CAS online

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Automatic current awareness searches

Now you do not have to remember to run and rerun that search question to keep abreast of new information as it is added to Chemical Abstracts Online (CAS). Instead, use CAS’s Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI) service. Submit your search topic to Grace Baysinger and she will set up a “profile” for you.

Topics may consist of authors, subjects, journal titles, chemical names, and chemical structures/substructures. Whenever new information on your topic is added to the CAS database, you will automatically receive a list of citations via electronic mail. This service is limited to current Stanford faculty, students, and academic staff. Please note that search results cannot be used for for-profit activities such as patenting or third-party sales.

To help us process your request, we need the following information:

Email Address:
Anticipated date of departure from Stanford:

Search topic (please describe briefly)

Depending on what type of search topic you have, we need to know:

Author provide first name and middle name/initial
Subject search title words only or anywhere term appears in a CAS record. Narrow or comprehensive search required?
Journal title provide full name of journal title and ISSN or CODEN if possible
Chemical name provide complete name of compound and CAS Registry number if possible. Also note if you want stereoisomers, racemic mixtures, and labelled forms of compound
Chemical structure/substructure contact Grace Baysinger to set up structure/substructure searches.

Display options

Please specify all parts of CAS record wanted.

  • bibliographic citation (author, title, source of publication)
  • abstract
  • indexing

Also note if you want records formatted for loading into a database management system such as Endnote, Reference Manager, or Procite.

  • tagged format for database management system

Period of time to maintain search profile (please specify)

Note: profiles are deleted when users leave Stanford.

Please email your request to:
Grace Baysinger
Head Librarian & Bibliographer
Phone: (650) 723-1039