KEGGPkgbuilder {AnnBuilder}R Documentation

A function to make the data package for KEGG


This function generates a data package with rda files mapping KEGG pathway or enzyme names to ids and vice versa. The source files for making the mapping are from the Internet.


KEGGPkgBuilder(pkgPath, pkgName = "KEGG", version = "1.0.1", pathwayURL
= getKEGGFile("path"), enzymeURL = getKEGGFile("enzyme"), force = TRUE,
author = c(name = "who", address = "")) 


pkgPath A character string for the name of path to which the data package will be stored.
pkgName A character string for the name of the data package.
version A character string for the version number of the system by which the data package is generated.
fromWeb A boolean to indicate whether the source file fill be from the web or a default local directory.
pathwayURL A character string for the URL where the source file for pathway data will be downloaded.
enzymeURL A character string for the URL from which the source file for enzyme data will be downloaded.
force A boolean to indicate whether the existing data package will be over written.
whichOne A charcter string for the name of file type. Valid values include "path" or "enzyme"
author A list of character strings with one element being name for the name of the author and another being address being the email address of the author


The data package produced will have the normal structure of an R package (i. g. with R, man, data, and src directories) under a directory defined by pkgName under pkgPath.


This function does not return any value.


This function is part of the Bioconductor project at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute to provide Bioinformatics functionalities through R.


Jianhua Zhang


An Introduction to R - Writting R Extensions.

See Also



# To be added

[Package Contents]