CS142 Project #2: Ruby Calisthenics

Note: make sure you are running Ruby version 2.1.4. The command line ruby --version will tell you which version is currently installed; if your version is older than 2.1.4, follow the installation instructions to upgrade.

Problem 1: everything is an object, including numbers (5 points)

Cut and paste the following code into a file named squared.rb:

... your code goes here ...

puts 9.squared
puts 16.squared

Then replace the line at the top with Ruby code that adds a new method squared to the Numeric class. The method should return the square of the object on which it is invoked. Once this method is defined you should be able to use expressions such as 9.squared. Test the code by typing ruby squared.rb to your shell.

Problem 2: using blocks (5 points)

Create a file named sort.rb that defines a method funny_sort, which takes a single argument containing an array of strings and returns an array containing the same strings in sorted order. The sorting of the strings is determined by the first sequence of digits within each string (sort numerically, not alphabetically). For example, the string "abc99.6" is sorted according to the number 99, and "-100x500" is sorted according to the number 100. If a string contains no decimal digits then it must be sorted according to -1 (all such strings will appear first in the output, in any order). In your implementation you must use the sort function implemented by the Enumerable module, and you must provide a block that ensures the correct sorting order. In addition to defining funny_sort your file sort.rb must include code that invokes funny_sort a few times and prints the results to demonstrate that your code works.

Problem 3: defining an iterator (5 points)

Create a file named starts_with.rb that adds a method each_starts_with, which takes two arguments plus a block. The first argument is an array of strings and the second argument is a string. The method iterates over each of the strings in the array, invoking the block for each element whose first characters match the second argument exactly. The matching string is passed to the block as an argument. Here is an example of an irb session illustrating how the method should work:

$ irb --simple-prompt
>> load "starts_with.rb"
=> true
>> each_starts_with(["abcd", "axyz", "able", "xyzab", "qrst"], "ab") {|s| puts s}
=> ["abcd", "axyz", "able", "xyzab", "qrst"]

Include code in your starts_with.rb file that invokes starts_with to demonstrate that it works correctly.

Problem 4: hashes and symbols (5 points)

Create a file named filter.rb that defines a method filter, which takes one or two arguments plus a block. The first argument is an array of numbers and the second argument, if specified, is a hash containing zero or more options. The method iterates over each of the numbers in the array, invoking the block with each number that matches the options. The filter method must support the following options:

minSkip any numbers less than the value of this option.
maxSkip any numbers greater than the value of this option.
oddIf this option is defined, skip any even numbers.
evenIf this option is defined, skip any odd numbers.
scaleIf this option is defined, multiply each number by the value of the option before passing to the block.

Here is an example of an irb session illustrating how the method should work:

$ irb --simple-prompt
>> load "filter.rb"
=> true
>> nums = [6, -5, 319, 400, 18, 94, 11]
=> [6, -5, 319, 400, 18, 94, 11]
>> filter(nums, :min => 10, :max => 350, :odd => 1, :scale => 2) {|n| puts n}
    => nil
>> filter(nums, :max => 0) {|n| puts n}
=> nil
>> filter(nums) {|n| puts n}
=> nil

Include code in your filter.rb file that invokes filter to demonstrate that it works correctly. Your solution must use symbols to index into hashes whereever that is practical. Note: your implementation of filter need not return nil as in the examples above.

Problem 5: extending a module (5 points)

Create a file named group.rb that adds a new method each_group_by_first_char to the Enumerable module. This method is an iterator that yields two items at a time: a one-character string and an array of all the input values starting with that character. The order in which characters are yielded, and the order of values in the array, are not important. Once you have defined this iterator in the Enumerable module, you can use it for any enumerable collection. For example:

>> x = ["abcd", "axyz", "able", "xyzab", "qrst"]
=> ["abcd", "axyz", "able", "xyzab", "qrst"]
>> x.each_group_by_first_char do |char, words|
?>     printf("%s: %s\n", char, words.join(" "));
?> end
a: abcd axyz able
x: xyzab
q: qrst

Include code in your group.rb file that invokes each_group_by_first_char to demonstrate that it works correctly.

Problem 6: metaprogramming (5 points)

Create a file adder.rb that defines a class Adder. This class should provide a constructor that takes a single integer argument; other than this, the class should contain only a single method named method_missing. As discussed in class, this method will get invoked whenever a nonexistent method is invoked on objects of this class. If a method of the form plusnum is invoked, where num is a positive integer, your code should add a new method by that name to the Adder class and invoke it; in the future, the method will already exist so method_missing will not be invoked. The method plusnum should return i+num, where i was the argument passed to the object's constructor. If the method name doesn't have the form plusnum then your method_missing method should invoke method_missing on the superclass so that a proper error gets generated. Note: you may find the methods class_eval, eval, and super useful in your solution. Here is an example irb session illustrating how the class should work:

$ irb --simple-prompt
>> load "adder.rb"
=> true
>> x = Adder.new(10)
>> x.plus20
=> 30
>> x.plus25
=> 35
>> x.minus2
NoMethodError: undefined method `minus2' for #<Adder:0x2cecca8 @i=10>
        from ./adder.rb:15:in `method_missing'
        from (irb):6

Style Points (5 points)

These points will be awarded if your Ruby code for the problems above is clean and readable.

Useful Hints


Use the standard class submission mechanism to submit the code files you created for the problems, including squared.rb, sort.rb, starts_with.rb, filter.rb, group.rb, and adder.rb.