
Posts by 2019-440

How the “Rich People Network” Feeds the Poverty Cycle in Thailand and Asia

by on March 7, 2019 1:00 am
In the article “Rich get richer, poor get the picture,” Thai writer Paritta Wangkiat complains of the Thai poverty cycle: “the majority are being overlooked as the door of opportunity is opened only for the rich to get richer” [1]. What she is talking about, specifically, is how the state keeps rolling out policies that keep on benefitting… Read more How the “Rich People Network” Feeds the Poverty Cycle in Thailand and Asia

Thailand: The Unique Impact of Social Networks on Online Shopping

by on February 6, 2019 12:07 am
For Thai people, the term “network” has always had a very special significance. In all lifestyle considerations—from where to work to what to wear—Thais have always relied on what their friends think, how their “network” would react. The most recent demonstration of this cultural trend is social network shopping. Over the past few years, the… Read more Thailand: The Unique Impact of Social Networks on Online Shopping