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TUTORIAL: Clinical PET Cases - Neurology - Credits and References

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Material for this section was kindly provided by:

Jamshid Maddahi, M.D.
Dept. of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology
UCLA School of Medicine


  1. Abou-Khalil, B, Siegel, G, Sackellares, J, Gilman, S, Hichwa, R, Marshall, R. Positron emission tomography studies of cerebral glucose metabolism in chronic partial epilepsy. Ann Neurol, 22:480-6, 1987.

  2. Andreasen, N: Brain imaging: Applications in psychiatry. Science, 239:1381-1388, 1988.

  3. Antonini, A, Leenders, K, Reist, H, Thomann, R, Beer, H, Locher, J. Effect of age on D2-dopamine receptors in normal human brain measured by positron emission tomography and C-11 raclopride. Arch Neurol, 50:474-80, 1993.

  4. Azari, N, Pettigrew, K, Schapiro, M, Haxby, J, Grady, C, et al: Early detection of Alzheimer's disease: A statistical approach using positron emission tomographic data. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab, 13:438-47, 1993.

  5. Baron J. Depression of energy metabolism in distant brain structures: studies with positron emission tomography in stroke patients. Sem Neurol, 9:281-5, 1989.

  6. Baxter, L Jr, Mazziotta, J, Pahl, J, Grafton, S, et al: Psychiatric, genetic, and positron emission tomographic evaluation of persons at risk for Huntington's disease. Arch Gen Psychiat, 49:148-54, 1992.

  7. Benson, D, Kuhl, D, Hawkins, R, Phelps, M, et al., The fluorodeoxyglucose 18F scan in Alzheimer's disease and multi-infarct dementia. Arch Neurol 40:711-14, 1983.

  8. Bernardi, S, Trimble, M, Frackowiak, R, Wise, R, Jones, T. An interictal study of partial epilepsy using positron emission tomography and the oxygen-15 inhalation technique. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatr, 46:473-7, 1983.

  9. Bhatt, M, Snow, B, Martin, W, et al: Positron emission tomography suggests that the rate of progression of idiopathic Parkinsonism is slow. Ann Neurol, 29:673-7, 1991.

  10. Bjšrklund, A: Neural transplantationĐan experimental tool with clinical possibilities. Trends Neurosci, 14:319-22, 1991.

  11. Blin, J, Baron, J, Dubois, B, Crouzel, C, Fiorelli, M, Attarlevy, D, Pillon, B, Fournier, D, Vidailhet, M, Agid, Y. Loss of brain 5-HT(2) receptors in Alzheimer's disease - invivo assessment with positron emission tomography and [F-18]setoperone. Brain, 116: 497-510, 1993.

  12. Brooks, D: Detection of preclinical Parkinson's disease with PET. Neurology, 41(Suppl 2):24-7, 1991.

  13. Burn D; Brooks D. Nigral dysfunction in drug-induced parkinsonism: an 18F-dopa PET study. Neurology, 43:552-6, 1993.

  14. Burn, D, Mark, M, Playford, E, Maraganore, D, Zimmerman, T, Duvoisin, R, Harding, A, Marsden, C, Brooks, D: Parkinson's disease in twins studied with 18F-dopa and positron emission tomography. Neurology, 42:1894-1900, 1992.

  15. Chawluk, J, Alavi, A, Dann, R, Hurtig, H, et al. Positron emission tomography in aging and dementia: Effect of cerebral atrophy. J Nucl Med, 28:431-7, 1987.

  16. Chugani H; Hovda D; Villablanca J; Phelps M; Xu W. Metabolic maturation of the brain: a study of local cerebral glucose utilization in the developing cat. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab, 11:35-47, 1991

  17. Chugani, H and Phelps, M: PET in children with seizures. Appl Rad , 17:37-49, 1988.

  18. Chugani, H, Phelps, M and Mazziotta, J: Metabolic assessment of functional maturation and neuronal plasticity in the human brain. Neurobiology of Early Infant Behavior , 323-330, 1991.

  19. Chugani, H, Phelps, M, Shewmon, A and Barnes, D: Cerebral glucose utilization in intractable neonatal seizures and in the developing brain. Neonatal Seizures, 169-179, 1990.

  20. Chugani, H, Shewmon, D, Shields, W, Peacock, W and Phelps, M: Pediatric epilepsy surgery: Pre- and postoperative evaluation with PET. J Epilepsy , 3:75-82, 1990.

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  21. Chugani, H and Phelps, M: Imaging human brain development with positron emission tomography. J Nucl Med, 32:23-6, 1991.

  22. Chugani, H and Phelps, M: Maturational changes in cerebral function in infants determined by 18FDG positron emission tomography. Science, 231:840-3, 1986.

  23. Chugani, H, Mazziotta, J and Phelps, M: Sturge-Weber syndrome: a study of cerebral glucose utilization with positron emission tomography. J Pediatr , 114:244-53, 1989.

  24. Chugani, H, Mazziotta, J, Engel, J, Jr and Phelps, M: The Lennox-Gastaut syndrome: metabolic subtypes determined by 2-deoxy-2[18F]fluoro-D-glucose positron emission tomography. Ann Neurol, 21:4-13, 1987.

  25. Chugani, H, Phelps, M and Mazziotta, J: Positron emission tomography study of human brain functional development. Ann Neurol, 22:487-97, 1987.

  26. Chugani, H, Shewmon, D, Peacock, W, Shields, W, Mazziotta, J and Phelps, M: Surgical treatment of intractable neonatal-onset seizures: the role of positron emission tomography. Neurology, 38:1178-88, 1988.

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  27. Chugani, H, Shields, W, Shewmon, D, Olson, D, Phelps, M and Peacock, W: Infantile Spasms .1. PET Identifies Focal Cortical Dysgenesis In Cryptogenic Cases For Surgical Treatment. Ann Neurol, 27:406-13, 1990.

  28. Corbetta, M, Miezin, F, Dobmeyer, S, Shulman, G, Petersen, S: Attentional modulation of neural processing of shape, color, and velocity in humans. Science, 248:1556-9, 1990.

  29. Corbetta, M, Miezin, F, Dobmeyer, S, Shulman, G, Petersen, S: Selective and divided attention during visual discrimination of shape, color, and speed: functional anatomy by positron emission tomography. J Neurosci, 11:2383-2402. 1991.

  30. Corbetta, M, Miezin, F, Shulman, G, Petersen, S: A PET study of visuospatial attention. J Neurosci, 13:1202-26, 1993.

  31. DeCarli, C, Kaye, J, Horwitz, B, Rapoport, S, Critical analysis of the use of computer-assisted transverse axial tomography to study human brain in aging and dementia of the Alzheimer type. Neurology, 40:872-83, 1990.

  32. DeLeon, M, George, A, Marcus, D, Miller, D. Positron emission tompgraphy with the deoxyglucose technique and the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol Aging 9:88-90, 1988.

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  34. Dewey S; MacGregor R; Brodie J; Bendriem B; King P; Volkow N; Schlyer D; Fowler J; Wolf A; Gatley S. Mapping muscarinic receptors in human and baboon brain using [N-11C-methyl] - benztropine. Synapse, 5:213-23, 1990.

  35. Dewey S; Smith G; Logan J; Brodie J. Modulation of central cholinergic activity by GABA and serotonin: PET studies with 11C-benztropine in primates. Neuropsychopharmacology, 8:371-376, 1993.

  36. Dewey S; Smith G; Logan J; Brodie J; Fowler J; Wolf A. Striatal binding of the PET ligand 11C-raclopride is altered by drugs that modify synaptic dopamine levels. Synapse, 13:350-6, 1993.

  37. Dewey S; Smith G; Logan J; Brodie J; Yu D; Ferrieri R; King P; MacGregor R; Martin T; Wolf A. GABAergic inhibition of endogenous dopamine release measured in vivo with 11C-raclopride and positron emission tomography. J Neurosci, 12:3773-80, 1992.

  38. Duara, R. Dementia. In J Mazziotta and S Gidman, (Eds): Clinical Brain Imaging: Principles and Applications. Davis, Philadelphia, 1992, pp. 294-349.

  39. Duncan R. Epilepsy, cerebral blood flow, and cerebral metabolic rate. Cerebrovasc Brain Metab Rev, 4:105-21, 1992

  40. Eberling, J, Reed, B, Baker, M, Jagust, W. Cognitive correlates of regional cerebral blood flow in Alzheimer's disease. Arch Neurol, 50: 761-766, 1993.

  41. Eidelberg, D: PET studies in parkinsonism. Neurol Clin, 10:421-433, 1992.

  42. Engel, J Jr., Kuhl, D, Phelps, M. Patterns of human local cerebral glucose metabolism during epileptic seizures. Science, 218:64-6, 1982.

  43. Engel, J Jr.: The use of positron emission tomographic scanning in epilepsy. Ann Neurol, 15(suppl):S180-S191, 1984.

  44. Foster, N, Chase, T, Mansi, L, Brooks, R, et al., Cortical abnormalities in Alzheimer's Disease. Ann Neurol 16:649-654, 1984.

  45. Fowler J; Volkow N; Wolf A; Dewey S; Schlyer D; Macgregor R; Hitzemann R; Logan J; Bendriem B; Gatley S. Mapping cocaine binding sites in human and baboon brain in vivo. Synapse, 4:371-7, 1989.

  46. Fox, P, Miezin, F, Sllman, J, Van Essen, D, Raichle, M: Retinotopic organization of human visual cortex mapped with positron emission tomography. J Neurosci, 7:913-922, 1987.

  47. Fox, P, Mintun, M: Noninvasive functional brain mapping by change-distribution analysis of averaged PET images of H2[15O], J Nucl Med, 30:141-9, 1989.

  48. Frackowiak, R, Pozzilli, G, Legg, N, DuBoulay, G, et al., Regional cerebral oxygen supply and utilization in dementia. Brain, 104:753-78, 1981.

  49. Freed, C, Breeze, R, Rosenberg, N, Schneck, S, Wells, T, Barrett, J, Grafton, S, Mazziotta, J, Eidelberg, D, Rottenberg, D: Therapeutic effects of fetal dopamine cells transplanted in a patient with Parkinson's disease. Prog Brain Res, 82:715-21, 1990.

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  50. Friston K; Frith C; Liddle P; Frackowiak R. Investigating a network model of word generation with positron emission tomography. Proc Roy Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 244:101-6, 1991.

  51. Friston, K, Frith, C, Liddle, P, Frackowiak, R: Comparing functional (PET) images: the assessment of significant change. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab, 11:690-9, 1991.

  52. Frith, C, Friston, K, Liddle, P, Frackowiak, R: A PET study of word finding. Neuropsychologia, 29:1137-48, 1991.

  53. Frost J. Imaging the serotonergic system by positron emission tomography. Ann NY Acad Sci, 600:273-80, 1990.

  54. Frost, J. Receptor imaging by PET and SPECT - Focus on the opiate receptor. J Recept Res 13:1-4, 1993.

  55. Goto, I, Taniwaki, T, Hosokawa, S, Otsuka, M, Ichiya,Y, Ichimiya, A: Positron emission tomographic (PET) studies in dementia. J Neurol Sci, 114:1-6, 1993.

  56. Grady, C, Haxby, J, Horwitz, B et al., Longitudinal study of the early neuropsychological and cerebral metabolic changes in dementia of the Alzheimer's type. J. Clin. Exp. Neuropsychol., 10:576-96, 1988.

  57. Grafton, S, Woods, R, Mazziotta, J, Phelps, M: Somatotopic mapping of the primary motor cortex in humans: activation studies with cerebral blood flow and positron emission tomography. J Neurophysiol, 66:735-43, 1991.

  58. Grasby, P, Frith, C, Friston, K, Bench, C, Frackowiak, R, Dolan, R: Functional mapping of brain areas implicated in auditory-verbal memory function. Brain, 116:1-20, 1993.

  59. Haxby J; Grady C; Horwitz B; Ungerleider L; Mishkin M; Carson R; Herscovitch P; Schapiro M; Rapoport S. Dissociation of object and spatial visual processing pathways in human extrastriate cortex. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 88:1621-5, 1991.

  60. Haxby, J, Duara, R, Grady, C, Cutler, N, Rapoport, S: Relations between neuropsychological and cerebral asymmetries in early Alzheimer's disease. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab, 5:193-200, 1985.

  61. Hayden, M, Martin, W, Stoessl, A, et al. Positron emission tomography in the early diagnosis of Huntington's disease. Neurology 36:888-94, 1986.

  62. Heiss W; Pawlik G; Holthoff V; Kessler J; Szelies B. PET correlates of normal and impaired memory functions. Cerebrovasc Brain Metab Rev, 4:1-27, 1992.

  63. Heiss, W, Szelies, B, Adams, R, Kessler, J, Pawlik, G, Herholz, K. PET criteria for diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. In K Maurer, P Riederer and H Beckmann, Eds., Alzheimers Disease: Epidemiology, Neuropathology, Neurochemistry, and Clinics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1990, pp.473-87.

  64. Henry, T, Engel, J Jr, Babbs, T, Phelps, M. Correlation of neuronal cell loss with degreee of interictal focal temporal hypometabolism in complex partial epilepsy. Neurology, 38(Suppl 1):156, 1988.

  65. Henry, T, Mazziotta, J, Engel, J. Interictal metabolic anatomy of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Arch Neurol, 50:582-9, 1993.

  66. Hoffman J; Melega W; Hawk T; Grafton S; Luxen A; Mahoney D; Barrio J; Huang S; Mazziotta J; Phelps M. The effects of carbidopa administration on 6-[18F]fluoro-L-dopa kinetics in positron emission tomography. J Nucl Med, 33:1472-7, 1992.

  67. Hoffman, J, Waskin, H, Schifter, T, Hanson, M, Gray, L, Rosenfeld, S, Coleman, R: FDG-PET in differentiating lymphoma from nonmalignant central nervous system lesions in patients with AIDS. J Nucl Med, 34:567-575, 1993.

  68. Holthoff, V, Koeppe, R, Frey, K, Penney, J, Markel, D, Kuhl, D, Young, A. Positron emission tomography measures of benzodiazepine receptors in Huntingtons disease. Ann Neurol, 34: 76-81, 1993.

  69. Hopfensperger, K, Koller, W: Recognizing early Parkinson's disease. Postgrad. Med., 90:49-59.

  70. Hoyer, S. Changes in brain energy metabolism and the early detection of Alzheimers disease. In: Early Markers in Parkinsons and Alzheimers Diseases, 1990, pp. 233-44.

  71. Hume S; Myers R; Bloomfield P; Opacka-Juffry J; Cremer J; Ahier R; Luthra S; Brooks D; Lammertsma A. Quantitation of carbon-11-labeled raclopride in rat striatum using positron emission tomography. Synapse, 12:47-54, 1992.

  72. Iacono, R, Tang, Z, Mazziotta, J, Grafton, S, Hoehn, M: Bilateral fetal grafts for Parkinson's disease: 22 months results. Stereotact Funct Neurosurg, 58:84-87, 1992.

  73. Jagust, W, et al., Diminished glucose transport in Alzheimer's disease: Dynamic PET studies. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab, 11:323-30, 1991.

  74. Jones A; Brown W; Friston K; Qi L; Frackowiak R. Cortical and subcortical localization of response to pain in man using positron emission tomography. Proc Roy Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 244:39-44, 1991.

  75. Jonides, J, Smith, E, Koeppe, R, Awh, E, Minoshima, S, Mintun, M. Spatial working memory in humans as revealed by PET. Nature, 363:623-5, 1993.

  76. Karbe, H, Holthoff, V, Huber, M, Herholz, K, Wienhard, K, Wagner, R, Heiss, W: Positron emission tomography in degenerative disorders of the dopaminergic system. J Neural Transm, 4:121-30, 1992.

  77. Kempler, D, Metter, E, Jackson, C, Hanson, W, Riege, W, Mazziotta, J, Phelps, M: Disconnection and cerebral metabolism. The case for aphasia. Arch Neurol, 45:277-9, 1988.

  78. Kerrigan, J, Chugani, H and Phelps, M: Regional cerebral glucose metabolism in clinical subtypes of cerebral palsy. Pediatric Neurol, 7:415-25, 1991.

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