Office: 383M
Phone: 723-2226
E-mail: andras "at"
Tentative office hours: M 3-4:30pm (starting week 2), W 4:30-5:15pm, F 3-3:45pm.
Class location: TTh 11:30am-1pm, Room 380C.
Course assistant: Qiuye Jia
E-mail: jqy "at"
Tentative office hours: T 2:30-5pm (starting week 2), Th 1:30-5pm
Textbook: due to the availability of lecture notes on Canvas, the following are all `recommended'.
The running syllabus is here.
Grading policy: The grade will be based on the weekly homework (40%), on the in-class midterm exam (25%) and on the in-class (i.e. not take-home, to take place during finals week, as designated by the registrar) final exam (35%).
The homework will be due on Gradescope on the designated day, which will usually (but not always) be Fridays. You are allowed to discuss the homework with others in the class, but you must write up your homework solution by yourself. Thus, you should understand the solution, and be able to reproduce it yourself. This ensures that, apart from satisfying a requirement for this class, you can solve the similar problems that are likely to arise on the exams.