PHD App Privacy Policy

PHD (Personal Health Dashboard)


Welcome to PHD App
Effective Date: October 07, 2019
Updated: October 07, 2019

Thanks for taking the time to read our Privacy Policy. Our app helps you track your health data including your heartrate, number of steps, and sleep ananlysis. This Privacy Policy sets out how we collect and use information that we obtain from your use of PHD App. This includes data we collect from devices that you choose to connect to our App to help you track your activities, such as Apple Watch, Fitbit or any other third-party devices that measure physical activities. In particular, this Privacy Policy sets out:


Upon registration, we securely send the required username, password, and keys to you.

Information Access and Permission

Upon logging in, the app asks you for permission to access your health data, including heartrate, steps, and sleep analysis.

What information we may obtain about you in connection with our system:

There is no PHI data in PHD app. With your permission, PHD collects your health data for further analysis. PHD de-identifies and fully encrypts all information before trasfering the data.

How we use your information

We use your information to provide, analyze, and visualize your health status. Your information is not shared with any vendors or service providers for analytics or advertising purposes.

Contacting Us

Please feel free to contact us with any questions, concerns, or comments at:

     Stanford Center for Genomics and Personalized Medicine
     3165 Porter Drive
     Palo Alto, CA 94304