

What is ancient history?, Princeton University Press: Princeton, 2025. 319 p. (Audio book by Highbridge Audio, 2025. Translation under contract: Chinese Traditional – Acropolis)  Buy

Escape from Rome: the failure of empire and the road to prosperity, Princeton University Press: Princeton, 2019 (Princeton Economic History of the Western World). XX + 670 p. (Audio book: Recorded Books, 2019. Paperback edition 2021. Translations: Chinese Traditional translation: Acropolis, 2022; LUISS University Press, 2022. Under contract: Chinese Simplified: Gingko Book Co.; Turkish: Vakifbank Kultur Yayinlari  Buy  Reviews, events and media coverage

The great leveler: violence and the history of inequality from the Stone Age to the twenty-first century, Princeton University Press: Princeton, 2017 (Princeton Economic History of the Western World). XVIII + 504 p. (Audio book: Tantor Audio, 2017. Paperback edition 2018; Princeton Classics edition 2025. Korean translation: Eco Livre, 2017; German: WBG Theiss, 2018; Portuguese: Almedina, 2018; Spanish: Editorial Crítica, 2018; Chinese Simplified: China CITIC Press, 2019; Italian: Il Mulino, 2019; Japanese: Toyo Keizai, 2019; Russian: AST Publishing, 2019; Czech: Argo, 2020; Portuguese (Brazil): Zahar Editoria, 2020; French: Actes Sud, 2021; Chinese Traditional: Linking Publishing, 2023; Turkish: Fol Kitap, 2024; Polish: Glowbook, 2025)  Buy  Reviews, events and media coverage

Death on the Nile: disease and the demography of Roman Egypt, Brill: Leiden, Boston and Cologne, 2001 (Mnemosyne Supplement Volume 228). XXX + 286 p.  Buy  Reviews

Measuring sex, age and death in the Roman empire: explorations in ancient demography, Journal of Roman Archaeology: Ann Arbor, MI, 1996 (Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplement Volume 21). 184 p.  Buy  Reviews

Grundpacht und Lohnarbeit in der Landwirtschaft des römischen Italien, Peter Lang: Frankfurt a. M., 1994. XIV + 281 p.  Reviews



Edited volumes

[with Peter Bang and Christopher Bayly †] The Oxford world history of empire. Oxford University Press: New York, 2021. 2 vols. XXVIII + 552 p., XXXII + 1318 p. (Translations under contract: Chinese Simplified –Ginkgo Book Co.; Korean: Book 21 Publishing Grooup)  Buy  Reviews

The science of Roman history: biology, climate, and the future of the past, Princeton University Press: Princeton and Oxford, 2018 (paperback edition 2019). XVIII + 258 p. (Chinese Simplified translation: Social Sciences Academic Press, 2024)  Buy  Reviews

[with John Bodel] On human bondage: after Slavery and social death, Wiley-Blackwell: Malden MA, Oxford and Chichester, 2017. XIV + 314 p.  Buy

[with Andrew Monson] Fiscal regimes and the political economy of premodern states, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2015 (paperback edition 2018). XVI + 586 p.  Buy  Reviews

State power in ancient China and Rome, Oxford University Press: New York, 2015 (paperback edition 2021). XVIII + 303 p. (Chinese Simplified translation: SDX Joint Publishing, 2020)  Buy  Reviews

[with Peter Fibiger Bang] The Oxford handbook of the state in the ancient Near East and Mediterranean, Oxford University Press: New York, 2013 (paperback edition 2015). XII + 555 p.  Buy  Reviews

The Cambridge companion to the Roman economy, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2012 (paperback edition 2012). XIV + 443 p.  Buy  Reviews

[with Alessandro Barchiesi] The Oxford handbook of Roman studies, Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2010 (paperback edition 2020). XVIII + 947 p.  Buy  Reviews

Rome and China: comparative perspectives on ancient world empires, Oxford University Press: New York, 2009 (paperback edition 2010). XVI + 240 p. (Chinese Simplified translation: Jiangsu People’s Publishing House: Nanjing, 2018; Korean translation under contract with Think n Paper Publishing House)  Buy  Reviews

[with Ian Morris] The dynamics of ancient empires: state power from Assyria to Byzantium, Oxford University Press: New York, 2009 (paperback edition 2010). XVIII + 381 p.  Buy  Reviews

[with Ian Morris and Richard Saller] The Cambridge economic history of the Greco-Roman world, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2007 (paperback edition 2012). XVI + 942 p.  Buy  Reviews

[with Sitta von Reden] The ancient economy, Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, and Routledge: New York, 2002 (paperback edition 2002). XXII + 282 p.  Buy  Reviews

[with Peter Siewert, Stefan Brenne, Birgitta Eder and Herbert Heftner] Ostrakismos-Testimonien I: Die Zeugnisse antiker Autoren, der Inschriften und Ostraka über das athenische Scherbengericht aus vorhellenistischer Zeit (487-322 v. Chr.), Steiner Verlag Stuttgart: Stuttgart, 2002 (Historia Einzelschrift 155). 555 p.  Reviews

Debating Roman demography, Brill: Leiden, Boston and Cologne, 2001 (Mnemosyne Supplement Volume 211). X + 242 p.  Buy  Reviews

Peter Garnsey, Cities, peasants and food in classical antiquity: essays in social and economic history, edited with addenda by Walter Scheidel, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1998 (paperback edition 2004). XVIII + 336 p.  Buy  Reviews  Google book



Interactive digital publication

[with Elijah Meeks] ‘ORBIS: the Stanford geospatial network model of the Roman world’,, Version 1.0, May 2012; 2.0, July 2014



Articles in periodicals

[with G. Alfani and M. Bolla] ‘A comparison of income inequality in the Roman and Chinese Han empires,’ in: Nature Communications (in press)

‘Slavery’s Rome,’ in: Arethusa 58 (2025), 1-25

‘Non-Archimedean modernities,’ in: Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 47 (2022), 520-529

Fitness and power: the contribution of genetics to the history of differential reproduction, in: Evolutionary Psychology 19.4 (2021) (‘Special collection: human history as natural history’)

‘Roman wealth and wealth inequality in comparative perspective,’ in: Journal of Roman Archaeology 33 (2020), 341-353

[with Fritz-Heiner Mutschler] ‘The benefits of comparison: a call for the comparative study of ancient civilizations’, in: Journal of Ancient Civilizations 32 (2017), 107-121 (also published in Chinese Simplified)

[with Ian Morris] ‘What is ancient history?’, in: Daedalus 145, 2 (2016), 113-121

‘Benford’s Law and numerical stylization of monetary valuations in classical literature’, in: Classical Quarterly 66 (2016), 815-821

‘The great leveler: violence and the history of inequality from the Stone Age to the twenty-first century’ (in Chinese Simplified), in: Chinese Journal of European Studies 34, 6 (2016), 136-150

‘Evolutionary psychology and the historian’, in: American Historical Review 119 (2014), 1563-1575

‘The shape of the Roman world: modelling imperial connectivity’, in: Journal of Roman Archaeology 27 (2014), 7-32

[with Brian J. Dermody et al.] ‘A virtual water network of the Roman world’, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18 (2014), 5025-5040

‘Explaining the maritime freight charges in Diocletian’s Prices Edict’, in: Journal of Roman Archaeology 26 (2013), 464-468

[with Roy J. King et al.] ‘The coming of the Greeks to Provence and Corsica: Y-chromosome models of archaic Greek colonization of the Western Mediterranean’, in: BMC Evolutionary Biology 11 (2011), 69 (doi 10.1186/1471-2148-11-69)

‘Real wages in early economies: evidence for living standards from 1800 BCE to 1300 CE’, in: Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 53 (2010), 425-462

‘Coin quality, coin quantity, and coin value in early China and the Roman world’, in: American Journal of Numismatics 22 (2010), 93-118

‘In search of Roman economic growth’, in: Journal of Roman Archaeology 22 (2009), 46-70

[with Steven J. Friesen] ‘The size of the economy and the distribution of income in the Roman empire’, in: Journal of Roman Studies 99 (2009), 61-91

[with Peter Turchin] ‘Coin hoards speak of population declines in ancient Rome’, in: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (2009), 17276-17279*

‘A peculiar institution? Greco-Roman monogamy in global context’, in: History of the Family 14 (2009), 280-291

‘When did Livy write Books 1, 3, 28 and 59?’, in: Classical Quarterly 59 (2009), 653-658

‘A model of real income growth in Roman Italy’, in: Historia 56 (2007), 322-346

‘Roman funerary commemoration and the age at first marriage’, in: Classical Philology 102 (2007), 389-402

[with Josiah Ober, Brent D. Shaw and Donna Sanclemente ] ‘Toward Open Access in ancient studies: the Princeton-Stanford working papers in Classics’, in: Hesperia 76 (2007), 229-242

‘Real slave prices and the relative cost of slave labor in the Greco-Roman world’, in: Ancient Society 35 (2005), 1-17

‘Human mobility in Roman Italy, II: The slave population’, in: Journal of Roman Studies 95 (2005), 64-79 (abridged German translation in: E. Herrmann-Otto [ed.], Antike Sklaverei, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft: Darmstadt, 2013, 73-91)

‘Human mobility in Roman Italy, I: The free population’, in: Journal of Roman Studies 94 (2004), 1-26

‘Demographic and economic development in the ancient Mediterranean world’, in: Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 160 (2004), 743-757

‘The Greek demographic expansion: models and comparisons’, in: Journal of Hellenic Studies 123 (2003), 120-140

‘A model of demographic and economic change in Roman Egypt after the Antonine plague’, in: Journal of Roman Archaeology 15 (2002), 97-114

‘Roman age structure: evidence and models’, in: Journal of Roman Studies 91 (2001), 1-26

‘Emperors, aristocrats and the Grim Reaper: towards a demographic profile of the Roman élite’, in: Classical Quarterly 49 (1999), 254-281

‘The death declarations of Roman Egypt: a re-appraisal’, in: Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 36 (1999), 53-70

‘The slave population of Roman Italy: speculation and constraints’, in: Topoi 9, 1 (1999), 129-144

‘Professional historians of classical antiquity in the English-speaking world: a quantitative survey’, in: Ancient History Bulletin 13 (1999), 151-156 (Chinese translation in History and Theory, Beijing)

‘The meaning of dates on mummy labels: seasonal mortality and mortuary practice in Roman Egypt’, in: Journal of Roman Archaeology 11 (1998), 285-292

‘Quantifying the sources of slaves in the early Roman empire’, in: Journal of Roman Studies 87 (1997), 156-169

‘Brother-sister marriage in Roman Egypt’, in: Journal of Biosocial Science 29 (1997), 361-371

‘Continuity and change in classical scholarship: a quantitative survey, 1924 to 1992’, in: Ancient Society 28 (1997), 265-289

‘Finances, figures and fiction’, in: Classical Quarterly 46 (1996), 222-238

‘Brother-sister and parent-child marriage outside royal families in ancient Egypt and Iran: a challenge to the sociobiological view of incest avoidance?’, in: Ethology and Sociobiology 17 (1996), 319-340

‘What’s in an age? A comparative view of bias in the census returns of Roman Egypt’, in: Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 33 (1996), 25-59 (with: ‘Twins in Roman Egypt: postscript to BASP 33 (1996)’, 34 (1997), 35-37)

‘Reflections on the differential valuation of slaves in Diocletian’s price edict and in the United States’, in: Münstersche Beiträge zur antiken Handelsgeschichte 15, 1 (1996), 67-79

‘The most silent women of Greece and Rome: rural labour and women’s life in the ancient world’, in: Greece & Rome 42 (1995), 202-217, and 43 (1996), 1-10

‘Rekruten und Überlebende: Die demographische Struktur der römischen Legionen in der Prinzipatszeit’, in: Klio 77 (1995), 232-254

‘Incest revisited: three notes on the demography of sibling marriage in Roman Egypt’, in: Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 32, 3-4 (1995), 143-155

‘Libitina’s bitter gains: seasonal mortality and endemic disease in the ancient city of Rome’, in: Ancient Society 25 (1994), 151-175

‘Columellas privates ius liberorum: Literatur, Recht, Demographie. Einige Probleme’, in: Latomus 53 (1994), 513-527

‘Thukydides Pantain<et>ou Gargettios, Gegner des Perikles: Geschichte eines Phantoms’, in: Historia 43 (1994), 372-378

‘GERMANICVS und SARMATICVS: Die Ereignisgeschichte des Jahres 175 bei Cassius Dio und die Emissionsabfolge der kaiserlichen Reichsprägung’, in: Pomoerium 1 (1994), 69-74

‘Zur Angabe des Lebensalters in den römischen Grabinschriften Österreichs’, in: Römisches Österreich 19/20 (1991/92 [1994]), 143-159

‘Pächter und Grundpacht bei Columella (Colonus-Studien II)’, in: Athenaeum 81 (1993), 391-439

Servi alieni als Erben: Zum gesellschaftlichen Hintergrund’, in: Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte, Romanistische Abteilung 110 (1993), 648-651

‘Dokument und Kontext: Aspekte der historischen Interpretation epigraphischer Quellen am Beispiel der ‘Krise des dritten Jahrhunderts’’, in: Rivista storica dell' antichità 21 (1991 [1993]), 145-164

Politio und politor bei Cato: Ein Epilog’, in: Maia 45 (1993), 125-135

‘Inschriftenstatistik und die Frage des Rekrutierungsalters römischer Soldaten’, in: Chiron 22 (1992), 281-297

Coloni und Pächter in den römischen literarischen Quellen vom 2. Jh. v. Chr. bis zur Severerzeit: Eine kritische Betrachtung (Colonus-Studien I)’, in: Athenaeum 80 (1992), 331-370

‘Neuen Wein in leere Schläuche: Jongman’s Pompeii, Modelle und die kampanische Landwirtschaft’, in: Athenaeum 80 (1992), 207-213

‘Der Germaneneinfall in Oberitalien unter Marcus Aurelius und die Emissionsabfolge der kaiserlichen Reichsprägung’, in: Chiron 20 (1990), 1-18

‘Feldarbeit von Frauen in der antiken Landwirtschaft’, in: Gymnasium 97 (1990), 405-431 (extract reprinted in: E. Hinrichs and J. Stehling [eds.], Wir machen Geschichte 2, Diesterweg: Frankfurt a. M., 1997, 204)

‘Quasikolonen bei Vergil?’, in: Klio 72 (1990), 166-172

‘Probleme der Datierung des Costoboceneinfalls im Balkanraum unter Marcus Aurelius’, in: Historia 39 (1990), 493-498

Agricola, colonus, cultor, rusticus: Beobachtungen zum rechtlichen und sozialen Status der ‘Landwirte’ in Columellas Schrift de re rustica’, in: Maia 42 (1990), 257-265

‘Zur Lohnarbeit bei Columella’, in: Tyche 4 (1989), 139-146

[with Peter Siewert] ‘Friedensschlüsse des 5. Jahrhunderts zwischen Athen und Sparta bei Andokides und Theopomp’, in: Tyche 3 (1988), 163-170



Book chapters

‘Roman economic performance and inequality: why we need the big picture,’ in: E. Murphy and R. Stephan (eds.), From the economic to the social: inequalities in the Roman world, Oxford University Press: New York (forthcoming)

‘Building up slaveries in ancient Italy and the central Sudan’, in: S. Bernard, L. Mignone and D. Padilla Peralta (eds.), Making the middle republic: new approaches to Rome and Italy, 400-200 BCE, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2023, 80-100

‘The end of “peak empire:” the collapse of the Roman, Han, and Jin empires’, in: M. A. Centeno, P. W. Callahan, P. A. Larcey and T. S. Patterson (eds.), How worlds collapse: what history, systems, and complexity can teach us about our modern world and fragile future, Routledge: New York, 2023, 108-123

Construcción de estatus, acumulación de oportunidades y desigualdad material en la antigua roma: la mirada desde la sociología, in: M. Campagno, J. Gallego, C. Garcia Mac Gaw, and R. Payne (eds.), Desigualdades antiguas: economía, cultura y sociedad en el Oriente Medio y el Mediterráneo, Miño y Dávila: Buenos Aires, 2023, 323-337

‘Piketty among the ancients – capital and beyond’, in: M. Koedijk and N. Morley (eds.), Capital in classical antiquity, Palgrave Macmillan: London, 2022, 355-371

[with Josiah Ober] ‘Inequality’, in: S. von Reden (ed.), The Cambridge companion to the ancient Greek economy, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2022, 404-420

‘The scale of empire: territory, population, distribution’, in: P. Bang, C. Bayly and W. Scheidel (eds.), The Oxford world history of empire, Volume 1, Oxford University Press: New York, 2021, 91-110

‘Ancient Mediterranean city-state empires: Athens, Carthage, early Rome’, in: P. Bang, C. Bayly and W. Scheidel (eds.), The Oxford world history of empire, Volume 2, Oxford University Press: New York, 2021, 137-157

‘Comparing comparisons’, in: G. E. R. Lloyd and J. J. Zhao, with Q. Dong (eds.), Ancient Greece and China compared: interdisciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2018, 40-58

‘Building for the state: a world-historical perspective’, in: D. Allen, P. Christesen and P. Millett (eds.), How to do things with history: new approaches to ancient Greece, Oxford University Press: New York, 2018, 237-259

[with Kyle Harper] ‘Roman slavery and the idea of slave society’, in: N. Lenski and C. M. Cameron (eds.), What is a slave society? The practice of slavery in global perspective, Cambridge University Press: New York, 2018, 86-105

‘Slavery and forced labor in early China and the Roman world’, in: H. J. Kim, F. J. Vervaet and S. F. Adali (eds.), Eurasian empires in antiquity and the early Middle Ages: contacts and exchange between the Graeco-Roman world, Inner Asia and China, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2017, 133-150

‘Measuring Finley’s impact’, in: D. Jew, R. Osborne and M. Scott (eds.), M. I. Finley: an ancient historian and his impact, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2016, 288-297

‘Rome, Tenochtitlan, and beyond: comparing empires across space and time’, in: J. M. D. Pohl and C. L. Lyons (eds.), Altera Roma: art and empire from Mérida to Mexico, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press: Los Angeles, 2016, 21-32

‘Comparing ancient worlds: comparative history as comparative advantage’, in: Jinian Lei Haizong xiansheng danchen 110 zhounian: zhongguo di si jie shijie gudaishi guoji xueshu yantaohui lunwen ji, Zhonghua shuju: Beijing, 2016, 187-193

[with Andrew Monson] ‘Studying fiscal regimes’, in: A. Monson and W. Scheidel (eds.), Fiscal regimes and the political economy of premodern states, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2015, 3-27

‘The early Roman monarchy’, in: A. Monson and W. Scheidel (eds.), Fiscal regimes and the political economy of premodern states, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2015, 229-257

‘State revenue and expenditure in the Han and Roman empires’, in: W. Scheidel (ed.), State power in ancient China and Rome, Oxford University Press: New York, 2015, 150-180

‘Roman real wages in context’, in: F. de Callataÿ (ed.), Quantifying the Greco-Roman economy and beyond, Edipuglia: Bari, 2014, 209-218

‘“Germs for Rome” 10 years after’, in: C. Apicella, M.-L. Haack and F. Lerouxel (eds.), Les affaires de Monsieur Andreau: économie et société du monde romain, Ausonius Éditions: Bordeaux 2014, 281-291

‘Studying the state’, in P. F. Bang and W. Scheidel (eds.), The Oxford handbook of the state in the ancient Near East and Mediterranean, Oxford University Press: New York, 2013, 5-57

‘Disease and death’, in: P. Erdkamp (ed.), The Cambridge companion to ancient Rome, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge 2013, 45-59

‘Approaching the Roman economy’, in W. Scheidel (ed.), The Cambridge companion to the Roman economy, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2012, 1-21

‘Slavery’, in W. Scheidel (ed.), The Cambridge companion to the Roman economy, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2012, 89-113

‘Physical well-being’, in W. Scheidel (ed.), The Cambridge companion to the Roman economy, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2012, 321-333

‘Epigraphy and demography: birth, marriage, family, and death’, in: J. Davies and J. Wilkes (eds.), Epigraphy and the historical sciences, Proceedings of the British Academy vol. 177, Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2012, 101-129

‘Roman wellbeing and the economic consequences of the Antonine Plague’, in: E. Lo Cascio (ed.), L’impatto della “peste antonina”, Edipuglia: Bari, 2012, 265-295 [with a contribution by John Sutherland]

‘Age and health’, in: C. Riggs (ed.), The Oxford handbook of Roman Egypt, Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2012, 305-316

‘The Roman slave supply’, in: K. Bradley and P. Cartledge (eds.), The Cambridge world history of slavery, 1: The ancient Mediterranean world, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2011, 287-310

‘Fiscal regimes and the ‘First Great Divergence’ between eastern and western Eurasia’, in: P. F. Bang and C. A. Bayly (eds.), Tributary empires in global history, Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, 2011, 193-204

‘A comparative perspective on the determinants of the scale and productivity of maritime trade in the Roman Mediterranean’, in: W. V. Harris and K. Iara (eds.), Maritime technology in the ancient economy: ship-design and navigation, Journal of Roman Archaeology: Portsmouth, RI, 2011, 21-37

‘The Xiongnu and the comparative study of empire,’ in: U. Brosseder and B. K. Miller (eds.), Xiongnu archaeology – multidisciplinary perspectives on the first steppe empire in Inner Asia, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn: Bonn, 2011, 111-120

‘Monogamy and polygyny’, in: B. Rawson (ed.), A companion to families in the Greek and Roman worlds, Wiley-Blackwell: Malden MA, Oxford and Chichester, 2011, 108-115

‘Economy and quality of life’, in: A. Barchiesi and W. Scheidel (eds.), The Oxford handbook of Roman studies, Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2010, 593-609

‘From the ‘Great Convergence’ to the ‘First Great Divergence’: Roman and Qin-Han state formation and its aftermath’, in: W. Scheidel (ed.), Rome and China: comparative perspectives on ancient world empires, Oxford University Press: New York, 2009, 11-23

‘The monetary systems of the Han and Roman empires’, in: W. Scheidel (ed.), Rome and China: comparative perspectives on ancient world empires, Oxford University Press: New York, 2009, 137-207

‘Sex and empire: a Darwinian perspective’, in: I. Morris and W. Scheidel (eds.), The dynamics of ancient empires: state power from Assyria to Byzantium, Oxford University Press: New York, 2009, 255-324

‘The demographic background’, in: S. M. Hübner and D. M. Ratzan (eds.), Growing up fatherless in antiquity, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2009, 31-40

‘New ways of studying incomes in the Roman economy’, in: A. Bowman and A. Wilson (eds.), Quantifying the Roman economy: methods and problems, Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2009, 346-352

‘Demography and sociology’, in: G. Boys-Stones, B. Graziosi and P. Vasunia (eds.), The Oxford handbook of Hellenic studies, Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2009, 665-677

‘Population and demography’, in: A. Erskine (ed.), A companion to ancient history, Wiley-Blackwell: Malden MA, Oxford, and Chichester, 2009, 134-145 (updated German version ‘Demographie’ in: S. von Reden and K. Ruffing (eds.), Handbuch Antike Wirtschaft, De Gruyter: Berlin 2023, 209-226)

‘Roman population size: the logic of the debate’, in: L. de Ligt and S. J. Northwood (eds.), People, land, and politics: demographic developments and the transformation of Roman Italy, 300 BC – AD 14, Brill: Leiden, 2008, 17-70

‘The comparative economics of slavery in the Greco-Roman world’, in: E. Dal Lago and C. Katsari (eds.), Slave systems: ancient and modern, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2008, 105-126  Review

‘The divergent evolution of coinage in eastern and western Eurasia’, in: W. V. Harris (ed.), The monetary systems of the Greeks and Romans, Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2008, 267-286

‘Demography’, in: W. Scheidel, I. Morris and R. Saller (eds.), The Cambridge economic history of the Greco-Roman world, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2007, 38-86

‘Marriage, families, and survival: demographic aspects’, in: P. Erdkamp (ed.), A companion to the Roman army, Blackwell: Malden MA, Oxford, and Carlton, 2007, 417-434

‘Mobilisierung und Beteiligung: die griechischen Stadtstaaten, Karthago und Rom’, in: G. Mandl and I. Steffelbauer (eds.), Krieg in der antiken Welt, Magnus Verlag: Essen, 2007, 420-435

‘Stratification, deprivation and quality of life’, in: M. Atkins and R. Osborne (eds.), Poverty in the Roman world, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2006, 40-59

‘The demography of Roman state formation in Italy’, in: M. Jehne and R. Pfeilschifter (eds.), Herrschaft ohne Integration? Rom und Italien in republikanischer Zeit, Verlag Antike: Frankfurt a. M., 2006, 207-226

‘Creating a metropolis: a comparative demographic perspective’, in: W. V. Harris and G. Ruffini (eds.), Ancient Alexandria between Egypt and Greece, Brill: Leiden, Boston and Cologne, 2004, 1-31

‘Ancient Egyptian sibling marriage and the Westermarck effect’, in: A. P. Wolf and W. H. Durham (eds.), Inbreeding, incest, and the incest taboo: the state of knowledge at the turn of the century, Stanford University Press: Stanford, 2004, 93-108

‘Gräberstatistik und Bevölkerungsgeschichte. Attika im achten Jahrhundert’, in: R. Rollinger and C. Ulf (eds.), Griechische Archaik: Interne Entwicklungen – externe Impulse, Akademie Verlag: Berlin, 2004, 177-185

‘Germs for Rome’, in: C. Edwards and G. Woolf (eds.), Rome the cosmopolis, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2003, 158-176

‘Helot numbers: a simplified model’, in: N. Luraghi and S. E. Alcock (eds.), Helots and their masters in Laconia and Messenia: histories, ideologies, structures, Harvard University Press: Cambridge MA and London, 2003, 240-247

‘The hireling and the slave: a transatlantic perspective’, in: P. Cartledge, E. E. Cohen and L. Foxhall (eds.), Money, labour and land: approaches to the economies of ancient Greece, Routledge: London and New York, 2002, 175-184

‘Brother-sister and parent-child marriage in premodern societies’, in: K. Aoki and T. Akazawa (eds.), Human mate choice and prehistoric marital networks: International Symposium 16, November 20-24, 2000, International Research Center for Japanese Studies: Kyoto, 2002, 33-47

‘T 17: Andokides 1, 107: Rückruf von Ostrakisierten und vielleicht auch anderen Verbannten zur Zeit der Perserkriege’, 271-276; ‘T 24: Andokides 3, 3-4: Die Rückkehr des ‘ostrakisierten’ Miltiades’, 342-349; ‘T 25: Platon, Gorgias 516d: Die Ostrakisierung des Themistokles und des Kimon’, 350-356; ‘T 28: Theopomp FGrHist 115 F 88: Der Rückruf des ostrakisierten Kimon’, 373-386; ‘T 29: Theopomp FGrHist 115 F 91: Thukydides Melesiou als (ostrakisierter) Gegner des Perikles’, 387-390; ‘T 30: Theopomp FGrHist 115 F 96b: Ostrakisierung und Tod des Hyperbolos’, 391-400; ‘T 36: Aristoteles, Politika 3, 1288 a 24-26: Ostrakismos als Maßnahme gegen herausragende Persönlichkeiten’, 432-434; [with H. Taeuber] ‘Vorbemerkung: Zu Verfasserschaft und Abfassungszeit der Athenaion Politeia’, 447-448; [with H. Taeuber] ‘T 40: Athenaion Politeia 27, 4: Die Ostrakisierung des Damon’, 459-464; [with H. Taeuber] ‘T 41: Athenaion Politeia 43, 5: Vorabstimmung in der Volksversammlung über die Abhaltung eines Ostrakismos’, 465-471; ‘Zum Verhältnis der Testimonien in Aristoteles‘ Politika zu den Testimonien in der Athenaion Politeia’, 472-474; ‘Aussagen der Testimonien über die Institution des Ostrakismos’, 483-494; ‘Die urkundliche Überlieferung’, 500-501, in: Ostrakismos-Testimonien I: Die Zeugnisse antiker Autoren, der Inschriften und Ostraka über das athenische Scherbengericht aus vorhellenistischer Zeit (487-322 v. Chr.), edited by P. Siewert in collaboration with S. Brenne, B. Eder, H. Heftner and W. Scheidel, Steiner Verlag Stuttgart: Stuttgart, 2002 (Historia Einzelschrift 155)

‘Progress and problems in Roman demography’, in: W. Scheidel (ed.), Debating Roman demography, Brill: Leiden, Boston and Cologne, 2001, 1-81

‘Salute, agricoltura e popolazione in Egitto nell’età romana e nel XIX secolo’, in: D. Vera (ed.), Demografia, sistemi agrari, regimi alimentari nel mondo antico: Atti de convegno internazionale di studi (Parma 17-19 ottobre 1997), Edipuglia: Bari, 1999, 309-324

‘The demography of Roman slavery and manumission’, in: M. Bellancourt-Valdher and J.-N. Corvisier (eds.), La démographie historique antique, Artois Presses Université: Arras, 1999, 107-115

‘Frauen als Ware: Sklavinnen in der Wirtschaft der griechisch-römischen Welt’, in: E. Specht (ed.), Frauenreichtum: Die Frau als Wirtschaftsfaktor im Altertum, Wiener Frauenverlag: Vienna, 1994, 143-180

‘Grain cultivation in the villa economy of Roman Italy’, in: J. Carlsen et al. (eds.), Landuse in the Roman empire (Analecta Romana Instituti Danici, Supplementum XXII), L’Erma di Bretschneider: Rome, 1994 (reprint 1997), 159-166

‘Sklaven und Freigelassene als Pächter und ihre ökonomische Funktion in der römischen Landwirtschaft (Colonus-Studien III)’, in: H. Sancisi-Weerdenburg et al. (eds.), De Agricultura: In memoriam Pieter Willem de Neeve (1945-1990), J. C. Gieben: Amsterdam, 1993, 182-196

‘Frau und Landarbeit in der Alten Geschichte’, in: E. Specht (ed.), Nachrichten aus der Zeit: Ein Streifzug durch die Frauengeschichte des Altertums, Wiener Frauenverlag: Vienna, 1992, 195-235



Short notes and minor contributions

‘Covid-19: effetti della pandemia su disuguaglianza e ingiustizia,’ Consorzio per il festivalfilosofia: Modena, 2023

‘Beyond technology and wages: power and the history of inequality,’ in: IFS Deaton Review November 26, 2021. Republished in: Oxford Open Economics 3 (2024), i212-i216.

‘Preisrede/Prize speech,’ in: W. Scheidel, D. Engels, G. Morgenthaler and M. Otte, Walter Scheidel, die moderne Geschichtskomparatistik und Oswald Spengler: Reden anlässlich der Verleihung des Oswald-Spengler-Preises an Walter Scheidel, 13. November 2020, Manuscriptum: Lüdinghausen and Neuruppin, 2021, 115-162.

‘Monogamy, bigamy, and polygamy, III: Greco-Roman antiquity,’ in: Encyclopedia of the bible and its reception, De Gruyter: Berlin, 2021

‘The coronavirus pandemic and the future of economic inequality,’ in: Social Research 87 (2020), 293-295

‘Inequality: total war as a great leveler,’ in: VoxEU September 2, 2019, and Stephen Broadberry and Mark Harrison, eds., The economics of the Second World War: seventy-five years on, CEPR Press: London, 2020, 100-106; abridged German version ‘Der Zweite Weltkrieg als grosser Gleichmacher,’ Ökonomenstimme October 9, 2019

‘Inequality: from the Great War to the Great Compression,’ in: Stephen Broadberry and Mark Harrison, eds., The economics of the Great War: a centennial perspective, CEPR Press: London, 2018, 145-152

Afterword to ‘On the probable age structure of the Roman population’ and ‘Graveyards for historians’, in: K. Hopkins, Sociological studies in Roman history, edited by C. Kelly, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2018, 154-159

‘Historical demography in the very long run: how long is very long?’, in: K. Matthis, S. Hin, J. Kok and H. Matsuo (eds.), The future of historical demography: upside down and inside out, Acco: Leuven, 2016, 19-21

‘Demographie’, in: H. Heinen (ed.), Handwörterbuch der antiken Sklaverei, CD-ROM-Lieferung I-IV, Franz Steiner Verlag: Stuttgart, 2012

‘Rome and China: a tale of two empires’, in: Ad Familiares 37 (2009), 9-11

‘Epidemics’, ‘Roman population and demography’, in: M. Gagarin (ed.), Encyclopedia of ancient Greece and Rome, Oxford University Press: New York, 2009

‘Demography of the ancient world’, in: S. N. Durlauf and L. E. Blume (eds.), The new Palgrave dictionary of economics online, Palgrave Macmillan: 2008

‘Vom Nutzen des Open Access in den Geisteswissenschaften’, in: FWF Info 65 (2008), 14-15

‘From monetization to culture change’, in: Archaeological Dialogues 12.1 (2005), 35-37

‘Bibliographie’, in: W. Szaivert and R. Wolters, Löhne, Preise, Werte: Quellen zur römischen Geldwirtschaft, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft: Darmstadt, 2005, 357-373

‘Überleben’, in: Historicum 83 (2004), 16-20

[with Brett Rogers] ‘Driving stakes, driving cars: Californian car culture, sex, and identity in Buffy the Vampire Slayer’, in: Slayage: The Online International Journal of Buffy Studies 13/14 (2004)

‘Demography of ancient world’, in: P. Demeny and G. McNicoll (eds.), Encyclopedia of population, Macmillan Reference USA: New York, 2003, 44-48

‘Foreword’, in: M. I. Finley (ed.), Classical slavery, Frank Cass: London and Portland, Reprint 1999, VII-XIII

‘Moses I. Finley’, ‘Galley slaves’, ‘Ancient Mediterranean slave trade’, in: P. Finkelman and J. C. Miller (eds.), Macmillan encyclopedia of world slavery, vols. 1-2, Simon & Schuster Macmillan: New York, 1998, 332-333, 355-356, 830-831

‘Servus vicarius’, ‘Stoicism’, ‘Vernae’, in: J. P. Rodriguez (ed.), The Historical encyclopedia of world slavery, vol. 2, ABC-CLIO Press: Santa Barbara, 1997, 578-579, 611-612, 670-671

‘Instrumentum vocale: Bauern und Sklaven in der römischen Landwirtschaft’, in: Historicum 47 (1996), 24-29

[with Monika Gerstmayer, Wolfgang Szaivert and Reinhard Wolters] ‘Quellensammlung zu Löhnen, Preisen und Wertangaben im römischen Reich (3. Jh. v. Chr. – 3. Jh. n. Chr.)’, in: M. Fell et al. (eds.), Datenbanken in der Alten Geschichte, Scripta Mercaturae Verlag: St. Katharinen, 1994, 91-95

‘Juristic terminology in Columella: an addendum’, in: Eranos 89 (1991), 64

‘Ein Fall von Großpacht? Zu einer neuen Auflösung von CIL IX 3674, 7’, in: Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte, Romanistische Abteilung 107 (1990), 373-375

‘Free-born and manumitted bailiffs in the Graeco-Roman world’, in: Classical Quarterly 40 (1990), 591-593



News media and magazine articles

‘L’histoire des inégalités vue à vol d’oiseau,’ in: Cités 89, 2022, 21-25

‘The road from Rome,’ in: Aeon April 15, 2021 (Czech translation in: Deník N June 11, 2021)

‘After Covid,’ in: Liberties 1.2, Winter 2021, 217-238

‘Beyond enlightened prudence and reckless abandon,’ in: Chronicle of Higher Education June 18, 2020

‘Don’t let this crisis go to waste,’ in: Noema June 8, 2020

‘The Spanish Flu didn’t wreck the global economy,’ in: Foreign Affairs May 28, 2020 (Week six winner of the prize contest “Applying history to clarify the COVID-19 challenge,” Stanton Foundation, June 2, 2020)

‘Waiting for the great leveller,’ in: Standpoint May 22, 2020 (online) & May/June 2020, 25-26 (print)

‘Inequality and instability in the time of COVID-19,’ in: Inference May 18, 2020

‘Does COVID-19 mean socialism or social collapse?’ in: Spectator USA May 6, 2020 & Spectator Australia May 7, 2020

‘Why the wealthy fear pandemics,’ in: New York Times April 9, 2020 (online) & April 19, 2020 (print)

‘Disuguaglianza e violenza nella storia,’ in: il Mulino 1/2020, March 18, 2020

‘What did the Romans ever do for us?,’ in: Spectator USA October 14, 2019

‘Kriege nivellieren Gesellschaften – wie gelingt friedliche Gleichmacherei?’ WirtschaftsWoche 38 (2018), 44-45

‘La violence réduit les inégalités, enseigne l’histoire,’ in: Le Monde December 1, 2017

‘Die vier apokalyptischen Reiter der Nivellierung,’ in: Schweizer Monat 1051, November 2017, 12-17

‘The bloodstained leveller,’ in: Aeon June 19, 2017

‘The only conquerors of inequality are the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse,’ in: PBS Newshour (“Making Sen$e”) June 16, 2017

‘Only cataclysm can cure inequality,’ in: Boston Globe June 8, 2017

‘How deprivation and the threat of violence made Sweden equal,’ in: Zócalo Public Square April 19, 2017

‘Inequality has historically been leveled only by terrible violence and upheaval’, in: Huffington Post February 23, 2017

‘The only thing, historically, that’s curbed inequality: catastrophe’, in: The Atlantic February 21, 2017

‘What tames inequality? Violence and mayhem’, in: Chronicle of Higher Education February 2, 2017



Online-only papers and websites

‘Inequality reduction between tragedy and progress: The Great Leveler and recent scholarship, 2017-2024,’ Working paper, August 28, 2024 (,,

‘Citation scores for Greco-Roman historians in North America, fall 2022,’ Working paper, October 2022 (,

‘Farewell to standards? A response to Richard Hodges,’ Working Paper, May 2021 (,, (revised version ‘Confronting divergence,’ Working paper, September 2021,; summary ‘In defense of big history: a reply to Richard Hodges,’ in: Journal of Roman Archaeology 34 (2021), 998-999)

‘Citation scores for Greco-Roman historians in North America, 2019,’ Working paper, September 2019 (with a January 2021 update) (,

‘Empires of inequality: ancient China and Rome,’ Princeton/Stanford Working Papers in Classics, Version 1.0, August 2016 (,

‘Death and the city: ancient Rome and beyond’, Princeton/Stanford Working Papers in Classics, Version 1.0, May 2015 (,

‘Orbis: the Stanford geospatial network model of the Roman world’, Princeton/Stanford Working Papers in Classics, Version 1.0, May 2015 (,, Scheidel_64.pdf)

‘Updated citation scores for ancient historians in the United States’, Princeton/Stanford Working Papers in Classics, Version 1.0, September 2011

‘Human development and quality of life in the long run: the case of Greece’, Athens Dialogues E-Journal 2010 (

‘Greco-Roman sex ratios and femicide in comparative perspective,’ Princeton/Stanford Working Papers in Classics, Version 1.0, January 2010

‘How to make ancient history programs less ancient’, Committee on Ancient History of the American Philological Association, April 2008

‘Citation scores for ancient historians in the United States’, Princeton/Stanford Working Papers in Classics, Version 1.0, February 2008

‘Comparative history as comparative advantage: China’s potential contribution to the study of ancient Mediterranean history’, Princeton/Stanford Working Papers in Classics, Version 1.0, April 2006

‘Republics between hegemony and empire: how ancient city-states built empires and the USA doesn’t (anymore)’, Princeton/Stanford Working Papers in Classics, Version 1.0, February 2006

‘Military commitments and political bargaining in ancient Greece’, Princeton/Stanford Working Papers in Classics, Version 1.0, November 2005

Co-founder, Princeton/Stanford Working Papers in Classics, 2005

‘Prices and other monetary valuations in Roman history: ancient literary evidence and modern scholarship’, no date,



Book reviews

Review essays

‘Resetting history’s dial? A critique of The dawn of everything [review essay on: D. Graeber and D. Wengrow, The dawn of everything: a new history of humanity, New York 2021], in: Cliodynamics Special Issue (2022), Review 4, 1-27 (French translations: ‘Sur l’idéalisme de David Graeber et David Wengrow,’ in: Le Partage October 15, 2022, and ‘Déplacer le curseur de l’histoire,’ in: Sociétés Plurielles 8, 2024, 170-205)

‘Die biologische Dimension der Alten Geschichte: Bemerkungen zu Robert Sallares, The ecology of the ancient Greek world’ [review essay on: R. Sallares, The ecology of the ancient Greek world, London, 1991], in: Tyche 11 (1996), 207-222

‘Slavery and the shackled mind: on fortune-telling and slave mentality in the Graeco-Roman world’ [review essay on: F. Kudlien, Sklaven-Mentalität im Spiegel antiker Wahrsagerei, Stuttgart 1991], in: Ancient History Bulletin 7 (1993), 107-114

‘A new ‘Roman agrarian history’?’ [review essay on: D. Flach, Römische Agrargeschichte, Munich 1990], in: Ancient History Bulletin 6 (1992), 30-41


Reviews and notices

Review of: E. H. Seland, A global history of the ancient world: Asia, Europe and Africa before Islam, London 2022; R. Schulz, Welten im Aufbruch: eine Globalgeschichte der Antike, Stuttgart 2025, for: Journal of Roman Studies 115 (2025) (in preparation)

Review of: J.-M. Robinson, ‘Blood is thicker than water:’ non-royal consanguineous marriage in ancient Egypt. An exploration of economic and biological outcomes, Oxford 2020, in: Review of Biblical Literature December 29, 2023

Review of: T. Brughmans and A. Wilson (eds.), Simulating Roman economies: theories, methods, and computational models, Oxford 2022, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2023.07.11

Review of: P. Frankopan, The earth transformed: an untold history, London 2023, in: Financial Times February 25, 2023

Review of: D. Graeber and D. Wengrow, The dawn of everything: a new history of humanity, New York 2021, in: Foreign Affairs 101.3 (May/June 2022), 187-193

Review of: P. Dwyer and J. Damousi (eds.), The Cambridge world history of violence, 4 vols., Cambridge 2020, in: H-Albion July 2021

Review of: H. Beck and G. Vankeerberghen (eds.), Rulers and ruled in ancient Greece, Rome, and China, Cambridge 2021, in: Classical Review 71 (2021), 432-435

Review of: R. B. Ford, Rome, China, and the barbarians: ethnographic traditions and the transformation of empires, Cambridge 2020, in: Classical Review 71 (2021), 205-207

Review of: M. MacMillan, War: how conflict shaped us, New York 2020, in: Michigan War Studies Review, December 9, 2020

Review of: C. Ando and S. Richardson (eds.), Ancient states and infrastructural power: Europe, Asia, and America, Philadelphia 2017, in: Journal of World History 31 (2020), 447-449

Review of: L. E Tacoma, Moving Romans: migration to Rome in the Principate, Oxford 2016, in: Journal of Roman Archaeology 32 (2019), 683-689

Review of: J. C. Scott, Against the grain: a deep history of the earliest states, New Haven 2017, in: Financial Times October 7, 2017

Review of: P. T. Hoffman, Why did Europe conquer the world?, Princeton 2015, in: Montreal Review April 2017

Review of: P. Temin, The Roman market economy, Princeton 2013, in: Journal of Roman Studies 104 (2014), 293-294

Review of: A. Bowman and A. Wilson (eds.), Settlement, urbanization, and population, Oxford 2012, in: Mnemosyne 67 (2014), 1047-1050

Review of: L. de Ligt, Peasants, citizens and soldiers: studies in the demographic history of Roman Italy 225 BC – AD 100, Cambridge 2012; A. Launaro, Peasants and slaves: the rural population of Roman Italy (200 BC to AD 100), Cambridge 2011, in: Journal of Roman Archaeology 26 (2013), 678-687

[with Joseph Manning] Review of: W. Clarysse and D. J. Thompson, Counting the people in Hellenistic Egypt, Vols. 1-2, Cambridge 2006, in: Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 47 (2010), 267-273

Review of: T. P. Wiseman, Remembering the Roman people: essays on late-republican politics and literature, Oxford 2008, in: American Journal of Philology 131 (2010), 335-338

Review of: G. Stangl, Antike Populationen in Zahlen: Überprüfungsmöglichkeiten von demografischen Zahlenangaben in antiken Texten, Frankfurt a.M. 2008, in: Historische Zeitschrift 290 (2010), 737-738

Review of: R. Rollinger and C. Ulf (eds.), Commerce and monetary systems in the ancient world: means of transmission and cultural interaction, Stuttgart 2004, in: Ancient West & East 8 (2009), 414-416

Review of: J. Haas, Die Umweltkrise des 3. Jahrhunderts n.Chr. im Nordwesten des Imperium Romanum, Stuttgart 2006, in: Journal of Roman Studies 98 (2008), 268-269

Review of: M. H. Hansen, The shotgun method: the demography of the ancient Greek city-state culture, Columbia and London 2006; Studies in the population of Aigina, Athens and Eretria, Copenhagen 2006, in: Klio 90 (2008), 487-489

Review of: A. M. Eckstein, Mediterranean anarchy, interstate war, and the rise of Rome, Berkeley 2006, in: Journal of Interdisciplinary History 39 (2008), 104-106

Review of: L. Foxhall, Olive cultivation in ancient Greece: seeking the ancient economy, Oxford 2007; A. Moreno, Feeding the democracy: the Athenian grain supply in the fifth and fourth centuries BC, Oxford 2007; G. J. Oliver, War, food and politics in early Hellenistic Athens, Oxford 2007, in: Times Literary Supplement 5487, May 30, 2008, 27

Review of: M. Sartre, The Middle East under Rome, Cambridge MA 2005, in: Journal of Economic History 67 (2007), 236-237

Review of: E. Herrmann-Otto (ed.), Unfreie Arbeits- und Lebensverhältnisse von der Antike bis in die Gegenwart: eine Einführung, Hildesheim 2005, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2006.08.54

Review of: H.-J. Drexhage, H. Konen and K. Ruffing, Die Wirtschaft des römischen Reiches (1.-3. Jahrhundert): eine Einführung, Berlin 2002, in: Classical Review 55 (2005), 251-253

Review of: H. Bellen and H. Heinen (eds.), Bibliographie zur antiken Sklaverei, 2 vols., Stuttgart 2003, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2005.09.39

Review of: L. Schumacher, Slaverei in der Antike: Alltag und Schicksal der Unfreien, Munich 2001, in: Journal of Roman Archaeology 16 (2003), 577-581

Review of: R. S. Bagnall et al., The census register P.Oxy 984: The reverse of Pindar's Paeans, Brussels 1997, in: Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 38 (2001), 147-151

Review of: J. Andreau et al. (eds.), Entretiens d’archéologie et d’histoire: économie antique. Prix et formations des prix dans les économies antiques, Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges 1997, in: Classical Review 51 (2001), 323-325

Review of: E. Lo Cascio (ed.), Terre, proprietari e contadini dell'impero romano: dall’affitto agrario al colonato tardoantico, Rome 1997; M. Mircovic, The later Roman colonate and freedom, Philadelphia 1997, in: Journal of Roman Archaeology 13 (2000), 727-732

Review of: E. Lo Cascio (ed.), Terre, proprietari e contadini dell'impero romano: dall’affitto agrario al colonato tardoantico, Rome 1997, in: Classical Review 50 (2000), 201-202

Notice of: M. Moggi and G. Cordiano (eds.), Schiavi e dipendenti nell’ambito dell’‘oikos’ e della ‘familia’, Pisa 1997, in: Classical Review 50 (2000), 356-357

Review of: J.-U. Krause et al., Schichten, Konflikte, religiöse Gruppen, materielle Kultur (Bibliographie zur römischen Sozialgeschichte 2), Stuttgart 1998, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review 1999.01.4

Notice of: H. Solin, Die stadtrömischen Sklavennamen: ein Namenbuch, 3 vols., Stuttgart 1996, in: Classical Review 49 (1999), 296-297

Notice of: P. Desy, Recherches sur l’économie apulienne au IIe et au Ier siècle avant notre ère, Brussels 1993, in: Gnomon 70 (1998), 365-366

Review of: P. Hunt, Slaves, warfare and ideology in the Greek historians, Cambridge 1998, in: Anglo-Hellenic Review 18 (1998), 19-20

Review of: F. Hinard (ed.), La mort au quotidien dans le monde romain, Paris 1995, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review 7 (1996), 524-532

Review of: R. S. Bagnall and B. W. Frier, The demography of Roman Egypt, Cambridge 1994, in: Population Studies 50 (1996), 555

Review of: K. Bradley, Slavery and society at Rome, Cambridge 1994, in: Phoenix 50 (1996), 174-176

Review of: E. Herrmann-Otto, Ex ancilla natus: Untersuchungen zu den ‘hausgeborenen’ Sklaven und Sklavinnen im Westen des römischen Kaiserreiches, Stuttgart 1994, in: Tyche 11 (1996), 274-278

Review of: K.-P. Johne (ed.), Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft des Römischen Reiches im 3. Jahrhundert, Berlin 1994, in: Journal of Roman Studies 85 (1995), 289-290

Notice of: B. Forsén, Lex Licinia Sextia de modo agrorum – fiction or reality?, Helsinki 1991, in: Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft 47 (1994), 125-126

Notice of: N. Criniti, La Tabula Alimentaria di Veleia, Parma 1991, in: Tyche 9 (1994), 229

Notice of: D. Hägermann and H. Schneider, Landbau und Handwerk 750 v. Chr. bis 1000 n. Chr. (Propyläen Technikgeschichte 1), Berlin 1991, in: Tyche 9 (1994), 234

Notice of: J.-U. Krause, Die Familie und weitere anthropologische Grundlagen (Bibliographie zur römischen Sozialgeschichte 1), Stuttgart 1992, in: Tyche 9 (1994), 237-238

Notice of: L. P. Marinovic et al., Die Sklaverei in den östlichen Provinzen des römischen Reiches im 1.-3. Jahrhundert, Stuttgart 1992, in: Tyche 9 (1994), 239-240

Review of: J. K. Evans, War, women and children in ancient Rome, London & New York 1991, in: Tyche 8 (1993), 242-243

Review of: G. Wesch-Klein, Liberalitas in rem publicam: Private Aufwendungen zugunsten von Gemeinden im römischen Afrika bis 284 n. Chr., Bonn 1990, in: Tyche 7 (1992), 249-251

Review of: R. Duncan-Jones, Structure and scale in the Roman economy, Cambridge 1990, in: Tyche 6 (1991), 256-259

Notice of: P. Garnsey, Famine and food-supply in the Graeco-Roman world: responses to risk and crisis, Cambridge 1988, in: Tyche 5 (1990), 202-203

Notice of: P. Garnsey and R. Saller, Das römische Kaiserreich: Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Kultur, [German transl.] Reinbek 1989, in: Tyche 5 (1990), 203