Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2015

Papers »

An interface resolution study of multiphase fluid-vegetation interaction problems using material point method

We present an interface resolution study on multiphase, multi-material interaction using a hybrid computational framework, i.e., arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) for incompressible flow (finite volume) and material point method (MPM) for the immersed vegetation or structure. The accuracy and efficiency of interfacial forces and velocities are addressed in detail for multiphase, multi-material coupling conditions, in particular, the computational efficiency and robustness of the hybrid methodology for seamless connection with other methods and the parallel implementation issues. Combination with the adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) technique is also discussed for FVI and moving boundary problems. The numerical experiments presented here consist of rigid body, elastic, inelastic and plastic deformation of materials coupled with incompressible fluid flows. The computational cost and storage requirement illustrate the merit of the hybrid approach for the interface sub-regime with the capacity to handle different species and for both rigid-body and flexible solid.


Shaolin Mao    
University of Texas at El Paso
United States

Qin Chen    
Louisiana State University
United States


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