Note: links to the organizations' websites and coordinators' emails will be provided

Amnesty International

     Stanford Amnesty is part of Amnesty International, a worldwide organization that won the 1977 Nobel Peace Prize, and which has supporters in more than 160 countries.  Amnesty is a human rights organization that works for the release of prisoners of conscience. The Stanford Amnesty chapter meets every Monday at 8pm in Old Union, Room 122.  Among other activities, they host and co-sponsor a number of human rights-related events, trying to present serious human rights issues to the Stanford community in an effort to educate the community about human rights and provide individuals with a way to actually do something to fight abuses.
Contact: Anita Verma (, Othman Ouenes (, Emma Laughlin (

Children's Public Health Initiative
     CPHI has three goals that further its mission of creating a safe and healthy world for all children while giving communities the tools to help their children: community education, political advocacy and community activism. They also focus on low-income communities.
Contact:  not specified

Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Society (CRCLS) – Law School
     The Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Society is a diverse community dedicated to fostering dialogue around and awareness of civil rights and civil liberties issues affecting the law school community and the larger communities.
Contact: Amy Morgenstern (, Lauren Schulmann, (

Coalition for Justice in the Middle East (CJME)
     Student organization dedicated to raising awareness about injustice occurring internationally, focusing on the Middle East. 
Contact: Tim Gregory (, Adam Hudson (, Merrit Kennedy (

     FACE AIDS is a student organization founded to mobilize and inspire students to fight AIDS in Africa. To do so, they run annual campaigns in which tens of thousands of students raise money for community-based organizations in Africa and educate their peers about the heartbreaking pandemic. They also develop support groups and income-generating projects in Africa to help people affected by AIDS and support innovative organizations working on HIV/AIDS prevention and care. By putting a face on AIDS, they will foster a generating of Americans who will continue to fight AIDS through policy, charity, and leadership. FACE AIDS core team of volunteers is based at Stanford University. These students help design and organize the campaigns at other schools across the country, raise funds, and generate publicity.
Contact: Lila Kalaf (, Christopher Jung (, Lia Bonamassa (

International Development Club – School of Business

     The GSB International Development Club aims to help students learn more about international development and create opportunities for them to build their professional development in the field by accessing the extensive networks that we have both within and external to the GSB. The club is focused on all the various sub-sectors of international development, including microfinance, health care, women's and children's issues, poverty, infrastructure development, and privatization activities. 
Contact:  Rachmat Kaimuddin (, Eugenie Rosenthal (, Laura Brezin (

Jewish Committee on Human Rights (J-COHR),
formerly Jews for Justice in Palestine
     Jews for Justice in Palestine is a diverse, student-initiated organization of activists inspired by Jewish values to work together for peace, social justice, and human rights. We stand in solidarity with all Palestinians and their peaceful pursuit of justice. We oppose the notion that the Israeli government’s actions speak for all Jewish people and create a space in the Jewish community for this dissent. We work in partnership with activist organizations that share our opposition to the human rights abuses committed by the Israeli government.
Contact:, Amanda Gelender (

Muslim Student Awareness Network (MSAN)
      MSAN is a group dedicated to promoting awareness about Islam and the Muslim World in order to promote better cross-cultural understanding on campus. 
Contact:  Fatima Hassan (, Sohail Razzaq (, Zaid Adhami (

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (Stanford chapter)
     The mission of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to ensure the political, educational, social and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination. The Stanford NAACP focuses on spreading political and cultural awareness throughout all communities, not just minority communities, through such activities as voter registration and education drives, distributing candidate information packets during election times, sponsoring lectures conducted by world-class speakers, and by holding minority issues forums. These programs are held on and off Stanford's campus and in local high schools. The Stanford Chapter stays in touch with issues on a broader scale by attending state, regional, and national conferences. The NAACP also celebrates the achievements of those who display positive images of minorities in entertainment at the Image Awards.
Contact: Sheila Ongwae (, Britney Winters (, Kyonne Isaac (

North Korea Focus
     NK Focus is a student-ran organization that aspires to establish a forum for critical discussion among faculty and students on the North Korean human rights and humanitarian situations. Through organized screenings and lectures by professors and North Korean refugees, the organization also endeavors to raise detailed awareness of the human rights and hunger crises in North Korea on campus, network and foster relationships with NK activists around the globe, and act as a resource for interested students. 
Contact: Kevin Lee (, Junil Park (, Chang-Yeon Kim (

Organization of International Health (OIH) – School of Medicine
     The Organization of International Health is a student-run interest group based at Stanford School of Medicine. Their goal is to increase awareness of international health issues within the medical community at Stanford. In pursuit of this goal, they provide an annual traveling scholarship for pre-clinical medical student in pursuit of non-research based community health experiences outside of the United States; co-sponsor the BAIHIG international health conference in collaboration with UCSF, UC Berkeley, and UC Davis; and hold international health classes, speaker series, and a film festival.
Contact: Tiffany Castillo (, Nina Patel (, Shaundra Eichstadt (

Physicians for Human Rights – School of Medicine
     Physicians for Human Rights promotes health by protecting human rights. PHR is a national organization and shared the 1997 Nobel Peace Prize for our work on an international campaign to ban landmines. Members of the organization have worked to stop torture, disappearances, and political killings by governments and opposition groups; to improve health and sanitary conditions in prisons and detention centers; to investigate the physical and psychological consequences of violations of humanitarian law in internal and international conflicts; to defend medical neutrality and the right of civilians and combatants to receive medical care during times of war; to protect health professionals who are victims of violations of human rights; and to prevent medical complicity in torture and other abuses. PHR has an active student chapter and meets annually for a national conference.
Contact: Alexa Bisenger (, Sepideh Saber (

Physicians for Social Responsibility – School of Medicine
     The Stanford chapter of PSR seeks to improve awareness about public health and social justice issues, both global and domestic, in the context of being a medical student and future doctor. Activities include forums, two elective lecture series, and conferences on a wide variety of topics. Areas addressed include domestic violence, gun violence, environmental health, the uninsured, poverty, torture, policy issues, and many others.
Contact: Jack Wang (, Mark Michalski (

Promoting Women's Health and Human Rights

     The mission of this organization is to establish a community of support and learning for students from diverse backgrounds interested in exploring and addressing critical issues in international women’s health and human rights. This organization has two major goals: to educate the Stanford community about women’s health and human rights and to partner with organizations and establish internship and job opportunities for students interested in working on these issues. This organization will initially focus on planning educational programming for the Stanford community about women’s health and human rights issues. We intend to help spread the message that women’s health is not just a woman’s issue and will actively work to engage men in recognizing and addressing the unique needs of women as a crucial component in the process of improving these various other societal concerns. Second, as we develop relationships with local and global women’s organizations addressing these issues, we will create and centralize resources for students interested in finding internships and jobs. We will collaborate with on-campus resources such as the Career Development Center and Haas Center for Public Service so that this information is easily accessible to anyone in the Stanford community. 
Contact: Jessica Zhang (, Theresa Zhen (, Mitali Thakor (

Six Degrees: A Stanford Journal of Human Rights 
     The separation that exists between Stanford and the rest of the world seems far more than six degrees. But, our connection to the world is real. Six Degrees: A Stanford Journal of Human Rights is committed to providing an arena for Stanford students to create awareness of human rights issues across the globe based on their personal experience and inspiration.
Contact: Rachel King (

Stanford Association for International Development (SAID)
     There are two goals of the Stanford Association for International Development. The first is to build a strong and well-connected community of students, groups, and faculty involved in international development by strengthening communication links and integrating available resources. The second, to inspire innovative, conscientious, and practical approaches to the field of development. In particular, the Stanford Association for International Development organizes a series of informal dinners with professors and practitioners on development issues, as well as an annual on-campus conference on international development.
Contact: Stephanie Beck (, Eric Landau (, Gabriel Novais (

Stanford Beyond Bars
     SBB is a group of Stanford students who seek to address issues involving inmates in California’s incarceration system. The complexities of these issues require multi-faceted approaches. Stanford Beyond Bars actively engages in these issues by working directly with inmates in San Francisco jails through the auspices of the Northern California Service League, and organizing campus events that foster discussion of jail and prison issues. Furthermore, Stanford Beyond Bars seeks to improve and enhance our understanding of these issues by developing and strengthening our relationships with local community organizations, such as the Northern California Service League.
Contact: Kriti Bajaj (, Kathleen Wang (, Scott Schonfeld (

Stanford International Human Rights Association – Law School

     SIHRLA is a non-partisan organization dedicated to the advancement of international human rights law and advocacy. By providing students with a forum to explore and engage in human rights work, SIHRLA seeks to raise awareness and promote the rights of women, children, and men throughout the world.  SIHRLA is actively involved in increasing the educational opportunities available for students interested in international human rights law. SIHRLA played a leading role in bringing the Human Rights and National Security Law Clinic to campus in Fall 2004, and it will continue to work in the future to ensure the permanency of the clinic. SIHRLA is also in the process of creating externship opportunities abroad for students who wish to gain additional practical experience.  SIHRLA's other activities include sponsoring speakers and symposia, assisting nonprofit organizations with research, participating in advocacy projects, and collaborating with other student groups at Stanford and in the Bay Area to promote human rights.
Contact:  Michael Smith (, Larisa Bowman (

Stanford Labor Action Coalition (SLAC)
     The Stanford Labor Action Coalition is a group of active Stanford students who work closely with workers, local unions, other student groups, faculty, and community groups to fight against labor injustices both on and off campus. 

Stanford Project On Hunger (SPOON)
     Stanford Project on Hunger (SPOON) takes as its mission the widespread reduction of food waste on the Stanford University campus. Unused food leftovers from dining halls, row houses, the faculty club, and special events are channeled to local organizations to meet the hunger needs of community members. SPOON works in addition to spread campus awareness of hunger and homelessness issues with the overall goals of reducing waste and alleviating hunger.
Contact: David Kuo (, Tommy Tobin (, Dawn Kwan (

Stanford Public Interest Law Foundation (SPILF) – Law School
     As part of its mission, SPILF provides grant aid to Stanford law students who find summer employment with public interest groups. Many of these jobs pay little, if at all; SPILF helps students support themselves while they explore fields outside of the more lucrative private sector. By increasing access to internships in areas like juvenile advocacy, environmental policy, and community legal aid, SPILF encourages students to start fulfilling careers in the public sphere.
Contact: Samantha Brown (

Stanford Theatre Activist Mobilization Project (STAMP)
      We are an ensemble of politically conscious students that believes in the power of performance as a means for cultivating social change. Our mission is to raise the political consciousness of Stanford community members by collaborating with Stanford political organizations to generate timely, relevant performance pieces. We seek to educate, inspire, and mobilize people to take political action with our performances. 
Contact: Amanda Gelender (, Alex Mallory (, Charlotte Silver (

Students Confronting Apartheid in Israel
     Students Confronting Apartheid in Israel (SCAI) is an entirely student-run group that seeks to secure divestment from apartheid in Israel and the Occupied Territories. Through direct action and campus-wide engagement, SCAI aims to generate pressure to change unjust policies and achieve peace.
Contact: Nabill Idrisi (, Charlotte Silver (, Aalap Narichania (

Students for a Free Tibet
     Students for a Free Tibet (SFT) works in solidarity with the Tibetan people in their struggle for freedom and independence. Stanford’s chapter is based on a network of young people and activists around the world.
Through education, grassroots organizing, and non-violent direct action, they campaign for Tibetans’ fundamental right to political freedom. Their role is to empower and train youth as leaders in the worldwide movement for social justice.
Contact: not specified

Students for International Change
     S.I.C. is committed to limiting the impact of HIV/AIDS in northern Tanzania and to providing high-quality service-learning opportunities for future leaders in international development. They offer structured service-learning opportunities to students at selected American Universities and to motivated Tanzanian youth. These programs focus both on utilizing volunteer talents and energies in the fight against HIV, and on developing students as future leaders in international development.
Contact: not specified

Students Taking Action Now: Darfur (STAND)    

     STAND is a student initiative in the United States and Canada to create awareness about, take political action on, and raise funds to help end the genocide in the Darfur region of Sudan.
     The Stanford chapter of STAND was created in February 2005 and they have organized and held a number of advocacy, awareness, and fundraising events on campus and throughout California. They also work with various Darfur activist groups and concerned faith communities around the nation.
     STAND holds general meetings every Wednesday at 9pm (during the school year) at the Haas Center for Public Service. All are welcome.
Contact: Amy Padilla (, Emily Childs (, Seth Silverman (

Students Taking on Poverty (STOP)
     The Students Taking on Poverty (STOP) Campaign is a united effort of numerous student organizations, businesses, colleges and civic groups throughout the United States. Dedicated to the fight against poverty at the local, national, and international levels, the STOP Campaign is founded upon three avenues – awareness, advocacy, and action. We believe that informing people about the effects of poverty in society, motivating people to want to help alleviate poverty in a personal way, and providing opportunities for people to take action will allow us to help those affected by it. Whether assisting those instantly impoverished by tragedy, such as the victims of Hurricane Katrina, or assisting those who have dealt with poverty for years, like those in disadvantaged areas throughout the world, the STOP Campaign fights for those who need the attention and assistance of society. Stanford STOP organizes speaker events on different issues that pertain to poverty and inequality, “STOP for 30 Seconds” Awareness Campaigns, fundraisers, and community initiatives to empower local low-income residents politically, socially, and economically. 
Contact: Debbie Warshawsky (, Kathryn Kliff (

     ThinkBIG is holding an International Women's Health and Human Rights Conference at Stanford University in February 2008.
Contact: Lee Trope (, Mishan Araujo (, Karen Jacobson (

Volunteers in Latin America
     Volunteers In Latin America encourages individuals to become responsible members of the global community by promoting education about development issues in Latin America and supporting cross-cultural exchange throughout the Americas. Volunteers In Latin America is also committed to serving the global community by partnering with organizations in Latin America to advance sustainable development initiatives.
Contact: Amy Padilla (, DeAnna Dalton (, Katherine Hoffmann (