Nick Headshot

Nick Troccoli

Lecturer - Stanford Computer Science Department

Durand Building, Office 313
496 Lomita Mall
Stanford, CA 94305 (general email),
or (for CS111-related emails for current CS111 students),
or (for CS107-related emails for current CS107 students)
Appointments Calendar
(Note: if opening this link displays a message that Google Calendar is not available,
try to view this page when logged in with a non-Stanford Google account, or when not logged into any Google account)

Teaching (2024-25): CS 111 (Fall), CS 111 (Win.), CS 107 (Spr.)
Help Hours: See my current course's website above, see my tea hours schedule below, or email me / see my appointments calendar above for a separate time to chat

Hi there! I'm Nick Troccoli, a Lecturer in the Stanford Computer Science Department. I started as a full-time lecturer at Stanford in Fall 2018, after graduating from Stanford in June 2018 with Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in Computer Science. Over the past six years, I've taught CS106X, CS107, CS110 and CS111. In 2022 and 2024, I was fortunate enough to be named to the Tau Beta Pi Teaching Honor Roll. As a student, during my undergraduate career, I specialized in Systems, and during my graduate career I specialized in Artificial Intelligence. I was heavily involved in teaching as both an undergraduate and graduate student; I was an undergraduate Section Leader in the CS 198 Section Leading Program, a graduate CA (Course Assistant) for CS 181, the Head TA for CS 106A and CS 106B, and the summer 2017 instructor for CS 106A. I was also fortunate enough in 2017 to be awarded the Forsythe Teaching Award and the Centennial TA Award for excellence in teaching.

If you'd like to set up a private time to meet, you can schedule a meeting through the appointments page here, or feel free to send me an email. If you'd like to stop by to chat in a casual group setting, you can also stop by my "Tea Hours"! Tea Hours are non-course-material hours for casual chatting about CS courses, classes this quarter, or anything else that's on your mind! You're welcome to stop by whether or not I'm currently working with you in a course. I'll have hours each week at different times, and will have tea! (or you're welcome to bring your own as well).

Tea Hours Calendar