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Publication submitted to the Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development:

Smaby N, Johanson ME, Baker B, Kenney DE, Murray WM, Hentz VR. Identification of key pinch forces required to complete functional tasks. J Rehabil Res Dev, 41: 215-24, 2004.

Peer-Reviewed Articles

Johanson, M. E., Smaby, N., Hentz, V. R, Murray, W. M. Reduced activation in transferred brachioradialis muscles to restore lateral pinch in tetraplegia. Journal of Hand Surgery. 31:747- 53, 2006.

Johanson ME and Radtka SA: Amplitude threshold criteria improve surface electrode specificity during walking and functional movements. In press. Gait and Posture. Accepted September 12, 2005.

Lateva ZC, McGill KC, Johanson ME. Increased jitter and blocking in normal muscles due to doubly innervated muscle fibers. Muscle & Nerve, 28: 423-31, 2003.

Valero-Cuevas FJ, Johanson ME, Towles JD. Towards a realistic biomechanical model of the thumb: the choice of kinematic description may be more critical than the solution method or the variability/uncertainty of musculoskeletal parameters. J Biomech, 36: 1019-1030, 2003.

Johanson ME, Murray WM. The unoperated hand: the role of passive forces in hand function after tetraplegia. Hand Clinics, 18: 391-398, 2002.

Lateva ZC, McGill KC, Johanson ME. Electrophysiological evidence of adult human skeletal muscle fibres with multiple endplates and polyneuronal innervation. J Physiol, 544(Pt 2): 549-565, 2002.

Johanson ME, Valero-Cuevas FJ, Hentz VR. Activation patterns of the thumb muscles during stable and unstable pinch tasks. J Hand Surg, 26: 698-705, 2001.

Johanson ME, Valero-Cuevas FJ, and Hentz VR. Activation Patterns of the Thumb Muscles during Stable and Unstable Pinch Tasks. Journal of Hand Surgery, 2000 In Review.

Johanson ME and Radtka SR. Comparison of Signal Processing Criteria to Improve Surface Electrode Specificity during Walking and Functional Movements. Gait and Posture, 2000. In Review.

Johanson ME, James MJ, and Skinner SR. Forearm Muscle Activation During Power Grip and Release. Journal of Hand Surgery 23A: 938-944, 1998.

Radtke SR, Skinner SR, Dixon DM, Johanson ME. A Comparison of Gait with Solid, Dynamic, and No Ankle-Foot-Orthoses in Children with Spastic Cerebral Palsy. Physical Therapy 77 No 4:395-409, 1997.

Johanson ME, James MA, Skinner SR. Forearm Muscle Activation during Power Grip and Release. accepted for publication to Journal of Hand Surgery 4/97.

Johanson ME, Skinner SR, and Lamoreux LW. Phasic Relationships of the Intrinsic and Extrinsic Thumb Musculature. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 322: 120-130, January 1996.

Johanson ME, Skinner SR, and Bolding DJ. EMG Investigation of the Effects of Peripheral Feedback on Goal Directed Wrist Movements. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 6: 13-21, 1996.

Johanson ME, St Helen R, Lamoreux LW, Skinner SR, Todd F. Normal Stride Length as a Function of Walking Speed. Gait and Posture. 2;51, 1994.

van Gogh JA, Johanson ME, Skinner SR, Lamoreux LW. Gait changes with Ankle-Foot-Orthoses in Children with Myelomeningocele. Physical Therapy. Vol 72, No 6:pg S97. (Suppl) /June 1992.

Schaffer JL, Johanson ME, Skinner SR, and Lamoreux LW. Selective Posterior Rhizotomy for Decreasing Spasticity in Cerebral Palsy: Comparison of Two Measurement Techniques. Physical Therapy vol 72, No 6:pg S94, (Suppl)/June 1992.

Johanson ME, Skinner SR, Lamoreux LW, St Helen R, Moran SA, and Ashley KA. Phasic Relationships of the Extrinsic Muscles of the Normal Hand. Journal of Hand Surgery, Vol 15A, No 5, July 1990.

Johanson ME, Skinner SR, and Bolding DJ. EMG Investigation of the Effects of Peripheral Feedback on Goal Directed Wrist Movements. Electrophysiological Kinesiology, Anderson, Hobart, Danoff eds., Excerpta Medica, New York, 95-98, 1990.

Todd FN, Lamoreux LW, Skinner SR, Johanson ME, St Helen R, Moran SA, and Ashley KA: "Variations in the Gait of Normal Children." Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 71A: 196-204 February, 1989.

Brodke DW, Skinner SR, Lamoreux LW, Johanson ME, St Helen R, Moran S, Ashley RK. The Effects of Ankle-Foot-Orthoses on the Gait of Children. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics 9: 702-708, 1989.

Book Chapters

Kermoian R, Johanson ME, Butler E, and Skinner SR: Development of Gait in Human Walking 3rd ed. Edited by Gamble J and Rose J. Lippencott Williams and Wilkins, Philadephia, PA. 2005.

Johanson ME. The Gait Laboratory: Structure and Data Gathering. In Human Walking 2nd Ed. Rose J and Gamble J (eds.) Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD., 1994.

Meetings and Presentations - 2006

Holzbaur, K.R.S., Gold, G. E., Johanson, M. E., and Murray, W. M. (2006) MRI-based estimation of muscle volume and length following tendon transfer surgery. Abstracts of the 5th World Congress of Biomechanics. Munich, Germany. J Biomech 39, Supplement 1:S84.

Data Ready for Journal of Rehabilitation R&D Publication

Smaby N, Baker B, Johanson M, Towles J, Murray W. Identification of target key pinch forces for functional tasks.

Conference Presentations and Abstracts - Prior to 2006

Murray WM, Johanson ME, Velisar A, Smaby N, and Hentz VR: Muscle operating ranges include optimal length at extended joint postures. Proceedings of the XXth Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics and 29th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics. Cleveland, OH. August 2005.

Johanson ME, Smaby N, Murray WM , Hentz VR . Reduced postoperative activation in surgically transferred muscles to restore lateral pinch. 8th Intl Conf Upper Limb Surgery for Tetraplegia, Christchurch, New Zealand, Feb, 2004.

Johanson ME, Smaby N, Murray WM, Hentz VR. Pinch force reduction at narrow grasp openings in tetraplegia. 8th Intl Conf Upper Limb Surgery for Tetraplegia, Christchurch, New Zealand, Feb, 2004.

Johanson ME, Murray WM, Smaby N, Hentz VR. Reduced activation in transferred muscles to restore lateral pinch in tetraplegia. 59th Ann Mtg Am Soc Surgery of the Hand, New York, NY, Sep, 2004.

McGill KC, Lateva ZC, Johanson ME. Validation of a computer-aided EMG decomposition method. IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc Conf, 4744-4747, 2004.

Murray WM, Johanson ME, Smaby N, Hentz VR. Lateral pinch force decreases with elbow flexion following Br to FPL tendon transfer. 8th Intl Conf Upper Limb Surgery for Tetraplegia, Christchurch, New Zealand, Feb, 2004.

Johanson ME, Smaby N, Baker B, Kenney DE, Murray WM, Hentz VR. Target key pinch forces for assessment of surgical outcome in tetraplegia. (Best Poster Award). 29th Ann Mtg Amer Spinal Injury Assoc, Miami, FL, Apr, 2003. Abstract: J Spinal Cord Med, 26 (suppl 1): 541, 2003.

Lateva ZC, McGill KC, Johanson ME. Donor muscle remodeling after tendon transfer surgery in tetraplegic patients. Am Assoc Electrodiagnostic Med 50th Ann Sci Mtg, 2003.

Johanson ME, Murray WM, Smaby N, Van de Pol GJ, Towles JD, Zajac FE, Hentz VR. Key pinch force is more misdirected in individuals with tetraplegia compared to non-impaired subjects. Proc 3rd VA Natl Rehab Res Dev Conf, p 115, 2002.

Kenney DE, Johanson ME, Smaby N, Murray WM. Functional evaluation of lateral pinch in subjects with tetraplegia. Proc 3rd VA Natl Rehab Res Dev Conf, p 8, 2002.

Smaby N, Baker B, Johanson ME, et al. Determination of lateral pinch force requirements for six common activities of daily living. Proc 3rd VA Natl Rehab Res Dev Conf, p 104, 2002.

Johanson ME, Murray WM, Smaby N, Towles JD, Zajac FE, Hentz VR. Mis-direction of pinch force can contribute to key pinch deficits in tetraplegia. 7th Intl Conf Tetraplegia, Bologna, Italy, p 31, 2001.

Baker B, Smaby N, Johanson M, Murray W, Towles J, Kenney D, Hentz VR. Identification of target key pinch forces for functional tasks. Proc 7th Intl Conf Tetraplegia, Bologna, Italy, p 74, 2001.

Valero-Cuevas FJ, Towles JD, Johanson ME. Simulating anatomical variations in the thumb: effect on maximal force and muscle activation. Proc 25th Ann Mtg Am Soc Biomech, 103-104, San Diego, CA, 2001.

Johanson ME, Valero-Cuevas FJ. Activation patterns in the muscles of the thumb during stable and unstable pinch tasks. Soc Neurosci 30th Ann Mtg, New Orleans, LA, 2000.

Van der Loos HF, Johanson ME, Broberg MA, Houghtaling JG, Hanbum CA. A haptic interface to a robot to study grasp stability with a virtual task. Proc 2002 IEEE Intl Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Berlin, Germany, Sept, 2002.

Johanson ME, Skinner SR. Comparison of muscle interations in the lower extremity during voluntary movements and locomotion in spastic cerebral palsy. Proc. of the American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine, New Orleans, September, 1994. and Proc of International Society of the 10th Congress of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, Charleston, June, 1994.

Johanson ME: "Electromyographic Investigation of Trunk Control in the Sitting Position. Congress Proceedings for the 7th Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology, Elseviers Science Publishers, 1988.

Yoshida MK, Lamoreux LW, Johanson ME, St Helen R, Skinner SR, and Ashley KA: "Quantitative Assessment of Patellar Tendon Reflex Using an Angular Accelerometer. Congress Proceedings for the 7th International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology. Elseviers Science Publishers, 1988.

Invited Presentations

Johanson ME. Functional restoration of grasp in tetraplegia. 9th Ann Mtg Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Soc, Lexington, KY, Apr, 2004.

Last updated 10/10/2007