Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2015

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A micromechanical analysis of granular material under shear deformation

We introduce a novel experimental apparatus for investigating the continuum behavior of granular material by incorporating micromechanics. This mechanical device allows a specimen composed of a two-dimensional analogue granular assembly to be subjected to quasi-static shear conditions over large deformation. The key idea of the proposed concept is to use information extracted at the grain level to its fullest extend by combining grain-scale kinematics with inter-particle contact forces. Measurements of kinematics at the grain level and inter-particle contact forces are performed using the photoelastic technique and Digital Image Correlation (DIC). Additionally, we measure macroscopic stresses and strains. We present here experimental results that provide an insight into the continuum behavior of granular material by using quantitative micromechanical descriptions.


Eloise Marteau    
California Institute of Technology
United States

Jose Andrade    
California Institute of Technology
United States


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