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Publications of Professor Thomas Kailath

Other Papers on Signal Processing

M. Morf, A. Vieira, D. Lee and T. Kailath, ``Recursive Multichannel Maximum Entropy Spectral Estimation,IEEE Trans. Geoscience Elect., 16(2):85-94, April 1978.

T. Kailath, ``Linear Estimation for Stationary and Near-Stationary Processes,” Lecture Notes for Arab School on Science and Technology Summer School on Signal Processing, Hemisphere Publishing Co., Damascus, Syria, August 1983.

B. Egardt, T. Kailath and V.U. Reddy, ``High-Resolution Spectral Analysis using Multi-Step Adaptive Prediction,” Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, 2(4):422-443, November 1983.

A. Paulraj, V.U. Reddy and T. Kailath, ``Analysis of Signal Cancellation Due to Multipath in Optimum Beamformers for Moving Arrays,” IEEE Trans. Oceanic Engineering, special issue on Underwater Acoustic Signal Processing, 12(1):163-172, January 1987.

D. Spielman, A. Paulraj and T. Kailath, ``Eigenstructure Approach to Directions-of-Arrival Estimation in IR Detector Arrays,” J. Appl. Optics, 26(2):199-202, January 1987.

A. Bruckstein and T. Kailath, ``An Inverse Scattering Framework for Several Problems in Signal Processing,” ASSP Magazine, 4(1):6-20, January 1987.

D.T. Slock and T. Kailath, ``A Fast RLS Transversal Filter for Adaptive Linear Phase Filtering,” Int'l. J. Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 2:157-179, 1988.

A. Paulraj and T. Kailath, ``Direction of Arrival Estimation by Eigenstructure Methods with Imperfect Spatial Coherence of Wavefronts,” J. Acoust. Soc. of Amer., 83(3):1034-1040, March 1988.

Y. Bresler and T. Kailath, ``Model Tracking Based on Signal Shift and Shape,” Traitement du Signal, 22:269-291, 1988.

J. Gisladottir, H. Lev-Ari and T. Kailath, ``Orthogonal Realization of First-Order Allpass Filters for Two-Dimensional Signals,” Multidimensional Systems and Signal Process, 1(1):39-50, March 1990.

M. Viberg, B. Ottersten, and T. Kailath, ``Subspace Based Detection for Linear Structural Relations,” J. Combin. Inform. System Sci., 16(2\&3):170-189, 1991.

A. Sayed and T. Kailath, ``A State-Space Approach to Adaptive RLS Filtering,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 11(3):18-60, July 1994.

P. Park and T. Kailath, ``An Extended Inverse QR Adaptive Filtering Algorithm,” Signal Processing, 40:311-318, 1994.

T. Kailath and A.H. Sayed, ``On Lossless Cascades in Structured Matrix Factorization,” Archiv F”ur Electronik and "Ubertragungstechnik, 1995; vol. 49, no.5-6, p. 30-312

A lattice algorithm dual to the extended inverse QR algorithm. PooGyeon Park; Kailath, T. Signal Processing; Nov. 1995; vol.47, no.2, p.115-33

A.H. Sayed, B. Hassibi and T. Kailath, ``Inertia Properties of Indefinite Quadratic Forms,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Feb. 1996, vol 3(2), p.57-59.

Recent developments in blind channel equalization: From cyclostationarity to subspaces. Liu, H.; Xu, G.; Tong, L.; Kailath, T. Signal Processing; April 1996; vol.50, no.1-2, p.83-99

Efficient estimation of closely spaced sinusoidal frequencies using subspace-based methods. Halder, B.; Kailath, T. IEEE Signal Processing Letters; Feb. 1997; vol.4, no.2, p.49-51

Estimation of multiple 2-D uniform motions by SLIDE: subspace-based line detection. Aghajan, H.K.; Khalaj, B.H.; Kailath, T. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing; April 1999; vol.8, no.4, p.517-26

FIR H{sup infinity } equalization. Erdogan, A.T.; Hassibi, B.; Kailath, T. Signal Processing; May 2001; vol.81, no.5, p.907-17

  Last modified 1/17/2013