Answers to most questions related to homeworks can be found on the class newsgroup, su.class.ee384y.
The FAQ for the SIM simulator can be found here

General FAQs

Q: What should I do if I have a question related to the homeworks?
A: All questions related to class materials and homeworks should be posted to the class newsgroup su.class.ee384y. They will be answered within 24 hours by a TA or instructor. Emails sent directly to the TAs or instructors are not guaranteed to be read or replied.

Q: How do surprise quizzes work?
A: Throughout the quarter, there will be a few surprise quizzes given at the beginning of classes. They are closed-book, closed-notes, each last for 15 minutes, and together count for 10% of the class grade. These quizzes are to encourage class attendance and timely reading of class materials. Therefore, there cannot be make-ups.

Q: How can I get an extension?
A: Extensions are only given under extreme circumstances by the instructors. Please contact the instructors directly as the TAs do not have the authority to grant extensions.

Q: How can I get a re-grading on homeworks and exams?
A: Contact the TAs or instructors within seven (7) days after the homework or exam is returned to students. After seven days, re-grading requests cannot be granted.