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John Rickford
Linguistics Professor

John Rickford is the Martin Luther King, Jr. Centennial Professor of Linguistics and Director of the program in African and Afro-American Studies at Stanford, and he is one of the world's experts on African American Vernacular English and West Indian Creole. He received an American Book Award from The Before Columbus Foundation for Spoken Soul: The Story of Black English (2000). His other books include Style and Sociolinguistic Variation (with Penelope Eckert) (2001), African American Vernacular English: Features, Evolution and Educational Implications (1999), Dimensions of a Creole Continuum (1987), Sociolinguistics and Pidgin-Creole Studies (Editor) (1988), and A Festival of Guyanese Words (Editor) 1978).

Wednesday, April 24, 2002, 7 p.m.
Stanford Writing Center, Basement of Margaret Jacks Hall (Bldg. 460)

Check back soon to see the transcript of John Rickford's How I Write Conversation.