Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2015

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Residual anisotropy in granular pastes produced by repeated shear

Motivated by the Nakahara-Matsuo memory effect on desiccation
crack pattern of granular pastes [Nakahara and Matsuo, JPSJ 74,
1362 (2005)], here we consider theoretical models of a paste
layer subject to repeated shear, trying to capture "something
tensorial" that is produced by the applied shear and retained
in the paste layer after the shear stops. In addition to a
continuum-based phenomenology [Ooshida, PRE 77, 061501 (2008);
JPSJ 78, 104801 (2009)], we will discuss some possible ideas
for particle-oriented approaches to the residual anisotropy.


Takeshi Ooshida    
Tottori University


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