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Relevant Linguistics

2nd Edition, Revised and Expanded:  An Introduction to the Structure and Use of English for Teachers

Paul W. Justice

The revised and expanded edition of Relevant Linguistics provides a straightforward, accessible introduction to the basics of English phonetics, phonology, morphology, morphophonology, and syntax for education students and all non-linguistics majors. This textbook addresses the growing need to familiarize classroom teachers and non-linguistics students with the structure and use of language. In particular, teacher training programs are beginning to realize the importance of linguistics as linguistic diversity in schools rises. Most teacher trainees find themselves in a linguistics classroom at some point during their education.

This book is designed to provide teachers with a foundation of linguistic knowledge and, more importantly, the skills to respond to whatever linguistic situations might arise in their classrooms. Each chapter leads students through descriptive analyses of examples from English, helps them grasp linguistic concepts, and provides them with reference materials for future classes they will teach. Building on the highly popular first edition, the present edition contains more exercises, expanded and clarified explanations of issues, and additional references to areas such as the history of English and semantics.

Praise for the First Edition of Relevant Linguistics
“Principal strengths of this book are the accessibility of its discussions of phonetics, phonology, morphology and syntax and its carefully constructed and ordered exercises that lead the student through key linguistic concepts. This text also provides a systematic and thought-provoking discussion of dialects, which will be highly valuable to any future educator.”
Betty Samraj
San Diego State University

Read an excerpt from this book.

Multiple choice quizzes.


ISBN (Paperback): 1575862182 (9781575862187)
ISBN (Electronic): 1575868741 (9781575868745)

Subject: English language; Study and teaching English; Grammar, syntax, and usage

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Distributed by the
University of
Chicago Press

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