Winter Quarter 2011 Course Announcement

Perspectives in Assistive Technology

David L. Jaffe, MS and Professor Drew Nelson
Tuesdays & Thursdays   4:15pm - 5:30pm
Main Quad, Building 370, Classroom 370


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Thursday, February 3rd

photo of Dick Steele

The Lingraphica - An Assistive Technology for Persons with Aphasia
Richard D. Steele, PhD
Chief Scientist, Lingraphica

Abstract: "The Lingraphica is a Medicare-reimbursed Speech Generating Device for adults with speech, language, and communication deficits following stroke. It provides access to an extensive vocabulary of interactive icons with word, phrases, sounds, and images attached. The materials can be used in a variety of ways, prosthetically (to speak for a person), orthotically (to improve distorted or deficient speech), and therapeutically (to improved performance through stimulation and practice). In this talk, I will: (i) demonstrate the operations and features of the Lingraphica; (ii) discuss how rehabilitation research influenced device design and operation; and (iii) explain the particular ways in which the device provides critical and non-obvious benefits to users. I will show how an iPod Application incorporating Lingraphica methods, tools, and materials - called the SmallTalk for Aphasia - allow users to carry these benefits out into the community."

Biosketch: Dr. Steele has been Chief Scientist at Lingraphica since 1990. Earlier at the Palo Alto VA Rehabilitation R&D Center, he was Principal Investigator on the C-VIC project researching computers and aphasia rehabilitation. He has taught at Harvard, Cornell, MIT, and elsewhere. He received a BS from Stanford University in Physics, and MA and PhD from Harvard University in Slavic languages and linguistics.

Contact Information:
Richard D. Steele, PhD
Chief Scientist
rsteele -at-
Lecture Material:
Pre-lecture slides - 347 Kb pdf file
Arthur the Robot newspaper article
Arthur the Robot video - starts at 4:37
Audio - 1:13:35 - 16.8 Mb mp3 file
Online demo
Free Webinar about Aphasia
Language Processing in Broca’s Area

Updated 02/04/2011

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