
Thank You
for giving the gift of Stanford


The Stanford Fund 2017–18 Annual Summary

Every student, every year

Through The Stanford Fund, your support affects every undergrad on campus, year after year. That’s more than 7,000 students impacted by your generosity. Thanks for giving them the gift of Stanford.

View the Honor Roll

Three ways you helped:

Three ways you helped

Generous Financial Aid


“I have had the privilege to meet, learn from, and collaborate with some of the best and brightest in the world here at Stanford, but more importantly, I have had the opportunity to form relationships with people who will undoubtedly be lifelong friends. None of this would be possible without your help, and I am incredibly grateful for your contribution and investment in my future.”
–Tristan Vanech, ’18

Outstanding Academics


“There are few experiences in my life that have come close to the unimaginable journey that has been my Stanford career. Thanks to your support through The Stanford Fund, I have built lasting friendships, found role models that have become my mentors, and rekindled a passion for learning that I appreciate more and more every day. Thank you from the warmest part of my heart, now and forever.”
–Ana Katrina Donaldson, ’18

Student Life Outside the Classroom

Student Groups

You supported 123 student-led organizations, including performing arts clubs, public service groups, and club sports teams. For many students, these clubs provide a place to make friends, develop new skills, express their creativity, give back, and take a break from rigorous academics.


“Stanford has challenged me to think about my goals and views, and I have a more solid foundation of beliefs as a result. I feel fortunate to explore myself here, with the support of my friends and mentors. People here genuinely care about each other, and about doing things for the right reasons, and it is infectious. Stanford is a place where you learn how to be yourself, so thank you for giving me this opportunity.”
–Kent Mendoza, ’19

You did it together

Three ways you helped

“When I was accepted to Stanford (best day of my life!), I feared I would be unable to attend because of financial circumstances. But thanks to the generosity of people like you, I now find myself immersed in a community where I feel challenged and inspired to learn more, where I have formed friendships that make me feel at home, and where I have resources and opportunities I couldn’t have ever dreamed of.”
–Paola Martinez, ’20

“Why I Give”

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