Challah for Hunger



Time: 4:00PM - 11:00PM
Location: Hillel

Hi everyone,
This quarter, NAIJA will be participating in a co-sponsorship with Challah forHunger!
On Thursday, February 11 (2/11), we will be helping to prepare and bake challah at Hillel. (If you don’t know what that is,challah is a special bread eaten on Jewish holidays, but available every Thursday through the Challah for Hunger outreach.) We will provide a number of volunteers at each shift and they will donate half of the proceeds to a charity of our choice.
We have selected WaterAid Nigeria!
More information at their website here!
Please sign up for a shift or 2. You must be on time and stay for the full shift.

There are 3 shifts. 4-6 PM (making the dough), 8-9:30 PM (braiding the dough), and 9:30 to 11 PM (baking, selling, and clean-up….and also tasting).

We need a certain number of volunteers per shift to make sure the money goes to the organization we have selected.
4-6 PM: 6-10 volunteers
8-9:30 PM: 4-5 volunteers
9:30- 11PM: 2-3 volunteers.