More Info on Citizen Science Program: What Researchers Need
Researchers need four pieces of data for each sighting of an adult that seems to have a caterpillar on its wings and for each sighting of a larva:

     1) photograph of the adult or larva
     2) photograph of the nectar source the adult is on or the foodplant the larva is eating
     3) location
     4) date you took the photograph

This data sheet may help.

See if you can identify the species--including the plant. Identifying a larva may be challenge, but give it a try. Reasearchers especially need photographs and data on larvae!

You try: In the left two columns, see if you can see markings that look like a caterpillar on the wings of the adults. Then, see if you can match the adult to its larva.


Image credits:
[top] Euphilotes ellisii ellisii Ellis' Blue: adult © 2008 Kim Davis, Mike Stangeland and Andrew Warren; Poladryas minuta minuta Dotted Checkerspot: adult © 2010 Andrew D. Warren; Chlosyne fulvia coronado Fulvia Checkerspot: larva © 2009 Kim Davis and Mike Stangeland Hamadryas guatemalena marmarice Guatamalan Cracker: larva © 2010 Jim P. Brock

[middle] Heliconius sara theudela Sara Longwing: adult © 2009 Kim Davis, Mike Stangeland and Andrew Warren; Chlosyne fulvia coronado Fulvia Checkerspot: adult © 2009 Jim P. Brock; Eantis papinianus Cuban Sicklewing: larva © 2010 Andrei Sourakov Poladryas minuta minuta Dotted Checkerspot: larva © 2011 Jim P. Brock

[bottom] Hamadryas guatemalena marmarice Guatamalan Cracker: adult © 2011 Andrew D. Warren; Eantis papinianus Cuban Sicklewing: adult © 2009 Kim Davis, Mike Stangeland, and Andrew Warren; Euphilotes ellisii ellisii Ellis' Blue: larva © 2011 Nicky Davis Heliconius sara theudela Sara Longwing: larva © 2011 Rudy Dodero