CS106S! Very excited for a fun quarter together 🍁. Our first class will be Thursday Sept. 26th 2024, at 4:30 PM PT in   Lathrop 190.

We encourage all interested students to attend the first class, whether enrolled or otherwise. Historically, we have not had to turn students away from CS 106S for enrollment reasons.


Image for Ben

Ben Yan


Placeholder image for Sarah

Sarah Chen


Image of Cooper

Cooper De Nicola


Image of Aditya

Aditya Saligrama


Image of Jerry

Prof. Jerry Cain

Faculty Sponsor

Please feel free to reach out at bbyan [at] stanford [dot] edu with any course questions!


Week 1

Introduction, Ciphers, and JavaScript — 09/26

Slides Starter Code Syllabus

Week 2

Sentiment Analysis and Refugee Tweets — 10/03

Week 3

CS for Climate Change — 10/10

Week 4

Cancer Detection with KNN — 10/17, Sarah

Week 5

Cybersecurity and Ethical Hacking — 10/24, Cooper and Aditya

Week 6

Web Deployment & Open Source — 10/31

Week 7

Mental Health & Chatbots — 11/07

Week 8

Trust and Safety — 11/14

Week 9

What's Next? Beyond CS106S, End-Term Boba Party 🧋 — 11/21

Week 10

No class! Good luck on your finals 🍀