Jeremy Freeman on Mapping the Rat Barrel Cortex at Scale [321] (PDF), (PDF), (PDF), (SLIDES), (AUDIO).


[1]   Jeremy Freeman. Open source tools for large-scale neuroscience. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 32:156--163, 2015.

[2]   Jeremy Freeman, Nikita Vladimirov, Takashi Kawashima, Yu Mu, Nicholas J. Sofroniew, Davis V. Bennett, Joshua Rosen, Chao-Tsung Yang, Loren L. Looger, and Misha B. Ahrens. Mapping brain activity at scale with cluster computing. Nature Methods, 11:941--950, 2014.

[3]   Simon P. Peron, Jeremy Freeman, Vijay Iyer, Caiying Guo, and Karel Svoboda. A cellular resolution map of barrel cortex activity during tactile behavior. Neuron, 86(3):783--799, 2015.