Yuji Tanabe was born in October 17, 1978 in Sunnyvale, CA. He received B.S. and M.S. degrees of Electrical Engineering from Seikei University in 2001 and 2003, respectively. He is working for AET, Inc, research and development several MW technologies such as UWB antennas and front-end circuits since 2003. He received Ph.D degree in Engineering from Waseda University in 2011. He joined Ada Poon’s group since 2011. His current research interests include design, development of antennas for medical applications. He is currently working on the design of focusing antennas and receiving small antennas for microchip implantable devices.
Activity: Tennis, Surfing, Snowboard, Piano
Webpage: Yuji at LinkedIn
Contact: ytanabe AT stanford DOT edu