Jan 4

By His Royal Highness’s Command.

AT the King’s Theatre in the Hay-Market, this present Tuesday, being the 4th of January, will be perform’d an Opera call’d, Rinaldo. With all the proper Decorations as Originally. The Part of Rinaldo to be perform’d by Signora Diana Vico, Armida by Signora Pilotti, Almirena by Mrs. Robinson, Godofredo by Signora Galerati, Argantes by Signor Angelo Zanoni, lately arriv’d from Italy. Boxes 8 s. Pit 5 s. The Gallery 2 s. 6 d. By Command, to begin at half an Hour after Five.[1]




Jan 8

AT the King’s Theatre in the Hay-Market, this present Saturday, being the 8th of January, will be perform’d an Opera call’d, Rinaldo. With all the proper Decorations as Originally. The Part of Rinaldo to be perform’d by Signora Diana Vico, Armida by Signora Pilotti, Almirena by Mrs. Robinson, Godofredo by Signora Galerati, Argantes by Signor Angelo Zanoni, lately arriv’d from Italy. Boxes 8 s. Pit 5 s. Gallery 2 s. 6 d. Boxes upon the Stage half a Guinea. By Command, to begin at half an Hour after Five.[2]




Jan 8

The Lord Bishop of Glocester will be consecrated at Lambeth, to Morrow Sevennight.  Extraordinary Preparations are making for the Solemnity on the Thanksgiving Day; and we are inform’d that a Throne will be erected in the Choir for His Majesty, who is expected there with their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales.  Mr. Hendel, a Native of Hannover, who set the Anthem that was sung at St. Paul’s, on Account of the Peace with France, is now composing an Anthem to be set to Musick, and to be performed on the above-mentioned Occasion.[3]




Jan 15

By His Royal Highness’s Command.

AT the King’s Theatre in the Hay-Market, this present Saturday, being the 15th of January, will be perform’d an Opera call’d, Rinaldo. With all the proper Decorations as Originally. The Part of Rinaldo to be perform’d by Signora Diana Vico, Armida by Signora Pilotti, Almirena by Mrs. Robinson, Godofredo by Signora Galerati, Argantes by Signor Angelo Zanoni, lately arriv’d from Italy. Boxes 8 s. Pit 5 s. Gallery 2 s. 6 d. Boxes upon the Stage half a Guinea. By Command, to begin at half an Hour after Five.[4]




Jan 22

By His Royal Highness’s Command.

AT the King’s Theatre in the Hay-Market, this present Saturday, being the 22d of January, will be perform’d an Opera call’d, Rinaldo. With all the proper Decorations as Originally. The Part of Rinaldo to be perform’d by Signora Diana Vico, Armida by Signora Pilotti, Almirena by Mrs. Robinson, Godofredo by Signora Galerati, Argantes by Signor Angelo Zanoni, lately arriv’d from Italy. Boxes 8 s. Pit 5 s. Gallery 2 s. 6 d. Boxes upon the Stage half a Guinea. By Command, to begin at half an Hour after Five.[5]




Jan 27

By Command.

For the Entertainment of their Highnesses the Princess Anna and the Princess Amelia.

AT the King’s Theatre in the Hay-Market, this present Thursday being, the 27th of January, will be perform’d an Opera call’d, Rinaldo. With all the proper Decorations as Originally. The Part of Rinaldo to be perform’d by Signora Diana Vico, Armida by Signora Pilotti, Almirena by Mrs. Robinson, Godofredo by Signora Galerati, Argantes by Signor Angelo Zanoni, lately arriv’d from Italy. Boxes 8 s. Pit 5 s. Gallery 2 s. 6 d. Boxes upon the Stage half a Guinea. By Command, to begin at half an Hour after Five.[6]




Feb 12

By His Royal Highness’s Command.

For the last Time.

AT the King’s Theatre in the Hay-Market, this present Saturday, being the 12th of February, will be perform’d an Opera call’d, Rinaldo. With all the proper Decorations as Originally. The Part of Rinaldo to be perform’d by Signora Diana Vico, Armida by Signora Pilotti, Almirena by Mrs. Robinson, Godofredo by Signora Galerati, Argantes by Signor Angelo Zanoni, lately arriv’d from Italy. Boxes 8 s. Pit 5 s. Gallery 2 s. 6 d. Boxes upon the Stage half a Guinea. By Command, to begin at half an Hour after Five.[7]




Feb 19

By His Royal Highness’s Command, and for the Entertainment of their Highness’s the Princess Anna, and the Princess Amelia.

AT the King’s Theatre in the Hay-Market, this present Saturday, being the 19th of February, will be perform’d an Opera call’d, Rinaldo. With all the proper Decorations as Originally. The Part of Rinaldo to be perform’d by Signora Diana Vico, Armida by Signora Pilotti, Almirena by Mrs. Robinson, Godofredo by Signora Galerati, Argantes by Signor Angelo Zanoni, lately arriv’d from Italy. Boxes 8 s. Pit 5 s. Gallery 2 s. 6 d. Boxes upon the Stage half a Guinea. By Command, to begin at half an Hour after Five.[8]




May 16

By Subscription.

AT the King’s Theatre in the Hay-Market, on Saturday next, being the 21st of May, will be perform’d a New Opera call’d, Amadis. By Command, to begin at Six a Clock.[9]




May 21

By His Royal Highness’s Command.

For the last time.

AT the King’s Theatre in the Hay-Market, this present Saturday, being the 21st of May, will be perform’d an Opera call’d, Hydaspes. The Part of Hydaspes to be perform’d by Signor Cavaliero Nicolino Grimaldi. Boxes 8 s. Pit 5 s. Gallery 2 s. 6 d. Boxes upon the Stage Half a Guinea. By Command, to begin at Six a-Clock.[10]




May 25

By Subscription.

AT the King’s Theatre in the Hay-Market, this present Wednesday, being the 25th of May, will be perform’d a New Opera call’d, Amadis. All the Cloaths and Scenes entirely New. With variety of Dancing The Pit and Boxes to be put together, and no Persons to be admitted but the Subscribers, to whom the Tickets and Books will be deliver’d at Mrs. White’s Chocolate-house in St. James’s-street, this present Wednesday. The Number of Tickets not to exceed 400. Boxes upon the Stage 15 s. Gallery 5 s. By Command, to begin at Six a-Clock. And whereas there is a great many Scenes and Machines to be mov’d in this Opera, which cannot be done if Persons should stand upon the Stage, (where they could not be without Danger) it is therefore hop’d no Body, even the Subscribers, will take it ill that they must be deny’d Entrance on the Stage.[11]




May 25

John James Heidegger, dedication of the libretto of Amadigi


To the Right Honourable Richard Earl of Burlington and Corck, Baron Clifford of Landesbrough, &c.

                  My Lord,

My Duty and Gratitude oblige me to give this Publick Testimony of that Generous Concern Your Lordship has always shown for the promoting of Theatrical Musick, but this Opera more immediately claims Your Protection, as it is compos’d in Your own Family …[12]




Jun 7

For the Benefit of Signor Cavaliero Nicolino Grimaldi.

AT the King’s Theatre in the Hay-Market, on Saturday next, being the 11th of June, will be perform’d an Opera call’d, Rinaldo. The part of Rinaldo to be perform’d by Signor Cavaliero Nicolino Grimaldi. By Command, to begin at 6 a Clock. No Person to stand on the Stage.[13]




Jun 18

For the Benefit of Signor Cavaliero Nicolino Grimaldi.

AT the King’s Theatre in the Hay-Market, on Wednesday next, being the 22d of June, will be perform’d an Opera call’d, Rinaldo. The part of Rinaldo to be perform’d by Signor Cavaliero Nicolino Grimaldi. By Command, to begin at 6 a-Clock. N. B. The Subscription Opera is deferr’d, by reason of the Hot Weather.[14]




Jun 25

For the Benefit of Signor Cavaliero Nicolino Grimaldi.

AT the King’s Theatre in the Hay-Market, this present Saturday, being the 25th of June, will be perform’d an Opera call’d, Rinaldo. The part of Rinaldo to be perform’d by Signor Cavaliero Nicolino Grimaldi. With New Scenes and Cloaths, particularly the Scene with the Fountain. With several Entertainments of Dancing. The Pit and Boxes to be put together, and no Persons to be admitted without Tickets, which will be delivered out this present Saturday, at Mrs. White’s Chocolate—ouse, at St. James’s Coffee-house in St. James street, and at the Theatre, at half a Guinea each. Boxes upon the Stage 15 s. Gallery 4 s. By Command, to begin at 6 a-Clock.  N. B. The Tickets deliver’d out for the 11th and 22d Instant, will be taken this Day.[15]





[payments to “Georg Friedrich Hendell” in the Hanover Chamber Accounts]


Midsummer 1712            500 Thaler, for six months’ salary, paid in arrears in 1715[16]




Nov 5

[Cassandra Brydges to the Dutchess of Bedford, 5 November 1715]



My Lord puts me upon giving your Grace the trouble of desiring to know upon

what termes Mr Hayms that plays upon the Bass viol served the duke of

Bedford, whither he had a sallery, & wither he eat at the steward’s table. My Lord

is informed that he would be willing to live with him, & therefore he would be

glad to know upon what foot he served his Grace. My Lord joyns with me in

offering humble service to your Grace, Mrs Howland &c.[17]




Nov 27

Hamburger Relations-Courier, 22 November


Denen Liebhabern und Kenner der Musique wird hiemit bekand gemacht daß künfftigen Mittwochen eine neue Opera genantt: Rinaldo mit allen behörigen Fleiß und Kosten soll auffgeführt werden welche man ehmals in London mit allgemeinem Applause vorgestellet und von Ihro Königl. Majest. in Gross-Britannien Weltberühmten Capel-Meister Mons. Hendel in die Musique gesetzt worden.[18]





Mattheson’s Hamburg Opera List


Rinaldo. Music by Herr Händel. Translation by Herr Feind.[19]




Barthold Feind’s Preface to his translation of the Rinaldo libretto, hamburg, 1715


… Daß aber der Welt-berühmte grosse würckliche Chur-Hannöversche Capell-Meister, Georg Friedrich Hendel, diesem so schönen und angenehmen Kinde, innerhalb 14 Tagen, zur Gebuhrt verholffen, ohne alles Kreischen, solches ist eine Sache, wozu ein so grosser harmonischer Geist, als der Hendelische, gehöret. Der Italiänische Verfasser nennet ihn deshalb auch l’Orfeo del nostro secolo und ein Ingegno sublime (nella Musica zu verstehen), dergleichen Ehre sonst noch wenig, oder wol gar keinen Teutschen von einem Italiäner oder Frantzosen erfahren, welche Herren sich sonst nur über die teutsche Lieder zu moquiren pflegen. En fin, wird ihm wohl niemand den glorieusen Musicalischen Titel, als der Neid selber, disputirlich machen … Die teutsche Poesie betreffend, hat der Uebersetzer des Italiäners Worte, Metro und Verstand gerade nach des Herrn Capellmeisters Hendels Music, wo es nöthig gewesen, fast sclavisch gefolget, damit auch kein eintziger Thon von diesem vortrefflichen Mann verlohren gehen möchte. Wann man mercken solte, daß dergleichen Arbeit einigen unverhofften plausiblen Ingreß, was die Music betrifft, finden sollte, so kan man damit inskünfftige ferner aufwarten, und sollen, in solchem Fall dieser Opera, alle Sujets dieses unvergleichlichen Componisten bald folgen.[20]

… That the world-famous Georg Friedrich Hendel, duly appointed Capellmeister to the Elector of Hanover, brought this lovely and acceptable child to birth within 14 days, without any squawking whatsoever, this is a matter for which so great a harmonic spirit as the Hendelian is fitted. The Italian author names him accordingly l’Orfeo del nostro secolo and an Ingegno sublime (nella Musica it is to be understood); suchlike honour is afforded to yet few, or indeed to no Germans by an Italian or Frenchman, which gentlemen themselves were accustomed otherwise to scoff at German songs. Enfin, no one, I suppose, would dispute with him the glorious musical title, except Envy itself. … Concerning the German verses, the translator of the Italian words has followed metre and meaning exactly according to the music of Capellmeister Hendel, almost slavishly where necessary, so that no single note of this admirable man might be lost. If one should observe that suchlike work should find some unexpected and acceptable approbation concerning the music, it may be possible in the future to avail oneself of it, and, if this is the case, all other operas of the incomparable composer will follow this one.[21]





Notice issued by the managers of the Haymarket Theatre


Whereas by the frequent calling for the songs again the Operas have been too tedious, therefore the singers are forbidden to sing any song above once; and it is hoped nobody will call for ’em or take it ill when not obeyed.[22]


[1] The Daily Courant, no. 4117, Tuesday 4 January 1715, [2].

[2] The Daily Courant, no. 4121, Saturday 8 January 1715, [2].

[3] The Weekly Journal With Fresh Advices Foreign and Domestick, Saturday 8 January 171[5], 331-32.

[4] The Daily Courant, no. 4127, Saturday 15 January 1715, [2].

[5] The Daily Courant, no. 4133, Saturday 22 January 1715, [2].

[6] The Daily Courant, no. 4137, Thursday 27 January 1715, [2].

[7] The Daily Courant, no. 4151, Saturday 12 February 1715, [2].

[8] The Daily Courant, no. 4157, Saturday 19 February 1715, [2].

[9] The Daily Courant, no. 4230, Monday 16 May 1715, [2].

[10] The Daily Courant, no. 4235, Saturday 21 May 1715, [2].

[11] The Daily Courant, no. 4238, Wednesday 25 May 1715, [2].

[12] Deutsch, 67.

[13] The Daily Courant, no. 4249, Tuesday 7 June 1715, [2].

[14] The Daily Courant, no. 4259, Saturday 18 June 1715, [2].

[15] The Daily Courant, no. 4265, Saturday 25 June 1715, [2].

[16] Donald Burrows, “Handel and Hanover,” in Bach, Handel, Scarlatti Tercentenary Essays, ed. Peter Williams (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985), 35-60: 40; trans. from German.

[17] Cassandra Brydges, Duchess of Chandos, 1670-1735: Life and Letters, ed. Rosemary O’Day (Woodbridge: Boydell, 2007), 80 (no. 12).

[18] Händel Handbuch, 68.

[19] Deutsch, 69.

[20] Händel Handbuch, 69.

[21] Deutsch, 69.

[22] Deutsch, 66.