* First order of business: always open a log:



      name:  <unnamed>

       log:  C:\Users\Michael\Documents\newer web pages\soc_meth_proj3\fall_2016_logs\class1.log

  log type:  text

 opened on:  26 Sep 2016, 10:55:01


. describe


Contains data from C:\Users\Michael\Desktop\cps_mar_2000_new_unchanged.dta

  obs:       133,710                         

 vars:            55                          1 Feb 2009 13:36

 size:    14,574,390                         


              storage   display    value

variable name   type    format     label      variable label


year            int     %8.0g      yearlbl    Survey year

serial          long    %12.0g     seriallbl

                                              Household serial number

hhwt            float   %9.0g      hhwtlbl    Household weight

region          byte    %27.0g     regionlbl

                                              Region and division

statefip        byte    %57.0g     statefiplbl

                                              State (FIPS code)

metro           byte    %27.0g     metrolbl   Metropolitan central city status

metarea         int     %50.0g     metarealbl

                                              Metropolitan area

ownershp        byte    %21.0g     ownershplbl

                                              Ownership of dwelling

hhincome        long    %12.0g     hhincomelbl

                                              Total household income

pubhous         byte    %8.0g      pubhouslbl

                                              Living in public housing

foodstmp        byte    %8.0g      foodstmplbl

                                              Food stamp recipiency

pernum          byte    %8.0g      pernumlbl

                                              Person number in sample unit

perwt           float   %9.0g      perwtlbl   Person weight

momloc          byte    %8.0g      momloclbl

                                              Mother's location in the household

poploc          byte    %8.0g      poploclbl

                                              Father's location in the household

sploc           byte    %8.0g      sploclbl   Spouse's location in household

famsize         byte    %25.0g     famsizelbl

                                              Number of own family members in hh

nchild          byte    %18.0g     nchildlbl

                                              Number of own children in household

nchlt5          byte    %23.0g     nchlt5lbl

                                              Number of own children under age 5 in hh

nsibs           byte    %18.0g     nsibslbl   Number of own siblings in household

relate          int     %34.0g     relatelbl

                                              Relationship to household head

age             byte    %19.0g     agelbl     Age

sex             byte    %8.0g      sexlbl     Sex

race            int     %37.0g     racelbl    Race

marst           byte    %23.0g     marstlbl   Marital status

popstat         byte    %14.0g     popstatlbl

                                              Adult civilian, armed forces, or child

bpl             long    %27.0g     bpllbl     Birthplace

yrimmig         int     %11.0g     yrimmiglbl

                                              Year of immigration

citizen         byte    %31.0g     citizenlbl

                                              Citizenship status

mbpl            long    %27.0g     mbpllbl    Mother's birthplace

fbpl            long    %27.0g     fbpllbl    Father's birthplace

hispan          int     %29.0g     hispanlbl

                                              Hispanic origin

educ99          byte    %38.0g     educ99lbl

                                              Educational attainment, 1990

educrec         byte    %23.0g     educreclbl

                                              Educational attainment recode

schlcoll        byte    %45.0g     schlcolllbl

                                              School or college attendance

empstat         byte    %30.0g     empstatlbl

                                              Employment status

occ1990         int     %78.0g     occ1990lbl

                                              Occupation, 1990 basis

wkswork1        byte    %8.0g      wkswork1lbl

                                              Weeks worked last year

hrswork         byte    %8.0g      hrsworklbl

                                              Hours worked last week

uhrswork        byte    %13.0g     uhrsworklbl

                                              Usual hours worked per week (last yr)

hourwage        int     %8.0g      hourwagelbl

                                              Hourly wage

union           byte    %33.0g     unionlbl   Union membership

inctot          long    %12.0g                Total personal income

incwage         long    %12.0g                Wage and salary income

incss           long    %12.0g                Social Security income

incwelfr        long    %12.0g                Welfare (public assistance) income

vetstat         byte    %10.0g     vetstatlbl

                                              Veteran status

vetlast         byte    %26.0g     vetlastlbl

                                              Veteran's most recent period of service

disabwrk        byte    %34.0g     disabwrklbl

                                              Work disability

health          byte    %9.0g      healthlbl

                                              Health status

inclugh         byte    %8.0g      inclughlbl

                                              Included in employer group health plan

                                                last year

himcaid         byte    %8.0g      himcaidlbl

                                              Covered by Medicaid last year

ftotval         double  %10.0g     ftotvallbl

                                              Total family income

perwt_rounded   float   %9.0g                 integer perwt, negative values recoded to


yrsed           float   %9.0g                 based on educrec


Sorted by:  sex

     Note:  dataset has changed since last saved


* We will have more to say about storage types and labels as the class goes on.


. tabulate race


                                 Race |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.


                                White |    113,475       84.87       84.87

                          Black/Negro |     13,626       10.19       95.06

         American Indian/Aleut/Eskimo |      1,894        1.42       96.47

            Asian or Pacific Islander |      4,715        3.53      100.00


                                Total |    133,710      100.00


. tabulate race [fweight=perwt_rounded]


                                 Race |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.


                                White |224,806,952       82.02       82.02

                          Black/Negro | 35,508,668       12.96       94.98

         American Indian/Aleut/Eskimo |  2,847,473        1.04       96.01

            Asian or Pacific Islander | 10,924,728        3.99      100.00


                                Total |274,087,821      100.00

*key things to note here: the CPS sample we will be using has 133,710 subjects. The sample universe of Americans living in households in March, 2000 was 274 million. The average weight is slightly over 2,000. Undersampled groups like blacks have higher than average weights, so they have a higher percentage in the weighted than the unweighted data.


. summarize perwt_rounded


    Variable |       Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max


perwt_roun~d |    133710    2049.868    1083.244         93      14281


. tabulate race


                                 Race |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.


                                White |    113,475       84.87       84.87

                          Black/Negro |     13,626       10.19       95.06

         American Indian/Aleut/Eskimo |      1,894        1.42       96.47

            Asian or Pacific Islander |      4,715        3.53      100.00


                                Total |    133,710      100.00


. tabulate race, nolab


       Race |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.


        100 |    113,475       84.87       84.87

        200 |     13,626       10.19       95.06

        300 |      1,894        1.42       96.47

        650 |      4,715        3.53      100.00


      Total |    133,710      100.00


* Note that all variables, including categorical variables, are stored as numbers. White=100 in the CPS race variable. Numbers take up less space and are easier to compare, but that means we will have to keep numbers and value labels both in mind.


. summarize incwage


    Variable |       Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max


     incwage |    103226    19462.59    28843.38          0     364302


. summarize inctot


    Variable |       Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max


      inctot |    103226     26011.4    32061.48     -24998     425510


. tabulate incwage


   Wage and |

     salary |

     income |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.


          0 |     35,825       34.71       34.71

          1 |          7        0.01       34.71

          5 |         15        0.01       34.73

          7 |          1        0.00       34.73

          8 |          1        0.00       34.73

         10 |          1        0.00       34.73

         12 |          2        0.00       34.73

         18 |          1        0.00       34.73

         20 |         10        0.01       34.74

         21 |          2        0.00       34.74

         28 |          2        0.00       34.75

         30 |          5        0.00       34.75

         31 |          1        0.00       34.75

         34 |          4        0.00       34.76

         35 |          5        0.00       34.76

         36 |          1        0.00       34.76

         40 |          8        0.01       34.77

         44 |          1        0.00       34.77

         45 |          4        0.00       34.77

         46 |          3        0.00       34.78




* Stata command summarize is for variables where the average of the numbers makes sense. Tabulate is for categorical variables. Just like you never want to summarize race (because the numbers don’t mean anything, so averaging together doesn’t mean anything), similarly you don’t want to tabulate incwage, because you just get a list of every different income that anyone reported. The output would be like the phone book if we didn’t interrupt the command.


. summarize age


    Variable |       Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max


         age |    133710    35.17964    22.21722          0         90


* Note the age topcode of 90. See the ipums documentation for topcodes, sample universes, and so on.


. summarize yrsed


    Variable |       Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max


       yrsed |    103226    12.77328    3.156011          0         17


. tabulate age if yrsed==.


                Age |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.


       Under 1 year |      1,713        5.62        5.62

                  1 |      1,932        6.34       11.96

                  2 |      1,950        6.40       18.35

                  3 |      1,939        6.36       24.71

                  4 |      1,965        6.45       31.16

                  5 |      1,998        6.55       37.71

                  6 |      2,059        6.75       44.47

                  7 |      2,176        7.14       51.61

                  8 |      2,163        7.10       58.70

                  9 |      2,243        7.36       66.06

                 10 |      2,202        7.22       73.28

                 11 |      2,083        6.83       80.12

                 12 |      2,035        6.68       86.79

                 13 |      2,047        6.71       93.51

                 14 |      1,979        6.49      100.00


              Total |     30,484      100.00


* The period, or “.” Is the code for missing value in Stata. People under 15 had missing education, because the question was not asked of them (see the Ipums documentation).


. sort sex


. by sex: summarize yrsed if age>=25 & age<=34



-> sex = Male


    Variable |       Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max


       yrsed |      9027    13.31212    2.967666          0         17



-> sex = Female


    Variable |       Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max


       yrsed |      9511    13.55657    2.854472          0         17


* We asked the question, is this 0.24 years of education difference a significant difference? The first way to think about the question is with relation to the CPS data itself, in which there are no unknowns, we know that 13.55>13.31. The more complicated question is about the US. Does the difference between 13.55 and 13.31 in the CPS lead us to reject the null hypothesis that men and women in the US have the same level of education? Even though the 0.24 years of education difference is small, the ttest below demonstrates very definitively that the difference is statistically significant. In other words, the difference between 13.55 and 13.31 is large enough (and the 18,000 subjects in CPS who are involved in this sample are numerous enough) to allow us to be sure that men and women in the US age 25-34 did not have the same mean educational attainment.



. ttest yrsed if age>=25 & age<=34, by(sex)


Two-sample t test with equal variances


   Group |     Obs        Mean    Std. Err.   Std. Dev.   [95% Conf. Interval]


    Male |    9027    13.31212    .0312351    2.967666    13.25089    13.37335

  Female |    9511    13.55657    .0292693    2.854472    13.49919    13.61394


combined |   18538    13.43753    .0213921    2.912627     13.3956    13.47946


    diff |           -.2444469    .0427623               -.3282649   -.1606289


    diff = mean(Male) - mean(Female)                              t =  -5.7164

Ho: diff = 0                                     degrees of freedom =    18536


    Ha: diff < 0                 Ha: diff != 0                 Ha: diff > 0

 Pr(T < t) = 0.0000         Pr(|T| > |t|) = 0.0000          Pr(T > t) = 1.0000


. log close

      name:  <unnamed>

       log:  C:\Users\Michael\Documents\newer web pages\soc_meth_proj3\fall_2016_logs\c

> lass1.log

  log type:  text

 closed on:  26 Sep 2016, 12:55:07
