
>> In conversations between females, there is a lot of emotional support being sought and given as well as talk about common interests, and if males are discussed, they tend to be fictional males. 50% of the topics concerned matters of emotional support, 20% were of males (15% fictional or famous men, 5% real) and the rest related to common interests.

>> Females generally open a conversation with a greeting of some sort, and when they need to end the conversation, state their reason for leaving before saying a goodbye. In 43 instant messaging exchanges between a pair of females, the conversation started off with a greeting 36 times, and finished with a goodbye 33 times.

>> Female conversations are rife with the use of emoticons and smileys, much more sympathetic in tone, and if teasing exists, it is of a gentler nature than the sort apparent in male conversations. In an average 40 line conversation, there will be approximately 32 smileys, and derogatory names are used only 0%-2% of the time.
