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Lødrup, Helge: Norwegian Pseudocoordination with the Verb drive 'carry on': Control, Raising, Grammaticalization

A pseudocoordination looks like a coordination of two verb phrases, but its grammatical properties are different from those of coordination. In this paper, I propose that most pseudocoordinations are equi constructions with anaphoric control - a revision of the analysis in Lødrup (2002). A pseudocoordination with properties of its own has drive `carry on' as its first verb. Its use could be described as aspectual, or maybe rather pluractional. It is shown how drive in its different uses shares grammatical properties with aspectual verbs, and finds a place in their system. Pseudocoordination with drive is not always an equi construction. In colloquial Norwegian, pseudocoordination with drive can also be used as a raising construction. This seems to be a new phenomenon, which has developed through grammaticalization.

January 17, 2018

See also other LFG Proceedings
Maintained by Tracy Holloway King
Created: December 2017

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