Ocean Waves from Relaxation Media Shannon Shankle Webmistress Extraordinaire Stanford University SPARK & SCCTER


Shannon Denise Shankle

black-horizontal stanford university logo

I am an Administrative Assistant with the School of Medicine Dean's Office at Stanford University. I support Daria Mochly Rosen and Harry Greenberg, both Senior Associate Deans for Research.

Currently, I am working on creating the websites for the SPARK* program and the SCCTR** program.

My coworkers include:

My home page is under construction! I learned how to create it in a class called Dreamweaver Lite. My instructor for this class was: Mark Banom

*SPARK is not an acronym

**SCCTR = Stanford Center for Clinical & Translational Research

I find it helpful to use GoodSearch and Google to find information on the web.

Last Updated: January 17, 2008
© 2008 Shannon D. Shankle

Aliases: designandconstruct at sbcglobal dot net, webmistress at jloeb dot org, tallrydr at sbcglobal dot net, sds at stanford dot edu

My favorite actor: Julian McMahon

cropped face shot of Julian McMahon


For Sale: Original Watercolor painting by Joyce Barron Leopardo $475

tucker watercolor red background dog boxer Top of page