Click on the picture for a larger view.

1,120 miles later, I'm back home in front of the apartment in SF.

Avenue of the Giants.

Dog bite.

Oregon Coast.

Enjoying my vacation.

Perfect riding conditions.

Not much of a bike lane, but not much traffic either.

Golden Bears

At the very top of the Crescent City Hills. If you look very closely, you might be able to see the 3 inch screw -- it entered at the top, an exited on the sidewall. I did not have a spare trailer tube or tire. I managed to get myself out of this mess with 4 very well placed patches, and a bit of duct tape.

Heading off for the Crescent City Hills, after a huge Denny's breakfast.

At the base of the Crescent City Hills. The last bit of flat road I would see for the next 10 miles or so.

The very first time I saw a sign with my destination printed on it since I left Seattle: San Francisco, 347 miles. In fact, I would have more than that to go, since the bike route was not as direct as the highway route.

With very stong tail winds, I rode 100 miles this day.

The picture does not do this beautiful view justice.

Another view of this fine parking lot. (?)

The Pacific Ocean, just outside of Cannon Beach, OR.

More coastline.

More coastline.

More coastline.

A wonderful break from busy highways -- it was a difficult climb, but very scenic.

The first of two unavoidable tunnels on the Oregon coast. If you look closely, you can make out the very narrow sidewalk for pedestrians. No bike lane. Big trucks. I rode very fast through this tunnel.

Riding South from Cannon Beach, OR.

Nice view.

Riding from Portland to the coast via Highway 26.

Riding from Portland to the coast via Highway 26.

After one last 90 mile day, I'm back at my doorstep.

After one last 90 mile day, I'm back at my doorstep.

After one last 90 mile day, I'm back at my doorstep.

A long, hard climb, but I found a great little cafe at the bottom of this mountain.

Pacific City, OR.

A much anticipated sight: the Golden Gate Bridge.

After the ride across the bridge.

My victory ride across the bridge.

My victory ride across the bridge.

My victory ride across the bridge.

California coastline.

Approaching Avenue of the Giants.


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