This is a "tree view" of the organizational code hierarchy at Stanford University as of December 1, 2008. It is best viewed
in Internet Explorer 6.0 on PCs or Netscape 7.02 on Macs.

When the "tree view" first appears on the screen, all nodes in the hierarchy are collapsed. You can expand the
hierarchy by clicking on the signs of parent nodes or collapse parent nodes by clicking on the signs.

As a short-cut, you can use these buttons to expand or collapse all nodes in the hierarchy. Since there are over 2300
members of the hierarchy, it will take several seconds to perform either command.

Questions or comments about the "tree view" can be sent to the University Budget Office.

Level 1- AA00 -Stanford University
Level 2- AAAA -President's Office
Level 3- ABAA -President's Office Operations
Level 3- ABIQ -Public Affairs
Level 3- AGBS -Hoover Institution
Level 3- AHYA -Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Level 3- BAAA -Office of Vice President for Business Affairs and Chief Financial Officer
Level 4- BACA -Information Technology
Level 4- BDNJ -Risk Management
Level 4- BDWA -Public Safety
Level 4- BIOY -Controller's Office
Level 5- BIWF -Financial Accounting and Reporting
Level 5- BKVJ -Fund, Investment, and Cash Management
Level 5- BLYP -Student Services
Level 5- BOIO -Financial Systems
Level 5- BIOA -Controllers Office Admin
Level 5- BISO -Controller's Office Operations
Level 5- BSBA -Taxes
Level 4- BISE -Information Security Office
Level 4- BSCK -Human Resources
Level 4- BWCK -Office of Research Administration
Level 5- BWLO -Office of Sponsored Research
Level 5- BXZI -Cost and Management Analysis
Level 5- BYRQ -Property Management Office
Level 5- BZKA -Research Administration Policy, Compliance and Services
Level 5- BWFL -Office of Research Administration Operations
Level 5- BZTE -Training and Development
Level 4- BADR -VP for Business Affairs and Chief Financial Officer Operations
Level 4- BDJS -Internal Audit
Level 3- DAAA -Office of the Vice President for Development
Level 4- DAKS -Fundraising
Level 4- DDSC -Central Services
Level 4- DHUU -School Development Offices
Level 4- DACK -Office of Vice President for Development Operations
Level 4- DAHD -University Development
Level 3- DLBA -Stanford Alumni Association
Level 4- DLDK -SAA President's Office
Level 4- DMCW -Strategic Initiatives
Level 4- DNHC -Alumni Relations
Level 5- DNRU -Alumni Events Service
Level 5- DNVI -Alumni and Student Class Outreach
Level 5- DQDV -Alumni Communities
Level 4- DSNM -Communications and Marketing
Level 4- DVFM -Alumni Business
Level 4- DWHY -SAA Finance and Operations
Level 4- DLCF -Stanford Alumni Association Operations
Level 3- AETC -Office of the General Counsel
Level 3- AFXW -Stanford Management Company
Level 2- FAAA -Provost's Office
Level 3- FBAA -Provost's Office Operations
Level 4- FNEF -Continuing Studies and Summer Session
Level 4- FXRL -Budget and Auxiliaries Management
Level 5- BAKZ -Procurement
Level 5- GAAA -Office of Associate Vice Provost for Residential and Dining Enterprises
Level 6- GADA -Residential and Dining Enterprises Operations
Level 6- GBSS -Information Systems
Level 6- GCKQ -Student Housing
Level 7- GAOY -Housing Assignment Services
Level 7- GCTO -Housing Enterprises
Level 7- GDFM -SHS Grounds/Exterior
Level 7- GEAI -Housing Maintenance
Level 7- GEYE -SHS Major Repairs & Planned Projects
Level 7- GFKC -Undergraduate Housing Operations
Level 7- GHIT -Graduate Housing Operations
Level 7- GCNP -Student Housing Services Operations
Level 6- GIVO -Conference Services
Level 6- GJTK -Stanford Dining
Level 7- GJUW -Dining Services Central Administration
Level 7- GKNF -Executive, Catering and Other Retail
Level 7- GLVA -Residence Hall Dining Operations
Level 7- GQHH -Other Residence Hall Dining Operations
Level 7- GQNG -Summer Residence Hall Dining Operations
Level 5- FXZZ -Budget and Auxiliaries Management Operations
Level 5- FYRB -Institutional Research & Decision Support
Level 5- FZID -University Budget Office
Level 4- ADWA -Diversity and Access Office
Level 4- FACO -Provost's Office Computing Operations
Level 4- FAFE -Provost's Office Financials
Level 4- FAFO -Provost's Office Finance Planning
Level 4- FAKJ -Faculty Development and Diversity Office
Level 4- FAOO -Provost's Office Daily Operations
Level 4- FAUS -Faculty Affairs
Level 4- FBFB -Foundation Relations
Level 4- FBZT -Academic Secretary's Office
Level 4- FPLZ -Office for Religious Life
Level 4- FQDB -Faculty/Staff Housing
Level 3- FCEY -UG Admission, Fin Aid, and Visitor Info Serv
Level 3- FDLI -Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education
Level 4- FDMM -VPUE Central Administration
Level 4- PYMM -Bing Overseas Studies
Level 4- FEQZ -Center for Teaching and Learning
Level 4- FFQH -Freshman and Sophomore Programs
Level 4- FGCY -Introduction to the Humanities Program
Level 4- FGPP -Program in Writing and Rhetoric
Level 4- FGSL -Structured Liberal Education
Level 4- FHAR -Undergraduate Advising and Research
Level 4- FHCG -Area 2
Level 4- FHPB -Undergraduate Advising Programs
Level 4- FIXF -Undergraduate Research Programs
Level 4- FIXR -Introductory Course Project
Level 4- FIYD -Mentoring in the Major
Level 4- FIYP -Oral Communication
Level 4- FIZB -Undergraduate Initiatives
Level 4- FIZN -Writing in the Major
Level 4- HJDX -Freshman Dean's Office
Level 3- GLBR -Land, Buildings and Real Estate
Level 4- GQQG -Land and Buildings
Level 5- GRLC -Land and Buildings Operations
Level 6- GRRB -Facilities Operations Administration
Level 6- GRSM -Sustainability and Energy Management
Level 6- GUNO -Building Maintenance
Level 6- GYEY -Zone Management
Level 5- GQTF -Land, Buildings and Real Estate Vice President Office
Level 5- GQWE -Capital Planning and Space Management
Level 5- GQZE -Department of Project Management
Level 5- GRFD -University Architect/Campus Planning and Design
Level 5- GRGR -Land Use and Environmental Planning
Level 5- GRRE -Real Estate
Level 5- GSCZ -Land, Buildings and Real Estate Finance and Administration
Level 4- GOLB -Others Land and Buildings
Level 4- GREO -Real Estate Operations
Level 3- HAAA -Vice Provost for Student Affairs
Level 4- HAGN -Office of Vice Provost for Student Affairs
Level 4- HASR -Dean of Educational Resources
Level 5- HBLC -Bechtel International Center
Level 5- HBYA -Career Development Center
Level 5- HCAE -Office of Accessible Education
Level 5- HDCC -Community Centers
Level 5- HJEQ -Haas Center for Public Service
Level 5- HSRO -Office of the Dean of Educational Resources
Level 4- HATN -Dean of Student Life
Level 4- HEXW -Vaden Student Health Service
Level 4- HGVQ -University Registrar
Level 3- JAAA -Stanford University Libraries and Academic Information Resources
Level 4- JAES -Administration
Level 4- JBLO -Academic and Residential Computing
Level 4- JFEM -Technical Services
Level 4- JJFI -Library Collections and Services
Level 4- JPSG -Science and Engineering Resource Group
Level 4- JWFE -HighWire
Level 4- JXYN -Stanford University Press
Level 4- JFBK -Library Technology
Level 4- JWAM -Stanford Publishing Courses
Level 4- JWDO -Library Materials
Level 4- JWHS -Stanford Historical Society
Level 4- JYAA -LOCKSS Program
Level 3- LAAA -Department of Athletics, Physical Education and Recreation
Level 4- LAKC -Men's Sport Programs
Level 4- LEUO -Women's Sport Programs
Level 5- LEXX -Women's Sport Programs Operations
Level 5- LFEQ -Women's Basketball Program
Level 5- LFLJ -Women's Diving Program
Level 5- LFSC -Women's Gymnastics Program
Level 5- LFYV -Women's Soccer Program
Level 5- LGFO -Women's Swimming Program
Level 5- LGMH -Women's Tennis Program
Level 5- LGTA -Women's Volleyball Program
Level 5- LGZT -Women's Water Polo Program
Level 5- LHGM -Women's Synchronized Swimming Program
Level 5- LHNF -Women's Lacrosse Program
Level 5- LHTY -Women's Crew Program
Level 5- LIAS -Women's Fencing Program
Level 5- LIHK -Women's Golf Program
Level 5- LIOD -Women's Field Hockey Program
Level 5- LIUW -Women's Cross Country Program
Level 5- LJBP -Women's Track and Field Program
Level 5- LJII -Women's Softball Program
Level 5- LJKA -Women's Lightweight Rowing Program
Level 5- LJWS -Women's Squash Program
Level 4- LJLS -Coed Sports
Level 4- LJZE -External Relations
Level 4- LNZM -Business and Operations
Level 5- LOCW -Operations Administration
Level 5- LTRO -Golf Course
Level 5- LTAA -Stanford University Red Barn Equestrian Center
Level 5- LTAE -Stanford Campus Recreation Association
Level 5- LTEC -Human Resources/Office Support
Level 5- LTKV -Business and Finance
Level 4- LVCO -Physical Education and Recreation
Level 4- LWQY -Athletic Services
Level 4- LXRW -Intercollegiate Sports
Level 4- LZJQ -Student Enhancement
Level 4- LAGT -DAPER Departmentwide Operations
Level 4- LAHO -Director's Office
Level 4- LAIJ -SWA
Level 4- LAJE -Other DAPER Administration
Level 4- LJXM -Multiple Sport Programs
Level 4- LZQJ -Positive Coaching Alliance
Level 3- MAAA -Vice Provost and Dean of Research
Level 4- MAHA -Administrative Units
Level 5- MAPV -Vice Provost and Dean of Research Office
Level 5- MDWD -Environmental Health and Safety
Level 5- MJRA -Administrative - Other
Level 5- MAKO -Administrative Units Operations
Level 5- MBPH -Office of Science Outreach
Level 5- MCAS -Research Compliance
Level 5- MCSH -Sexual Harassment Policy Office
Level 5- MJIK -Office of Technology Licensing
Level 4- MLDV -Academic Units
Level 5- HSTR -Human Sciences and Technologies Advanced Research Institute
Level 5- MLTQ -Center for the Study of Language and Information
Level 5- MNOP -Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences
Level 5- MUBR -Edward L. Ginzton Laboratory
Level 5- MWCJ -T. H. Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials
Level 5- MXSN -W. W. Hansen Experimental Physics Laboratory
Level 5- NAAA -Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies
Level 6- NAUG -Research Centers
Level 6- NDXG -Research Programs
Level 6- NHAG -Research Projects
Level 6- NANN -Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies Central
Level 5- NKNL -Global Climate and Energy Project (G-CEP)
Level 5- NLMB -Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology
Level 5- NLQL -Precourt Institute for Energy Efficiency
Level 5- NLRU -Stanford Humanities Center
Level 5- NOSM -Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research
Level 5- NSEP -Woods Institute for the Environment
Level 5- NXLM -Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences
Level 5- NYAA -Bio-X
Level 5- NYAB -Photon Ultrafast Laser Science and Engineering
Level 5- MLJC -Academic Units Operations
Level 5- MLNS -Nanosciences Shared Facility
Level 5- MLSQ -SEQ2
Level 5- NLON -Stanford Center on Longevity
Level 5- NXXA -Stanford Institute for Reading and Learning
Level 4- MADN -Vice Provost and Dean of Research Operations
Level 3- UMAA -Vice Provost for Graduate Education
Level 2- PAAA -School of Humanities and Sciences
Level 3- PCDP -Humanities and Sciences Departments and Programs
Level 4- PCXU -Humanities Cluster
Level 4- PSQY -Social Sciences Cluster
Level 4- QAAA -Natural Sciences Cluster
Level 5- QANB -Biology Department
Level 5- QCAA -Chemistry Department
Level 5- QDXM -Physics Department
Level 5- QAGT -Applied Physics
Level 5- QDCU -Hopkins Marine Station
Level 5- QDQG -Mathematics
Level 5- QGMH -Statistics
Level 4- QJII -Inter-Departmental Programs
Level 5- PSCA -Language Ctr
Level 5- QJPC -International Comparative & Area Studies
Level 5- QKPZ -Ctr for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity
Level 5- QQAA -Patrick Suppes Center for the History and Philosophy of Science
Level 5- QRIS -IRiSS
Level 5- ABLA -Stanford Lively Arts
Level 5- NKKA -The Michelle R. Clayman Institute for Gender Research
Level 5- PFGK -Committee on Black Performing Arts
Level 5- PGKS -Creative Writing
Level 5- PGZY -Bill Lane Center for the West
Level 5- PILT -Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics
Level 5- PKMU -Cantor Arts Center
Level 5- QDMY -Stanford Institute for Theoretical Economics
Level 5- QFLJ -Astronomy
Level 5- QFYV -Center for Space Science and Astrophysics
Level 5- QHGM -Bing Nursery School
Level 5- QIAR -BioPhysics
Level 5- QIHK -Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve
Level 5- QJBP -Morrison Institute for Population and Resource Studies
Level 5- QKJG -Archaeology
Level 5- QNFH -African and African American Studies
Level 5- QPAL -Center for Human Origins and Paleoanthropology
Level 5- QPHD -Ethics In Society
Level 5- QPUP -Feminist Studies Program
Level 5- QQBI -History and Philosophy of Science
Level 5- QQOU -Human Biology
Level 5- QRCG -Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities
Level 5- QRCW -Medieval Studies
Level 5- QRFM -Center on Medieval and Early Modern Studies (CMEMS)
Level 5- QRIZ -American Studies
Level 5- QRKF -John S. Knight Fellowship of Professional Journalists
Level 5- QSCA -Stanford Institute for Creativity and the Arts (SICA)
Level 5- QSXJ -Modern Thought and Literature
Level 5- QVMR -Math and Computational Science
Level 5- QVTK -The Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and Education Institute
Level 5- QWUI -Science, Technology and Society
Level 5- QXVG -Stanford In Washington
Level 5- QYIS -Symbolic Systems
Level 5- QYWE -Urban Studies
Level 5- QZJQ -Humanities Lab
Level 5- QZQJ -Food Research
Level 5- QZRA -Financial Mathematics
Level 5- QZTM -Kozmetsky Global Collaboratory
Level 5- TOKA -Ethics Center
Level 4- PCDQ -Humanities and Sciences Departments & Programs
Level 3- PAHP -H&S Dean's Office
Level 2- RAAA -School of Engineering
Level 3- RABI -Dean's Offices
Level 4- RACR -Administration
Level 4- RCKA -External Relations
Level 4- RDEA -Stanford Center for Professional Development
Level 4- RFUA -Student Affairs
Level 4- RDCA -Academic and Faculty Affairs
Level 3- RBKA -Programs, Centers and Institutes
Level 3- RGNA -Departments
Level 4- RBSA -Bioengineering
Level 4- RGOA -Aeronautics and Astronautics
Level 5- RGPA -Administration
Level 5- RHCA -Labs and Programs
Level 4- RJMA -Chemical Engineering
Level 5- RJNA -Administration
Level 5- RKAA -Centers
Level 5- RKIA -Labs and Programs
Level 4- RMCA -Civil and Environmental Engineering
Level 5- RMDA -Administration
Level 5- RMQA -Centers
Level 5- RMWA -Divisions, Labs and Programs
Level 6- RNAA -Atmosphere and Energy
Level 6- RNCA -Construction Engineering and Management
Level 6- ROCA -Environmental Engineering and Science
Level 6- RPOA -Environmental Fluid Mechanics and Hydrology
Level 6- RQSA -Structural Engineering and Geomechanics
Level 6- RMYA -Program-Faculty
Level 4- RSGA -Computer Science
Level 5- RSHA -Administration
Level 5- RTGA -Subject Areas, Labs and Programs
Level 6- RTIA -Computer Systems Lab
Level 7- RTOA -Graphics
Level 7- RUIA -Infolab
Level 7- RTKA -Computer Systems Lab Operations
Level 7- RVMD -Program-Aiken, A.
Level 7- RVSA -Program-Dill, D.
Level 7- RVWA -Program-Engler, D.
Level 7- RWAA -Program-Lam, M.
Level 7- RWCA -Program-Levis, P.
Level 7- RWEA -Program-Rosenblum, M.
Level 7- SAXC -Program-Dally, W.
Level 6- RWGA -Knowledge Systems Lab
Level 6- RWMA -Other Programs
Level 6- RXEA -Robotics
Level 6- RYYA -Theoretical Computing
Level 6- RWFA -KAUST - King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Level 4- SAAA -Electrical Engineering
Level 5- SABY -Administration
Level 5- SAJQ -Divisions, Labs and Programs
Level 6- SANM -Computer Systems Laboratory
Level 6- SBZY -Information Systems Laboratory
Level 6- SEFQ -Integrated Circuits Laboratory
Level 6- SFVY -Solid State Photonics Laboratory
Level 6- SHXU -STAR Laboratory
Level 6- SALO -Program-Faculty
Level 4- SJGK -Management Science and Engineering
Level 5- SJHJ -Administration
Level 5- SJXS -Centers and Programs
Level 5- SKNC -Labs and Programs
Level 6- SKPA -Program-Faculty
Level 6- SKQY -Program-Bailey, D.
Level 6- SKUU -Program-Bambos, N.
Level 6- SKYQ -Program-Barley, S.
Level 6- SLCM -Program-Brandeau, M.
Level 6- SLGI -Program-Byers, T.
Level 6- SLKE -Program-Carlson, R.
Level 6- SLOA -Program-Chiu, S.
Level 6- SLRW -Program-Cottle, R.
Level 6- SLZO -Program-Eisenhardt, K.
Level 6- SMBM -Program-Erhun, F.
Level 6- SMCG -Program-Giesecke, K.
Level 6- SMDK -Program-Glynn, P.
Level 6- SMFI -Program-Goel, A.
Level 6- SMHG -Program-Hausman, W.
Level 6- SMLC -Program-Hinds, P.
Level 6- SMOY -Program-Howard, R.
Level 6- SMSV -Program-Iglehart, D.
Level 6- SMVA -Program-Johari R.
Level 6- SMWQ -Program-Jucker, J.
Level 6- SMYO -Program-Katila, R.
Level 6- SNAM -Program-Kosnik, T.
Level 6- SNEI -Program-Lee, H.
Level 6- SNIE -Program-Luenberger, D.
Level 6- SNMA -Program-Murray, W.
Level 6- SNPW -Program-Ozer, O.
Level 6- SNTS -Program-Pate-Cornell, E.
Level 6- SNXO -Program-Perry, W.
Level 6- SNZM -Program-Primbs, J.
Level 6- SOAS -Program-Saberi A.
Level 6- SOAU -Program-Saunders, M.
Level 6- SOBA -Program-Savage, S.
Level 6- SOBK -Program-Shachter, R.
Level 6- SOFG -Program-Sutton, R.
Level 6- SOJC -Program-Sweeney, J.
Level 6- SOMY -Program-Tse, E.
Level 6- SOQU -Program-Van Roy, B.
Level 6- SOUQ -Program-Veinott, A.
Level 6- SOUV -Program-Weber T.
Level 6- SOVP -Program-Ye, Y.
Level 4- SOWO -Materials Science and Engineering
Level 4- SRGC -Mechanical Engineering
Level 5- SRHB -Administration
Level 5- SRTO -Centers
Level 5- SSHA -Divisions, Labs and Programs
Level 6- SSMU -Biomechanical Engineering
Level 6- STHY -Design
Level 6- SWEY -Flow Physics and Computation
Level 6- SWYE -Mechanics and Computation
Level 6- SXTI -Thermosciences
Level 6- SSIY -Program-Faculty
Level 2- TAAA -School of Earth Sciences
Level 3- TACA -Dean's Office
Level 3- TASA -Department of Energy Resources Engineering
Level 3- TCAB -Department of Environmental Earth System Science
Level 3- TCCA -Department of Geophysics
Level 3- TCSA -Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences
Level 4- TCSR -Geological and Environmental Sciences Administration
Level 4- TCUA -Geological and Environmental Sciences
Level 4- TCUD -Stable Isotope Laboratory
Level 4- TCUG -ICP Spectrometer
Level 4- TCUJ -Aydin Program
Level 4- TCUS -Bird Program
Level 4- TCVB -Brown Program
Level 4- TCVT -Chyba Program
Level 4- TCWL -Einaudi Program
Level 4- TCWU -Ernst Program
Level 4- TCXV -Graham Program
Level 4- TCYE -Ingle Program
Level 4- TCYN -Liou Program
Level 4- TCYW -Loague Program
Level 4- TCZF -Lowe Program
Level 4- TCZM -Maher Program
Level 4- TCZO -Mahood Program
Level 4- TDAG -McWilliams Program
Level 4- TDAP -Miller Program
Level 4- TDAY -Moldowan Program
Level 4- TDBD -Paytan Program
Level 4- TDBI -Pollard Program
Level 4- TDBN -Stebbins Program
Level 4- TDCA -Rock Fracture Project
Level 4- TDCC -Mao Program
Level 4- TDCD -Grove Program
Level 4- TDFB -Hilley Program
Level 4- TDHA -Nilsson Program
Level 4- TDPA -Payne Program
Level 3- TEHR -Earth Sciences Shared Facilities
Level 3- TDGA -Earth Systems Program
Level 3- TEDA -Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources
Level 3- TEEA -Earth Sciences Analytical Laboratories
Level 3- TESD -Interdisciplinary Program in Earth, Energy and Environmental Sciences
Level 2- TFAA -School of Education
Level 3- TFFU -Dean's Office
Level 3- TGFT -Master's Programs
Level 3- TIFR -Research
Level 4- TIAA -Antonio Program
Level 4- TIAM -Murata Program
Level 4- TIBB -Barron Program
Level 4- TIBR -Brown Program
Level 4- TICG -Goldenberg Program
Level 4- TICJ -Juel Program
Level 4- TICW -Wotipka Program
Level 4- TIDL -Labaree Program
Level 4- TIDM -Meyerson Program
Level 4- TIDR -Rogosa Program
Level 4- TIDS -Schwartz Program
Level 4- TIEB -Bettinger Program
Level 4- TIEC -Callan Program
Level 4- TIEH -Haertel Program
Level 4- TIGV -Valdes Program
Level 4- TIHB -Borko Program
Level 4- TIIL -Lit Program
Level 4- TIIO -Research Operations
Level 4- TIJA -Adams Program
Level 4- TIJK -Krumboltz Program
Level 4- TIJO -Osborne Program
Level 4- TIJW -Willinsky Program
Level 4- TIKH -Hakuta Program
Level 4- TILG -Gordon Program
Level 4- TIMA -Aukerman Program
Level 4- TIMC -Carnoy Program
Level 4- TIMF -McFarland Program
Level 4- TINA -Ardoin Program
Level 4- TINN -Nasir Program
Level 4- TIPB -Blikstein Program
Level 4- TIPC -Carter Program
Level 4- TIPG -Grossman Program
Level 4- TIRA -Ramirez Program
Level 4- TIRM -McDermott Program
Level 4- TIRP -Pea Program
Level 4- TISG -Goldman Program
Level 4- TISR -Reardon Program
Level 4- TISW -Wineburg Program
Level 4- TITA -Alvarado Program
Level 4- TITL -LaFromboise Program
Level 4- TITO -Ball Program
Level 4- TIZW -Powell Program
Level 4- TJFQ -Padilla Program
Level 4- TJLK -Lotan Program
Level 4- TJWY -Darling-Hammond Program
Level 4- TKCS -McLaughlin Program
Level 4- TKIM -Damon Program
Level 4- TKOG -Shavelson Program
Level 4- TKUA -Bryk Program
Level 4- TKZU -Gardner Program
Level 4- TMCQ -Kirst Program
Level 4- TMOE -Stipek Program
Level 4- TMTY -Gumport Program
Level 4- TMUH -K-12 Education Initiative
Level 4- TMUL -Kamil Program
Level 4- TMVR -Loeb Program
Level 2- TMVZ -Law School
Level 3- TNGM -Law Academic Matters
Level 3- TNTK -Law Programs
Level 4- TNXS -Stanford Program in International Law
Level 4- TORA -Stanford Program in Law, Economics & Business (LEB)
Level 4- TPAA -Stanford Program in Law, Science & Technology (LST)
Level 4- TNWW -Constitutional Law Center
Level 4- TOIM -Law & Public Policy
Level 4- TOMU -Environmental & Natural Resources Law & Policy Program (ENRLP)
Level 4- TPII -Negotiation Program
Level 4- TPLP -Center for the Study of the Legal Profession
Level 4- TRUY -Criminal Law and Justice
Level 4- TRWA -Law Special Projects
Level 4- TUHO -Law Executive Education
Level 4- TVDC -Law Public Service Programs
Level 3- TOOO -Crown Law School Library
Level 3- TPOU -Law Clinics
Level 3- TSSQ -Law External Relations
Level 3- TUJS -Law Student Services
Level 3- TVSE -Law Financial Aid
Level 3- TWSA -Law Administration
Level 3- TNAA -Law Dean's Office
Level 3- TNRG -Law Instructional Support
Level 3- TTYY -Law Communications
Level 2- UAAA -Graduate School of Business
Level 3- UAFX -Associate Academic Dean
Level 4- UAJV -Academic Areas
Level 5- UAPS -Economics
Level 6- UAPX -Economics Area
Level 6- UAQC -Bulow
Level 6- UAQH -Flanagan
Level 6- UAQM -Howell
Level 6- UAQR -Kreps
Level 6- UAQW -Lazear
Level 6- UARB -Reiss
Level 6- UARG -Roberts
Level 6- UARL -Seim
Level 6- UARQ -Skrzypacz
Level 6- UARV -Wilson
Level 6- UASA -Romer
Level 6- UASF -Henry
Level 6- UASK -Benkard
Level 6- UASP -Oyer
Level 6- UASU -Feinberg
Level 6- UASZ -McMillan
Level 6- UATB -Meier
Level 6- UATD -Shaw
Level 6- UATE -Econ-New Faculty 4
Level 6- UATI -Pieschacon
Level 6- UATJ -Meehan
Level 6- UATN -Bowen
Level 6- UATO -Econ-New Faculty 5
Level 6- UATP -Econ-New Faculty 6
Level 6- UATR -Econ - New Faculty 1
Level 6- UATS -Econ-New Faculty 2
Level 6- UATT -Econ-New Faculty 3
Level 6- UATU -Econ-New Faculty 7
Level 6- UCDW -Hellman
Level 6- UCEC -Saloner
Level 6- UCEI -Shepard
Level 6- UCEO -Viard
Level 6- UCFA -Zitzewitz
Level 6- UCFG -Leslie
Level 5- UATQ -Political Economics
Level 5- UAXO -Operations, Information and Technology
Level 5- UBBM -Accounting
Level 5- UBRE -Organizational Behavior
Level 6- UBRI -OB Area
Level 6- UBRM -Baron, J
Level 6- UBRQ -Hannan
Level 6- UBRU -Gruenfeld
Level 6- UBRY -Kramer
Level 6- UBSC -Martin
Level 6- UBSD -Robin
Level 6- UBSE -Peterson
Level 6- UBSF -Monin
Level 6- UBSG -Denrell
Level 6- UBSH -Soule
Level 6- UBSI -OB-New Faculty 4
Level 6- UBSJ -OB-New Faculty 1
Level 6- UBSK -Neale
Level 6- UBSL -OB-New Faculty 2
Level 6- UBSM -OB-New Faculty 3
Level 6- UBSO -O'Reilly
Level 6- UBSS -Pfeffer
Level 6- UBSW -Jost
Level 6- UBTA -Tiedens
Level 6- UBTE -Carroll
Level 6- UBTI -Heath
Level 6- UBTM -Phills
Level 6- UBTQ -Piskorski
Level 6- UBTU -Miller
Level 6- UBTY -Lowery
Level 6- UBUC -Bradford
Level 6- UBUG -Sorensen
Level 6- UBUI -Bryk
Level 6- UBUK -RAO
Level 6- UBUM -Mullen
Level 6- UCDK -Barnett
Level 6- UCDQ -Burgelman
Level 6- UCEU -Byrd
Level 6- UCFM -Ruef
Level 6- UCFN -Flynn
Level 6- UCFO -Williams
Level 6- UCFP -JD Schramm
Level 5- UBVC -Marketing
Level 5- UBZA -Finance
Level 5- UALU -Faculty
Level 4- UCGE -PhD Program
Level 4- UCIV -Research Centers
Level 4- UDFS -Research Iniativites
Level 4- UAHW -Associate Academic Dean Operations
Level 4- UBFK -Academic Administrations
Level 4- UBFR -Faculty Recruiting and Retention
Level 3- UDSD -Chief Operating Officer
Level 4- UDWB -Associate Dean for Administration
Level 4- UETP -MBA Program Administration
Level 4- UFNF -Financial Aid
Level 4- UFRD -Career Management
Level 4- UGCX -Executive Education Program
Level 4- UGWN -Development and External Relations
Level 4- UHMW -Alumni Outreach
Level 4- UDUC -Chief Operating Officer Operations
Level 4- UERQ -Information Technology
Level 4- UHKG -News and Publications
Level 4- UHLO -Public Relations
Level 4- UHSC -Finance
Level 4- UHWA -Human Resources
Level 4- UMAT -Marketing Programs
Level 3- UADY -Dean's Office
Level 2- VAAA -School of Medicine
Level 3- VADU -Dean's Office
Level 4- VASW -Senior Associate Dean for Research & Graduate & Postdoctural Student Education Operations
Level 5- VBAK -MDRP'S
Level 5- VAWQ -Senior Associate Dean for Research
Level 5- VCCA -Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education
Level 5- VCTS -Stanford Center for Clinical and Translational Education and Research
Level 5- VJHG -Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics
Level 5- VJWI -CMGM
Level 5- VJYF -Protein & Nucleic Acid (PAN)
Level 5- VKAC -Bioinformatics Resource Center
Level 5- VKBZ -Cell Sciences Imaging Facility
Level 5- VKDW -General Clinical Research Center
Level 5- VLAM -SPCTRM (Stanford/Packard Center for Translational Research in Medicine)
Level 5- WBCW -Shared Flourescence (FACS)
Level 4- VLEG -Senior Associate Dean for Graduate and Postdoctural Student Education
Level 4- VMGA -Senior Associate Dean for Diversity
Level 4- VMPY -Senior Associate Dean for Finance and Administration
Level 4- VMRA -Senior Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education
Level 4- VQRM -Senior Associate Dean for Information Resources & Technology
Level 4- VRVQ -Senior Associate Dean for Medical Student Education
Level 4- VAHO -Dean's Office Operations
Level 4- VAMA -SoM Capital & Non-Capital Projects
Level 4- VMEQ -Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Level 4- VMME -Senior Associate Dean of Clinical Affairs/Adult
Level 4- VMOB -Senior Associate Dean of Clinical Affairs/Pediatric & Obstetrics
Level 4- VSLY -Institutional Planning
Level 4- VSQY -Government Relations
Level 4- VSWA -Ombudsperson
Level 4- VSYN -Communications & Public Affairs
Level 4- VTBA -Medical Development
Level 4- VTDO -Associate Dean of Veteran Affairs
Level 3- VTFA -Stanford Institutes of Medicine
Level 3- VTGC -Anesthesia
Level 3- VUAA -Centers - School of Medicine
Level 3- VVIC -Biochemistry
Level 3- VWES -Cardiothoracic Surgery
Level 3- VXIW -Comparative Medicine
Level 3- VZFW -Orthopaedic Surgery
Level 3- WBGQ -Obstetrics & Gynecology
Level 3- WDDQ -Health Research and Policy
Level 3- WEPI -Medicine
Level 4- WETC -Medicine Operations
Level 4- WFAQ -Department of Medicine Xerox Center
Level 4- WFIE -Med/Blood and Marrow Transplantation
Level 4- WFPS -Med/Cardiovascular Medicine
Level 4- WGTW -Med/Clinical Pharmacology
Level 4- WHIY -Med/Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Level 4- WHYA -Med/General Internal Medicine
Level 4- WLSA -Med/Endocrinology
Level 4- WMHC -Med/Family and Community Medicine
Level 4- WOPK -Med/Hematology
Level 4- WPEM -Med/Immunology & Rheumatology
Level 4- WPTO -Med/Infectious Diseases
Level 4- WQXS -Med/Stanford Prevention Research Center
Level 4- WUKE -Med/Nephrology
Level 4- WUZG -Med/Oncology
Level 4- WXAA -Med/Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
Level 4- WXWQ -Med/PCOR
Level 4- WYLS -Med/Stanford Center for Biomedical Informatics Research
Level 4- WYPM -Med/Vaden
Level 3- WYTG -Microbiology and Immunology
Level 3- XAEY -Chemical and Systems Biology
Level 3- XEZI -Pathology
Level 3- XFZS -Pediatrics
Level 4- XGHG -Pediatrics Operations
Level 4- XGIA -Child Health Research Program
Level 4- XGOU -Adolescent Medicine
Level 4- XGWI -Pulmonary Medicine
Level 4- XHDW -Cardiology
Level 4- XHEA -Vera M. Wall Center for Pulmonary Vascular Disease
Level 4- XHLK -Peds/Critical Care
Level 4- XHSY -Endocrinology
Level 4- XIAM -Gastroenterology
Level 4- XIIA -General Pediatrics
Level 4- XIPO -Genetics
Level 4- XIXC -Hematology/Oncology
Level 4- XJEQ -Infectious Diseases
Level 4- XJMA -SCi3
Level 4- XJME -Neonatology
Level 4- XJTS -Nephrology
Level 4- XKBG -Rheumatology
Level 4- XKIU -Immunology
Level 4- XKQI -Cancer Biology
Level 4- XKXW -Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Level 4- XLFK -Pediatrics Stem Cell Transplantation
Level 4- XLMY -Human Gene Therapy
Level 4- XLSP -Peds/SCBE
Level 4- XLSR -Billing & Reimbursement
Level 4- XLST -Peds/Primary Care Outcomes Research
Level 3- XLYG -Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Level 3- XNVG -Radiation Oncology
Level 3- XPDE -Radiology
Level 3- XUIW -Surgery
Level 3- VYJG -Dermatology
Level 3- VYYI -Developmental Biology
Level 3- VZCC -Fly Facility
Level 3- WAZC -Genetics
Level 3- WZPW -Molecular and Cellular Physiology
Level 3- XBJC -Neurobiology
Level 3- XBYE -Neurology
Level 3- XCNG -Neurosurgery
Level 3- XDCI -Ophthalmology
Level 3- XTQA -Structural Biology
Level 3- XWUY -Otolaryngology/Head & Neck Surgery
Level 3- XZKU -Urology
Level 3- XZZY -SoM - Basic Science Pool
Level 3- XZZZ -SoM - Clinical Science Pool
Level 2- ZAAA -Hospitals/Clinics
Level 3- ZCAA -Stanford Hospital and Clinics
Level 4- ZDAA -Stanford Hospital
Level 5- ZDAB -SHC-Process Excellence
Level 5- ZDAC -SHC-Mrktg & Communications
Level 5- ZDAD -SHC-International Medicine
Level 5- ZDAE -SHC-Administration - Stanford
Level 5- ZDAF -SHC-Medical Staff Services
Level 5- ZDAG -SHC-Quality Improvement
Level 5- ZDAH -SHC-Medical Interns & Residen
Level 5- ZDAI -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDAJ -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDAK -SHC-Risk Management
Level 5- ZDAL -SHC-Compliance
Level 5- ZDAM -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDAN -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDAO -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDAP -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDAQ -SHC-Cancer Patient Services
Level 5- ZDAR -SHC-Guest Services
Level 5- ZDAS -SHC-Auxiliary Service
Level 5- ZDAT -SHC-Spiritual Care
Level 5- ZDAW -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDAX -SHC-Administration - Clinics
Level 5- ZDAY -SHC-Clinical Cancer Center
Level 5- ZDAZ -SHC-Common Area
Level 5- ZDBA -SHC-Director of Finance
Level 5- ZDBB -SHC-General Accounting
Level 5- ZDBC -SHC-Financial Planning
Level 5- ZDBD -SHC-Managed Care
Level 5- ZDBE -SHC-Patient Financial Services
Level 5- ZDBF -SHC-Pro Services Ops
Level 5- ZDBG -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDBH -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDBI -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDBJ -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDBK -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDBL -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDBM -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDBN -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDBO -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDBP -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDBQ -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDBS -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDBW -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDBX -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDBY -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDCA -SHC-Human Resources Managemen
Level 5- ZDCB -SHC-Occupational Health Svcs
Level 5- ZDCC -SHC-Continuing Medical Ed.
Level 5- ZDCD -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDCG -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDCJ -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDCK -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDCM -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDCN -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDCP -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDCQ -SHC-Administration - Nursing
Level 5- ZDCR -SHC-Center for Education
Level 5- ZDCS -SHC-Special Patient Services
Level 5- ZDCT -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDCV -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDCX -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDCY -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDCZ -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDDA -SHC-General Services
Level 5- ZDDB -SHC-Laundry & Linen
Level 5- ZDDC -SHC-Mail Service
Level 5- ZDDD -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDDE -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDDF -SHC-Housekeeping
Level 5- ZDDG -SHC-Engineering & Maintenance
Level 5- ZDDH -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDDI -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDDJ -SHC-Design & Construction
Level 5- ZDDK -SHC-Facilities Planning
Level 5- ZDDM -SHC-OSC Disaster Planning
Level 5- ZDDN -SHC-Environmental Health & Sa
Level 5- ZDDO -SHC-Clinical Engineering
Level 5- ZDDP -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDDQ -SHC-Security
Level 5- ZDDR -SHC-Dietary
Level 5- ZDDV -SHC-Med Ctr Telecommunication
Level 5- ZDDW -SHC-I.T. - Information Techno
Level 5- ZDDX -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDDZ -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDEA -SHC-Stanford Referral Center
Level 5- ZDEB -SHC-Social Serv Utilization M
Level 5- ZDEC -SHC-Infection Prevention
Level 5- ZDEE -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDEF -SHC-Patient Transport
Level 5- ZDEG -SHC-Respiratory Therapy
Level 5- ZDEH -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDEJ -SHC-Patient Admitting Service
Level 5- ZDEK -SHC-Medical Records
Level 5- ZDEL -SHC-Medical Records - Transcr
Level 5- ZDEM -SHC-Medical Records - Filing
Level 5- ZDEN -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDEO -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDEP -SHC-Pharmacy
Level 5- ZDEQ -SHC-Clinical Nutrition
Level 5- ZDER -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDET -SHC-Administration - PT & OT
Level 5- ZDEU -SHC-Physical Therapy
Level 5- ZDEV -SHC-Rehab Services
Level 5- ZDEW -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDEX -SHC-Acute Dialysis
Level 5- ZDEY -SHC-Radiation Oncology
Level 5- ZDEZ -SHC-Multi Organ Transplant
Level 5- ZDFA -SHC-Ambulatory Surgery Center
Level 5- ZDFB -SHC-Operating Rooms - Center
Level 5- ZDFC -SHC-O.R. - Anesthesia
Level 5- ZDFD -SHC-Surgery Admissions Unit
Level 5- ZDFE -SHC-Post Anesthesia Recovery
Level 5- ZDFF -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDFG -SHC-Emergency Services
Level 5- ZDFH -SHC-Critical Decision Area
Level 5- ZDFI -SHC-Life Flight (LF/MTP/TS)
Level 5- ZDFJ -SHC-Cath Angio
Level 5- ZDFK -SHC-Electrocardiology (ECG)
Level 5- ZDFL -SHC-Echo Cardiogram
Level 5- ZDFM -SHC-Neurodiagnostic Labs
Level 5- ZDFN -SHC-Endoscopy
Level 5- ZDFP -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDFQ -SHC-General Radiology
Level 5- ZDFR -SHC-Diagnostic Radiology
Level 5- ZDFS -SHC-C.T.
Level 5- ZDFT -SHC-CT/Joint
Level 5- ZDFU -SHC-Nuclear Medicine
Level 5- ZDFV -SHC-Magnetic Resonance Therap
Level 5- ZDFW -SHC-Magnetic Resonance Imagin
Level 5- ZDFX -SHC-Ultrasound/Wilbur
Level 5- ZDGE -SHC-Virology Lab
Level 5- ZDGF -SHC-Automated Lab
Level 5- ZDGG -SHC-Blood Transfusion Center
Level 5- ZDGH -SHC-Technical Services
Level 5- ZDGI -SHC-Cytogenetics
Level 5- ZDGJ -SHC-Lab Paratechnical Service
Level 5- ZDGK -SHC-Consolidated Labs
Level 5- ZDGL -SHC-Clinical Lab Administrati
Level 5- ZDGM -SHC-Surgical Pathology
Level 5- ZDGN -SHC-Clinical Microbiology
Level 5- ZDGO -SHC-Pulmonary Physiology Lab
Level 5- ZDGR -SHC-Bone Marrow Transplant
Level 5- ZDGS -SHC-BMT Support
Level 5- ZDGT -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDGW -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDGY -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDGZ -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDHA -SHC-B1 - General Surgery
Level 5- ZDHB -SHC-B2 - ICCU
Level 5- ZDHC -SHC-B3 - Neurosurgery/Trauma
Level 5- ZDHD -SHC-C1 - Comp Patient Rehab
Level 5- ZDHE -SHC-C2 - Surg
Level 5- ZDHF -SHC-Nursing - Cast Room
Level 5- ZDHG -SHC-C3 - Orthopedics
Level 5- ZDHH -SHC-Dgr - Med
Level 5- ZDHI -SHC-D1 - CCU
Level 5- ZDHJ -SHC-D1 - CSU
Level 5- ZDHK -SHC-D2 - IICU
Level 5- ZDHL -SHC-D3 - IICU
Level 5- ZDHM -SHC-Egr - Medical Unit
Level 5- ZDHN -SHC-E1 - Compromised Host Uni
Level 5- ZDHO -SHC-E2 - ICU
Level 5- ZDHP -SHC-E3 - Surg
Level 5- ZDHQ -SHC-Fgr - Oncology
Level 5- ZDHR -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDHT -SHC-F3 - Surg
Level 5- ZDHU -SHC-G1 - ATU
Level 5- ZDHV -SHC-G2 - Medical/Surgical
Level 5- ZDHW -SHC-G2 - Psychiatry
Level 5- ZDHX -SHC-H1 - GCRC
Level 5- ZDHY -SHC-H2 - Psychiatry
Level 5- ZDHZ -SHC-North Intensive Care Unit
Level 5- ZDJH -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDJI -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDJJ -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDJM -SHC-Bone Marrow Clinic
Level 5- ZDJN -SHC-Dermatology Clinic
Level 5- ZDJO -SHC-ENT Surgery Clinic
Level 5- ZDJP -SHC-Ophthalmology
Level 5- ZDJQ -SHC-Vitreoretinal Center
Level 5- ZDJR -SHC-GYN Oncology
Level 5- ZDJS -SHC-Gynecology
Level 5- ZDJV -SHC-Heart & Lung Transplant
Level 5- ZDJW -SHC-Cardiovascular Medicine
Level 5- ZDJX -SHC-Vascular Surgery Clinic
Level 5- ZDJY -SHC-Chest Clinic
Level 5- ZDJZ -SHC-Thoracic Surgery
Level 5- ZDVV -SHC Vacant Space
Level 4- ZDKA -Stanford University Clinics
Level 5- ZDKB -SHC-Ctr for Integrative Med
Level 5- ZDKC -SHC-Internal Medicine/Med Spe
Level 5- ZDKD -SHC-Clinical Neurosciences
Level 5- ZDKE -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDKF -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDKG -SHC-Oncology Clinic
Level 5- ZDKH -SHC-Hematology Clinic
Level 5- ZDKI -SHC-Infusion Center
Level 5- ZDKJ -SHC-Apheresis
Level 5- ZDKK -SHC-Comprehensive Cancer Clin
Level 5- ZDKL -SHC-Functional Restoration
Level 5- ZDKM -SHC-Anesthesia
Level 5- ZDKN -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDKO -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZDKP -SHC-Stanford Medical Group
Level 5- ZDKQ -SHC-Family Practice Clinic
Level 5- ZDKR -SHC-Sleep Clinic
Level 5- ZDKS -SHC-Biological Psych
Level 5- ZDKT -SHC-Behavioral Medicine
Level 5- ZDKU -SHC-Surgical Specialties Clin
Level 5- ZDKV -SHC-Stoma
Level 5- ZDKW -SHC-Urology
Level 5- ZDXX -SHC Leased Space
Level 5- ZDZZ -SHC-Nonassignable-I
Level 4- ZCCA -Hospital Related Uses
Level 4- ZFZA -Nursing Funds
Level 3- ZGAC -Lucile Packard Children's Hospital
Level 4- ZKAA -Lucile Packard Children's Hospital
Level 5- ZFAG -LPCH-Administration - LPCH
Level 5- ZKAB -LPCH-Patient Care Admin
Level 5- ZKAC -LPCH-Administration - Nursing
Level 5- ZKAD -LPCH-Government Relations
Level 5- ZKAE -LPCH-Marketing
Level 5- ZKAF -LPCH-Strategic Planning
Level 5- ZKAI -LPCH-Clinical Quality Mgmt
Level 5- ZKAJ -LPCH-House Staff
Level 5- ZKAK -LPCH-Medical Staff
Level 5- ZKAL -LPCH-Physician Relations
Level 5- ZKAM -LPCH-Pediatric Telecenter
Level 5- ZKAN -LPCH-Continuing Medical Ed.
Level 5- ZKAO -LPCH-School
Level 5- ZKAP -LPCH-Pediatric Palliative Care
Level 5- ZKAQ -LPCH-CHI Program
Level 5- ZKAR -LPCH-Patient Relations
Level 5- ZKAS -LPCH-Volunteer Service
Level 5- ZKAT -LPCH-Chaplaincy
Level 5- ZKAU -LPCH-Community Services
Level 5- ZKAV -LPCH-Family Library
Level 5- ZKAW -LPCH-Lactation
Level 5- ZKAZ -LPCH-Common Space
Level 5- ZKBA -LPCH-Clinic Administration
Level 5- ZKBB -LPCH-Clinic Program Support
Level 5- ZKBC -LPCH-ACC Management
Level 5- ZKBD -LPCH-Weight Control
Level 5- ZKBG -LPCH-Patient Accounting
Level 5- ZKBH -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZKBI -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZKBJ -LPCH-Finance
Level 5- ZKBK -LPCH-Financial Planning
Level 5- ZKBL -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZKBN -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZKBO -LPCH-Human Resources Mgmt
Level 5- ZKBP -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZKBU -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZKBW -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZKBY -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZKBZ -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZKCA -LPCH-Materials Management
Level 5- ZKCB -LPCH-Security
Level 5- ZKCC -LPCH-Dietary
Level 5- ZKCD -LPCH-EH&S
Level 5- ZKCE -LPCH-Project Office
Level 5- ZKCF -LPCH-Plant Operations
Level 5- ZKCG -LPCH-Housekeeping
Level 5- ZKCH -LPCH-Clinical Engineering
Level 5- ZKCW -LPCH-I.T.
Level 5- ZKEA -LPCH-Social Service
Level 5- ZKEB -LPCH-Case Management
Level 5- ZKEC -LPCH-Critical Care Transport
Level 5- ZKED -LPCH-Infection Control
Level 5- ZKEE -LPCH-Respiratory Care
Level 5- ZKEF -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZKEG -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZKEH -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZKEJ -LPCH-Patient Admitting
Level 5- ZKEK -LPCH-Medical Records
Level 5- ZKEL -LPCH-Pharmacy
Level 5- ZKEM -LPCH-Home Pharmacy
Level 5- ZKFA -LPCH-Recreation Therapy
Level 5- ZKFB -LPCH-Speech & Language
Level 5- ZKFC -LPCH-Rehab Communications Serv
Level 5- ZKFD -LPCH-Dialysis Treatment Ctr
Level 5- ZKFM -LPCH-O.R. - Main
Level 5- ZKFN -LPCH-Perioperative Services
Level 5- ZKFO -LPCH-Intake / SAU
Level 5- ZKFQ -LPCH-Anesthesia
Level 5- ZKFU -LPCH-Oncology Intake
Level 5- ZKGA -LPCH-Radiology
Level 5- ZKGB -LPCH-Diagnostic Service
Level 5- ZKGE -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZKGH -LPCH-Clinical Labs
Level 5- ZKGW -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZKHA -LPCH-1N Hematology
Level 5- ZKHB -LPCH-1N Transplant
Level 5- ZKHC -LPCH-1E Day Hospital
Level 5- ZKHD -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZKHE -LPCH-F1 Maternity
Level 5- ZKHG -LPCH-2N Onc/BMT
Level 5- ZKHI -LPCH-2S LR&D
Level 5- ZKHJ -LPCH-F2 Maternity
Level 5- ZKHL -LPCH-3N Med Surg
Level 5- ZKHM -LPCH-3E Med Surg
Level 5- ZKHN -LPCH-3S Med Surg
Level 5- ZKHO -LPCH-3W Med Surg
Level 5- ZKHP -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZKHQ -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZKHR -LPCH-Compr Care Program
Level 5- ZKHS -LPCH-Pediatric Unit
Level 5- ZKHT -LPCH-IICU - Sequoia
Level 5- ZKHU -LPCH-IICU - Washington
Level 5- ZKIA -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZKIB -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZKIC -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZKID -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZKIH -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZKLA -LPCH-OB Clinic
Level 5- ZKLC -LPCH-Medicine Specialties
Level 5- ZKLD -LPCH-Respiratory Specialties
Level 5- ZKLE -LPCH-Surgical Specialties
Level 5- ZKLF -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZKLG -LPCH-Heart Center
Level 5- ZKLH -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZKLI -LPCH-Neurosciences & Surgery
Level 5- ZKLJ -LPCH-Clinic Acute Care
Level 5- ZKLK -LPCH-Oncology Hematology BMT
Level 5- ZKLM -LPCH-Perinatal Diagnostic Ctr
Level 5- ZKLN -LPCH-ACC-Primary Care Clinic
Level 5- ZKLO -LPCH-Pediatric Surgery Clinic
Level 5- ZKLP -LPCH-Ambulatory Care Center
Level 5- ZKLR -LPCH-Child Psych
Level 5- ZKLT -LPCH-Renal/Dermatology Clinic
Level 5- ZKLU -LPCH-Hematology Clinic
Level 5- ZKMA -SHC-Reserved
Level 5- ZKVV -LPCH Vacant Space
Level 5- ZKXX -LPCH Leased Space
Level 5- ZKZZ -LPCH-Nonassignable-K
Level 2- ZZSA -Space Non-Stanford Orgs
Level 2- ZZVZ -Accounting Miscellaneous
Level 3- ZZCA -Central Mgmt-Capital/Capital Accounting
Level 4- ZZCB -Central Mgmt-Capital/Reserved TBD
Level 4- ZZCC -Central Mgmt-Capital/School of Education
Level 4- ZZCD -Central Mgmt-Capital/DAPER
Level 4- ZZCE -Central Mgmt-Capital/School of Engineering
Level 4- ZZCF -Central Mgmt-Capital/FSH
Level 4- ZZCG -Central Mgmt-Capital/GSB
Level 4- ZZCH -Central Mgmt-Capital/H&S
Level 4- ZZCI -Central Mgmt-Capital/IT
Level 4- ZZCJ -Central Mgmt-Capital/AS
Level 4- ZZCK -Central Mgmt-Capital/Hoover Institute
Level 4- ZZCL -Central Mgmt-Capital/Libraries and Press
Level 4- ZZCM -Central Mgmt-Capital/School of Medicine
Level 4- ZZCN -Central Mgmt-Capital/Real Estate - LBRE
Level 4- ZZCO -Central Mgmt-Capital/SLAC
Level 4- ZZCP -Central Mgmt-Capital/GUP
Level 4- ZZCQ -Central Mgmt-Capital/Land & Buildings - LBRE
Level 4- ZZCR -Central Mgmt-Capital/R&DE
Level 4- ZZCS -Central Mgmt-Capital/SIP
Level 4- ZZCT -Central Mgmt-Capital/School of Earth Sciences
Level 4- ZZCU -Central Mgmt-Capital/Utilities
Level 4- ZZCV -Central Mgmt-Capital/Reserved-TBD
Level 4- ZZCW -Central Mgmt-Capital/School of Law
Level 4- ZZCX -Central Mgmt-Capital/Stanford Hospitals
Level 4- ZZCY -Central Mgmt-Capital/President-Provost
Level 4- ZZCZ -Central Mgmt-Capital/Facilities/Zone Maintenance
Level 4- ZZUG -Central Mgmt-Capital/General
Level 4- ZZUH -Central Mgmt-Capital/Debt
Level 3- ZZUA -Central Mgmt-Investment Acctg
Level 3- ZZUB -Central Mgmt-Real Estate Acctg
Level 3- ZZUC -Central Mgmt-FAIR
Level 3- ZZUD -Central Mgmt-Fund Acctg
Level 3- ZZUE -Central Mgmt-Living Trust
Level 3- ZZUF -Central Mgmt-Agency
Level 3- ZZUI -Central Mgmt-Gen Acctg
Level 3- ZZUJ -Central Mgmt-Misc AR
Level 3- ZZUK -Central Mgmt-Taxes
Level 3- ZZUL -Central Mgmt-Payroll
Level 3- ZZUM -Central Mgmt-HR Benefits
Level 3- ZZUN -Central Mgmt-LD
Level 3- ZZUO -Central Mgmt-AP
Level 3- ZZUP -Central Mgmt-T&R
Level 3- ZZUQ -Central Mgmt-Disbursements
Level 3- ZZUR -Central Mgmt-Student Fin Serv
Level 3- ZZUS -Central Mgmt-Student Loans
Level 3- ZZUT -Central Mgmt-Benefit Pools
Level 3- ZZUU -Central Mgmt-OSR
Level 3- ZZUV -Central Mgmt-UPO
Level 3- ZZUW -Central Mgmt-Risk Mgmt
Level 3- ZZUX -Central Mgmt-Risk Mgmt SOC
Level 3- ZZUY -Central Mgmt-Risk Mgmt EOC
Level 3- ZZUZ -Central Mgmt-OTL/Patent
Level 3- ZZVA -Central Mgmt-Land & Bldg
Level 3- ZZVB -Central Mgmt-Fac/Staff Housing
Level 3- ZZVC -Central Mgmt-SMC
Level 3- ZZVD -Central Mgmt - LBRE Investments
Level 3- ZZVE -Central Mgmt-Cash Management
Level 3- ZZWA -University-General
Level 3- ZZYB -Mid-Point Technology Park
Level 3- ZZZY -Conversion Expenditure Org
Level 3- ZZZZ -University General
Level 2- BVZT -Long Term Disability Terminations
Level 2- BVZV -Retiree
Level 2- BVZZ -Contingent
Level 2- DZZZ -Stanford Sierra Camp LLC
Level 2- MPST -Post Doc Stipends
Level 2- ZZVT -Global Operations LLC
Level 2- ZZXA -University-President
Level 2- ZZXS -SHR Hotel - LLC
Level 2- ZZYA -University-Provost