Gallery: Featured Artist--Carel Brest van Kempen


Violet-Green Swallow
Carel Brest Van Kempen
15" x 30" Acrylic on illustration board
1995 (Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum, Wausau, WI)
Violet-Green Swallow (Tachycineta thalassina)

Artist's comment: "Unlike most of my work, where aspects of behavior or ecology provide my motivation, in this piece it was a design concept that spurred me on. While sitting one evening on the edge of a marsh I was intrigued by the angled lines created by the partially submerged sedges and their reflections and thought I could use such lines to help simulate the movement of a subject across the piece. I selected the western American violet-green swallow (Tachycineta thalassina) as my subject because its colors would contrast nicely against a reflected orange sunset. This composition is uncharacteristically spare for me, and I just couldn't help adding a damsel fly (Argia sp.)."

web producer's note: Everyone thinks this extraordinary painting is ideal as the homepage image for this website.