Winter Quarter 2013

 Perspectives in Assistive Technology 

David L. Jaffe, MS and Professor Drew Nelson
Tuesdays & Thursdays   4:15pm - 5:30pm
Thornton Center - Classroom 110

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Call for Course and Project Support

Course Support

Funding support in any amount for the course is always welcomed. Monetary gifts support approved student project expenses, administrative costs, honoraria for guest lecturers, and the end-of-term celebration.

Project Support

Support for student team projects is needed. A monetary gift of $5000 per project supports approved project expenses, administrative costs, and honoraria for speakers. Contributions of lesser amounts will also be considered.

The benefits of your project support include:

  • the opportunity to work with a team of bright Stanford students on a project that you have suggested
  • the very good chance that the students' efforts may influence a future product design
  • your invitation to attend the final project presentation (which will include media coverage)
  • your receipt of a copy of the students' final project report
  • the chance to judge the capabilities of the students - one may become a future employee of your company

Donor Letter

Your monetary gift must be accompanied by a signed donor letter addressed to:

Professor Drew Nelson
Stanford University - MC4021
Mechanical Engineering Design Group
416 Escondido Mall, Room 114
Stanford, CA  94305-2203

Please contact me if you have any questions about the course and thank you for your willingness to support the course or a student project.

David L. Jaffe, MS
dljaffe -at-

Updated 11/05/2012

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