IUC Announcements
Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Updated: October 2, 2023

The IUC has reverted to pre-pandemic operating conditions. The current program is fully in-person, and antigen testing and the use of masks are no longer required. We continue to monitor the situation closely and will provide updates if and when circumstances change.



Posted: July 1, 2023

The IUC is gradually reverting to pre-pandemic conditions. The Summer 2023 program, which began on June 22, is fully in-person, although students, faculty, and staff are required to submit negative COVID test results on a regular basis as a condition of attendance. Visitors are not required to test, but advance notification is required; please contact our office. We continue to monitor the situation closely and will provide updates when circumstances change.



Posted: May 19, 2023

The IUC is gradually reverting to pre-pandemic conditions. Most classes are now conducted in person and the Summer 2023 program, which starts on June 22, will be fully in person. However, students, faculty, and staff are required to submit negative COVID test results on a regular basis as a condition of attendance. Visitors to the IUC are also asked to comply with our testing requirements; for details, please contact us in advance. We continue to monitor the situation closely and will provide updates when circumstances change.



Posted: August 25, 2022

In September 2022 the IUC will open its doors for the first time in two and a half years and begin a phased return to in-person, on-site teaching. Students, faculty, and staff are required to submit negative COVID test results on a regular basis as a condition of attendance. Visitors to the IUC are also asked to comply with our testing requirements; for details, please contact us in advance. We continue to monitor the situation closely and will provide updates when circumstances change.



Posted: January 18, 2022

Due to the ongoing pandemic, the IUC will continue to offer all instruction online for the time being. Our physical facilities remain closed, with faculty and staff working from home. We will return to in-person instruction in Yokohama when conditions related to the COVID-19 pandemic have sufficiently improved. We continue to monitor the situation closely and will provide updates when circumstances change.



Posted: November 10, 2021

Due to the ongoing pandemic, the IUC will continue to offer all instruction online through the second term (November–December) of the 2021–22 academic year. During this period, our physical facilities will remain closed, with faculty and staff working from home. We expect to return to in-person instruction in Yokohama in January 2022 or when conditions related to the COVID-19 pandemic have sufficiently improved. We continue to monitor the situation closely and will provide updates when circumstances change.



Posted: June 24, 2021

Due to the ongoing pandemic, the IUC will continue to offer all instruction online during the 2021 Summer Program (June–August) and the first term of the 2021–22 academic year (September–October). During this period, our physical facilities will remain closed, with faculty and staff working from home. In preparation for the resumption of on-site instruction, we will be making various improvements to our classrooms. We expect to return to in-person instruction in Yokohama in November or when conditions related to the COVID-19 pandemic have sufficiently improved. We continue to monitor the situation closely and will provide updates when circumstances change.

アメリカ・カナダ大学連合日本研究センターでは、2021年度サマープログラム(6月〜8月)および2021–22年度レギュラープログラム第1学期(9月〜10月) について、オンラインによる遠隔教育を継続することにいたしました。その間は引き続き施設への立ち入りを制限し、全教職員は在宅にて業務を遂行します。教育環を整備した上で、11月から、または感染状況の著しい改善が見られた時点で対面授業に移行することを目指します。今後も随時、最新状況の提供に努めてまいります。

Posted: October 29, 2020

The IUC will continue to offer all instruction online through the end of the current academic year in June 2021. Our physical facilities also remain closed, with faculty and staff working from home. We plan to return to on-site instruction when conditions related to the COVID-19 pandemic have sufficiently improved. We will provide updates as the situation evolves.


Posted: September 4, 2020

The state of emergency for Tokyo and Kanagawa was lifted on Monday, May 25. However, the IUC will continue to offer all instruction online until travel restrictions to Japan have been lifted and conditions related to the COVID-19 pandemic have improved sufficiently to permit on-site instruction. Meanwhile, our faculty and staff continue to work from home. We are tentatively hoping to revert to on-site instruction in January, 2021.


Posted: April 9, 2020

On Tuesday April 7, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced a month-long state of emergency in response to the coronavirus pandemic in seven prefectures. For the safety and health of the IUC community and those around us, we have decided to continue remote office operations through at least May 6 and possibly longer. Faculty and staff will continue to work remotely from home during this period and our 2019-20 10-month intensive course will remain online until further notice. We have also decided to teach our 7-week Summer Program online. Unfortunately, we will not be offering the Kanbun program this summer.

4月7日(火)に発出された安倍首相による緊急事態宣言を受け、新型コロナウイルス感染予防および拡散防止のため、IUCではすでに実施している全教職員を対象とした在宅勤務を5月6日まで継続いたします。2019-20年度10ヶ月プログラムも引き続きオンラインでの遠隔教育を行います。また、2020年度サマーコース (7週間) につきましてもオンラインプログラムとして実施することになりました。尚、誠に遺憾ではございますが、今夏のサマー漢文コースは実施を見合わせることといたしました。何卒ご理解を賜りますようお願い申し上げます。


Posted: March 29, 2020

For the safety, health, and well-being of our students, faculty, and staff, all classes at the IUC went online at the beginning of the fourth quarter, March 23, and will stay that way until further notice. The IUC is also physically closed from March 30 through April 12, with the possibility of extension. Faculty and staff are working remotely from their homes. We will continue to monitor the situation closely and provide periodic updates.



Posted: March 3, 2020

Although nobody at the IUC has been reported ill, we have decided effective immediately to shift final quarter classes to online learning for the safety, health, and well-being of our students, faculty, and staff. This change will remain in effect until the situation changes. We will continue to monitor the situation closely and provide periodic updates.



Posted: March 1, 2020

We regret to announce that the lecture planned for April 10, “Consumers, Farmers, and the Future of Food Safety in Japan,” has been cancelled due to concerns over COVID-19. We will continue to monitor the situation and reschedule the lecture when events make that possible. Thank you for your understanding.



Posted: February 24, 2020

The IUC is carefully monitoring the outbreak in Japan of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, especially with regard to the health and safety of our students, faculty, and staff at the school in Yokohama.

Please be assured that we are taking the situation very seriously. We have implemented best practices recommended by US and Japanese authorities to minimize exposure and prevent transmission, as well as for communication and reporting. Among other measures, hand sanitizers and face masks have been made available at the school. Resident Director Bruce Batten continues to provide students with regular updates and relevant online resources to increase our preparedness.

At present, no one at the IUC has been reported ill, and classes are being held as usual. We will provide updates from time to time and alert you if the situation changes.

Meanwhile, if you have any concerns or questions, please reach out to us directly at iucjapan@stanford.edu.


For official announcements from the Japanese and US governments about COVID-19, we recommend checking these links:

English Resources:

Japan Resources:

10-Month Program »
The Nippon Foundation Fellows Program »
The Toshizo Watanabe Fellows Program »
Summer Program »
Summer Intensive Kanbun Program »
IUC Professional Tutorials »