Stanford University Libraries

Sources for Practice Questions

Cooke, R.C. Online Searching Curriculum for Chemistry — Dialog’s Classroom Instruction Program for Chemical Education.
Dialog Information Service, 1993.
Available from Dialog’s Classroom Instruction Office, Alexandria, VA 703/908-2388.
Using CAS Databases on STN. CAS Academic Instruction Program. Chemical Abstracts Service, 1994.
Print and on WWW at
Using the CAS Registry File on STN. CAS Academic Instruction Program. CAS, 1996.
Print and on WWW at
Searching STN: The Basics. 5 vols. Chemical Abstracts Service, 1990.
CAS Printed Access Tools, Chemical Abstracts Service, 1981.
ACS/SLA Clearinghouse for Chemical Information Instruction Materials. Indiana University, Chemistry Library.
Available from Gary Wiggins at Chemistry Library or via WWW at URL:
CICOURSE. Chemical Information Course via Internet. From Gary Wiggins, Indiana University, Chemistry
Available via World Wide Web at:
Wiggins, Chemical Information Sources. McGraw-Hill, NY, 1991.
Uses an accompanying disk.
Wolman, Chemical Information: A Practical Guide to Utilization. 2nd ed. Wiley, NY 1988.
Mellon, Chemical Publications: Their Nature and Use. 5th ed. McGraw-Hill, NY 1982.
The Chemical Information Instructor, quarterly column in J. Chem. Ed., July 1991+
See especially articles by Abrash, Jenkins, Somerville.