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Family Trees:

     Genealogical internet sites have to have family tree charts. It's a rule! In fact, many such sites have nothing but charts. This site isn't one of them. The charts provided link to biographies of the individuals cited, full or scanty as the present state of my information allows.
     These charts include all known members of the earlier generations of each of the families covered, down to my own generation. Blanks usually represent biographies restricted because the subjects are living and have not authorized posting of personal information. Later generations are also omitted to protect the privacy of the living.

Charts Currently Posted:

KUNDE (gen.1-3) KUNDE (gen.3-5)
HUNKE (gen.1-3) HUNKE (gen.3-5)
TRAUDT (gen.1-3) TRAUDT (gen.3-5)

This page was established 4/1/2004, and last updated 8/31/2012.