Winter Quarter 2014

 Perspectives in Assistive Technology 

David L. Jaffe, MS and Professor Drew Nelson
Tuesdays & Thursdays   4:15pm - 5:30pm
Thornton Center - Classroom 110

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Tuesday, March 11th

clip art of a student at a podium

Student Team Project Final Presentations

This quarter fourteen student teams have been working to identify a particular need for users of assistive technology and to design, fabricate, and test a prototype device to address that need.

Each student team will give their final project presentation.

The student teams' presentations should include the following points:

  1. Introduction of team and its members
  2. Background, statement & magnitude of problem
  3. Interactions with project suggestors and potential users who would benefit from a solution
  4. Identification / determination of need
  5. Research of existing products and discussion of limitations
  6. Description and visualization of design concepts considered and prototypes built
  7. Discussion of selected design: technical and engineering elements, estimated cost, user acceptance, functionality, performance, safety considerations, tradeoffs, etc
  8. Visualization and demonstration of final prototype: photographs and/or video of operation with user
  9. Future work: improvements and challenges for continuing the project

The overall quality of the presentation and the design concept will be judged by the teaching team, community members, and other students using the following metrics:

  • Delivery: enthusiasm, confidence, energy, volume, professionalism
  • Process: problem identification, research, brainstorming, design selection, fabrication, testing, and evaluation
  • Presentation: clarity, organization, and completeness of the information presented
  • Design: creativity, originality, functionality of the design as well as the extent to which it meets the user's needs

Individuals evaluating the team project presentations will have the opportunity to provide their comments:

  • What did the team learn, what are your LIKES and WISHES about what they did, and what are your recommendations, suggestions, and advice for the team?
  • Please provide comments and suggestions about the course, projects, and presentation process.

Team Kinect!
Project Employing Microsoft Kinect Controller

photo of Puneeth
Puneeth Gadangi
photo of Trevor!
Trevor! Kalkus
photo of Melissa
Melissa Sussmann-Martinez

Project: Explore an application for a person with a disability using the Kinect Controller product.

All In
Magical Bridge Playground Project

photo of Kori
Kori Carter
photo of Spenser
Spenser Linney

Project: Explore designs to address the following issues, creating a safe, fun, accessible, and inclusive park serving all children and their parents.

Team ChairPacx
Project for Ladidi Garba's Sister

photo of Ladidi
Ladidi Garba
photo of Nick
Nick Spears

Project: Create an accessible backpack for a wheelchair user to hold personal items

Team Backer Uppers
Wheelchair Backup Alert

photo of Iqbal
Iqbal Bakhsh
photo of Jason
Jason Gonzalez

Project: Explore mechanical or electronic designs to provide rearward visibility and warning while backing up.

Asthma Control Project

photo of Poni
Poni Bepo
photo of Danielle
Danielle Simms
photo of Richie
Richie Tran

Project: Explore ways to change the design or features of traditional flow meters and apps that would make them more attractive and fun for children to use.

Cathriona's Crew
Project for Austin Carey's Sister

photo of Austin
Austin Carey
photo of Katie
Katie Jarve
photo of Eric
Eric Mochalski

Project: Create a laptop surface for a wheelchair user to both securely hold toys and include interactive features

Team Pimp Your Ride
Customize the Wheelchair

photo of Katherine
Katherine Cheng
photo of Jenny
Jenny Wilde

Project: Explore ways to add a personal aesthetic to wheelchairs.

Team Fun for Everyone
Magical Bridge Playground Project

photo of Angel
Angel Jimenez
photo of Victoria
Victoria Robles
photo of Charlie
Charlie Rosas

Project: Explore designs to address the following issues, creating a safe, fun, accessible, and inclusive park serving all children and their parents.

Team Triathlon Prosthetics
Triathlon Project with Gary Berke

photo of Chase
Chase Disher
photo of Alex
Alex Fritzinger-Pittman

Project: Design a cleat / pedal system that will allow use of a running prosthesis during the bike portion of a triathlon. This will allow for faster and safer transitioning from the bike to the run portion and eliminates the need for a sport-specific prosthesis. The cleat system must be easily attached and detached from the running prosthesis to allow running without interference. The pedal system must be stable enough to allow standing up while cycling, but allow adequate degrees of freedom to transition from sit to stand.

Accessible Expression
Customize the Wheelchair Project

photo of Dwight
Dwight Powell

Project: Explore ways to add a personal aesthetic to wheelchairs.

Team Lizmat Design
Customize the Wheelchair

photo of Elizabeth
Elizabeth Matus

Project: Explore ways to add a personal aesthetic to wheelchairs.

Team AccessEdu
Educational Activities for Children with Disabilities

photo of Yaya
Yaya Campbell
photo of Cynthia
Cynthia Day
photo of Luke
Luke deWilde

Project: Investigate and develop new educational activities appropriate for children with disabilities. This may include mechanical and/or computer software solutions that will provide interactive access for these learners.

Team All-Play
Magical Bridge Playground Project

photo of Julia
Julia Landauer
photo of Jojo
Jojo Ortiz

Project: Explore designs to address the following issues, creating a safe, fun, accessible, and inclusive park serving all children and their parents.

Team Walrus!
3D Printing of Tactile Graphics and Objects

Photo of Anya
Anya Agarwal
photo of Shaheen
Shaheen Jeeawoody
photo of Lindsey
Maya Yamane

Project: Design and document the foundations of an online collaborative accessible database library of physical learning tools, 3D printable objects, and tactile graphics for use in education.

Lecture Material:
Pre-presentation slides - 553 Kb pdf file
Audio - 1:26:25 - 9.89 Mb mp3
Adam's Photos - 81 Kb pdf file

Updated 03/14/2014

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