Measuring Campus Climate for Student Assessment


An institution’s climate for student assessment is measured by the perceptions of administrators, faculty, and staff toward the processes, policies, and practices of the institution with regard to its student assessment efforts. NCPI Project 5.2 developed the Institutional Climate for Student Assessment (ICSA, 2000) survey instrument that can assist user’s evaluation of their campus climate for student assessment. This can help identify areas that need special attention in order to implement successfully an institutional student assessment strategy. Users can follow the link above to obtain a copy of the ICSA and can use this instrument (or a modified version) to survey campus administrators, faculty, and staff with respect to their perceptions of the institution’s student assessment effort. The results of this survey can provide useful information to faculty and administrators charged with developing or improving their campus student assessment process.


© 2003, National Center for Postsecondary Improvement, headquartered at the Stanford Institute for Higher Education Research.